Thursday, March 31, 2011

An appreciation for the life of Paul Baran, dead at 84; helped create Internet's precursor Arpanet.

by Christopher Hessman

Fellow citizens of the Internet, one of our Founding Fathers, Paul Baran, has died, at 84, in Palo Alto, California.

Pray, take a moment from your busy day online and have a kind thought for a man, a brilliant man, so far in advance of his times that he was written off as little more than a kook, his idea science fiction, not practical technology.

This is a story about people who see visions that others cannot see. So often spurned, they must instead be cherished.

This is a story about people who should have known better, whose ignorance and unwillingness to listen nearly cost the world one of its greatest and most important assets. Thankfully wiser heads prevailed.

This is the story of a man who persisted in the face of rejection, wondering why authorities didn't "get it" but determined to persist until they did. He triumphed and we all won.

This is the story of Paul Baran, and it is a fascinating look at how one man's persistence and unwavering belief can lead to dramatic change and benefits for all.

Born in Poland, April 29,1926.

Paul Baran's first piece of good luck happened when his Jewish parents emigrated from Grodno, Poland (now in Belarus) May 11, 1928. Had his family stayed in Poland, they would almost certainly have gone to a concentration camp and horrible death. But Paul, his two siblings and parents landed in Boston, then moved to Philadelphia where his father opened a grocery store.

Baran graduated from Drexel University in 1949 (then called Drexel Institute of Technology with a degree in electrical engineering. After graduation, he joined the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company where he did technical work on UNIVAC models. Baran was lucky again, for these models were the first brand of commercial computers in the USA. He had a heady glimpse of the future, a computer-based future.

In 1955, he moved to Los Angeles and worked for Hughes Aircraft on radar systems. He obtained a Master's degree from UCLA. His thesis was on character recognition.

Baran then went to work at the RAND Corporation (1955). There he took on the task of designing a "survivable" communications system that could maintain communications between end points in the face of damage from nuclear weapons. This was the height of the Cold War and America was vulnerable. Most American military communications used High Frequency connections which could be put out of action for many hours by nuclear attack.

Baran decided to automate RAND director Franklin B. Collbohm's previous work with emergency communication over conventional AM radio networks and showed that a distributed relay mode architecture could be survivable. Moreover, the Rome Air Development Center soon showed that the idea was practical. Paul Baran had a foot on the path that would, in due course, become the Internet we all rely upon and cannot imagine life without.

"Message blocks".

Still at RAND Corp. Baran next outlined the fundamentals for packaging data into discrete bundles, which he called "message blocks". The bundles are then sent on various paths around a network and reassembled at their destination. Such a plan is known as packet switching.

Baran's key idea was to build a distributed communications network, less vulnerable to attack or disruption than conventional networks. In a series of technical papers published in the 1960s, he suggested that networks be designed with redundant routes so that if a particular path failed or was destroyed, messages could still he delivered. He approached AT&T with the idea to build his proposed network.

AT&/T's response? "Baloney, your idea won't work", and so resoundingly refused.

Had the luck of Paul Baran, the lucky man, run out at last?

Certainly not because Baran had the necessary trait for this unpromising situation: he was dogged, persistent, indefatigable about explaining just what his futuristic invention could do. He never quit.

He needed it all in the face of AT&T's rooted opposition to Baran's idea. What they particularly disliked was this:

Baran's design flew in the face of telephony design of the time, placing inexpensive and unreliable nodes at the center of the network, and more intelligent terminating "multiplexer" devices at the endpoints. In Baran's words, unlike the telephony company's equipment, his design didn't require expensive "gold plated" components to be reliable.

AT&T engineers said over and over that Baran just plain didn't understand the science and technology. But he did... far more than the AT&T people who couldn't see the bonanza in front of them and so threw away the chance to develop -- and possibly own -- the Internet, a situation with immense consequences for all of us, not least AT&T which painfully discovered that "big" isn't always right.

"Paul wasn't afraid to go in directions counter to what everyone else thought was the right or only thing to do," said Vinton Cerf, a vice president at Google who was a colleague and long-time friend of Baran. "AT&T repeatedly said his idea wouldn't work and wouldn't participate in the Arpanet project."

Arpanet... and vindication.

In 1969, the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency built a network that used Baran's ideas along with those of other communications pioneers, the Founding Fathers and Mothers of the 'net.

In due course, Arpanet was replaced by the Internet we know. Paul Baran's crucial invention packet switching still lies at the heart of the network's internal workings, an insight so valuable that President George Bush gave him the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.

One of the nicest things to report is that Baran always said, forthrightly, that credit for development of Arpanet and the Internet should always be distributed as widely as possible. Founding People all needed recognition, not just a few. It was a gesture from the heart.

Now one of the great inventors of the age, a man of intelligence and insight is gone. However Paul Baran's chief invention (amongst his many) lives on, spectacularly so. Lucky himself, we are yet the luckier... for we had him, an avatar for the new, connected world in which we all must make our way. Paul Baran, we have good reason to remember you and rejoice.




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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling books and conducts daily webinars. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Commission Crusher ->

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does your dead dog smell? Reflections on marketing myths and realities from one who knows.

by Christopher Hessman

In the days when I taught university level marketing, I set my eager-beaver students a task.

Write a classified or space ad... and report on how it draws and what you did to handle any responses you received. In short, this project, like my teaching in general, was never merely theoretical, detached from reality. It was real! Vital! Truthful... and often, as a result, jolting. In other words, your class project either made money... or it didn't. Much more than your grade depended on it.

The scene of the crime...

All my students were adult practitioners, that is people who were already employed in professional positions or worked in home-based businesses or on the Internet. These were people who had a strong and pressing interest in mastering marketing. These students came because they needed to learn the ins and outs of marketing... or else. To such people one had an obligation, a sacred responsibility, to speak honestly, speak candidly, and address their real world concerns.

And I did.

On one occasion, a bright professional woman (I had lots of them in my classes) had the task of presenting her classified ad to the class... explaining why she wrote the ad she wrote, where she ran it, what the results were, how she followed up the respondents, and (and it was the all-important and) how much money this ad generated.

In other words, it was all real-life stuff.

She wrote her ad, as instructed, on the chalk board, the better for us to see the words which would shortly be shown as either golden, or dross. Then I became the Joe Friday ("facts, ma'am, just the facts") of the marketing drag-net.

"When did you start running this ad?" (Specific date required.)

"Where do you run this ad?" (Specific publication or venue required.)

"How many responses did you get?" (Specific number required.)

And then the kicker...

"How much money did you make... after deducting all actual costs of running the ad and responding to respondents?" (Exact dollar figures required.)

The lady squirms...

Now the moment of high truth and full disclosure had arrived. What had started as merely a class project had become for the person reporting a matter of life and death. The ad copy, you see, would show whether she had mastered the marketing essentials that either produced bucks... and all that those bucks could buy... or not.

Everything was riding on what she reported. And she knew it...

Bad, bad, tormentingly bad.

I an inveterate reader of body language, and this student's was typical of those who wish they were in any other place on earth rather than here, the cynosure of every eye in this most unrelenting of classes. Of course I knew she was squirming, mulling over how to disclose and deliver facts which (from that all important body language) were sure to be uncongenial. So... along with every member of the class.... I waited to see what the lady would say and do.

And we waited....

Then, at last, she admitted the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... and it wasn't pretty. She had run her classified ad six times... had not had a single response... and, of course, and worst of all, hadn't made a single penny.

Now, the lady, this aspiring marketer, stood before her classmates.... abashed, humiliated, at rock bottom, a total marketing failure.

Then I told her the first essential truth of marketing: does your dead dog smell? And does it, day by day, smell worse... until the nauseating stench overpowers everything else?

The ad copy you produce is like a dog. Its job is to go out, your servant, finding and bringing home what it captures; the quarry that sustains you and gives you comfort, even excess.

No dead dogs do this... neither do ads which fail to produce responses.

The student began to get the picture.

Her ad hadn't pulled and yet she continued to use it, paying good Yankee dollars to do so.. despite the fact she KNEW the dog was dead, stinking.

Why had she done this?

First, because she was sure, absolutely sure, Her Ad Was Brilliant, the stuff of legend... she was invested in the words... certain that given a chance they would produce the desirable results; aged to perfection, like a fine vintage.

But that is a huge mistake... and now she was willing, and the entire class with her, to find the essential nubbin of truth, that made everything she had done worthwhile.

1) Marketing copy doesn't improve with age. It either works at once, immediately, or it never works at all. Dead dogs never become quick and agile again... they just stink the more.

2) ALL marketing copy, at ALL times must be evaluated, starkly , by results and nothing but results.

3) You must never, ever re-run marketing copy without knowing its previous results.

4) The entire business of marketing is about writing copy, testing copy, evaluating the results produced by this copy, then tweaking the copy to improve it and your overall results.

Marketing is and always be an action sport... it is not for the slothful, lazy, or unassertive.

More tips

** Never, ever become invested in, beguiled by the marketing copy you create. It either works (producing responses and money), or it doesn't. Success isn't everything here... it's the ONLY thing.

** Never re-run ANY marketing copy until you are certain it works; that is, until you have money in hand.

** Trash your erroneous but deeply felt belief that you can find marketing copy which is so good, so responsive that you never have to change it, never have to do anything else with it than run it and reap perpetual rewards.

Such copy doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist.

Marketing is the most active sport in the world. Those who win at this sport, and the rewards can be staggering, are, to a person, people who are bold, active, engaged... not sleepy-heads hoping against hope that they will find and eternally profit from a few magic words artfully strung together. Those words have never been written.

Thus, energize yourself for the marketing you must do today, for if you want the rewards of marketing you must master and remain focused on and dedicated to the unrelenting truths of marketing.

Otherwise you are hunting with a dead dog... a dog that will never produce results. It will simply stink to high heaven. And that will never do.




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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. He is happy to give all readers, 50,000 free guaranteed visitors for attending his live webcast today. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Commission Crusher ->

The Rebulican Leadership-BUDGET


John Boehner prods Senate Democrats to put a budget proposal on the table. I just hope the Republicans just act fast quickly and precise to save our country. They need to do what they can to stop the melting pot on our dollar. They need to get out their message. Now, House Speaker John Boehner, noting that the Senate has not approved a budget plan, says: 'Pass the damn thing, all right? And send it over here.' Meanwhile, House GOP leaders say they will vote Friday to make their budget proposal the 'law of the land' if the Senate fails to act. I can say they need to take DRACONIAN LOOK AT OUR BUDGETS CUT HARD AND DEEP, or out dollar is going to be worthless and we will crash and burn. Most Americans do not understand this but the Obama agenda is not by accident this is all calculated to collapse the United States from within to over load the system and kill the economy while acting like he just got the job as President. All this going on now is his fault and he is on the our clock he is accountable for everything he says and does. Actions speak loader than words take that to what ever bank is still open. House GOP leaders also announced they will vote Friday to make their proposal for $61 billion in cuts the "law of the land" if the Senate fails to act by April 8, when the current spending bill expires.

I also believe the Social Security monies need to put back into the Lock Box for future payments to the system will not be spent 2000 times faster than received.
If this Republicans in congress do not act, to cut hard and fast and do what is necessary to not default on our obligations and also save the dollar.

Republicans have questioned who is in charge of the Senate — Reid, or the No. 3 Democrat, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, who oversees the Democrats' message duties and disclosed his strategy of targeting Republicans as "extreme" during a conference call this week when he did not realize reporters were on the line, according to reports. You voters need to watch and remember what is going on now with all the Democrats and when 2012 comes around "VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT"


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An appreciation for the life of Dr. Harry Coover, inventor of Super Glue, dead at 94.

by Christopher Hessman

Ever hear of Dr. Harry Coover? Probably not.

Know what cyanoacrylates are? Probably not.

Yet both of them have a place in your life -- under the commercial name Super Glue. You've surely heard of -- and used -- that!

And now you're about to learn the story about a smart man, his accidental invention, and how it holds the world together.

Picture the scene...

It's war time in America - World War II war time that is -- and Dr. Coover is doing his bit. He was working on a project; experimenting with acrylates for use in clear plastic gun sights. Problem was, he had to call it quits because those darned sticky acrylates just kept sticking to everything. Dr. Coover was in sight of his most well known invention... but he missed the forest for the trees. That time.

Fast forward to 1951.

Fred Joyner, who was working with Dr. Coover at Eastman Kodak's laboratory in Tennessee, was testing compounds looking for a heat- resistant coating for jet cockpits. When Joyner spread the 910th compound on the list between two lenses on a refractometer to take a reading on the velocity of light through it, he discovered he could not separate the lenses.

His initial reaction was panic at the loss of expensive lab equipment. No wonder. He had just ruined a machine worth $3000, which in 1951 was a fortune.

Yes, panic.

But Dr. Coover, remembering his 1942 problem with sticky cyanoacrylates had an "aha" moment. The forest was beginning to emerge... a moment of insight and perception that happens to every inventor -- especially if they're as smart as Harry Coover.

Yup, Harry Coover was about to break through, with the discovery that we all know and use all the time.

Coover in time-honored inventor fashion looked at cyanoacrylates in a new way. Not as things that ruin things like valuable lab equipment... but rather as adhesives with unique properties. They required no heat or pressure to bond.

Eureka! This was new, different, important.

The team started testing Coover's hypothesis. It must have been fun in the lab as they tried this new substance on various items. Each time the items became permanently bonded... just like Harry Coover and cyanoacrylates.

Kodak knew Harry and his team were on to Something Big. After all everybody and his brother were always attempting to bond things... but they usually didn't stick for very long which was a source of unending annoyance to all sorts of people.

In due course, Coover received patent number 2,768,109 for his "Alcohol-Catalyzed Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Composition/Superglue" and began refining the product for commercialization. His company packaged the adhesive as "Eastman 910" and began marketing it in 1958.

Marketing types quickly realized (faster than the inventive guys) that "Eastman 910" was most assuredly NOT a name to conjure with. What did it mean anyway? Flagging sales for one thing... A hot new name, a spokesman, and a break were required.

And, hey presto, there was Garry Moore, host of "I've Got A Secret" and Dr. Harry Coover, his guest. Dr. Coover's secret, of course, was that he had invented Super Glue. And then... he was asked to demonstrate. Coover was a natural showman and was eager to show what his baby could do.

A metal bar was lowered onto the stage, and Dr. Coover used a dab of the glue to connect two metal parts. Then he grabbed one and was raised in the air on the strength of his invention.

America took note. But Kodak couldn't make it profitable enough. It sold the business to National Starch in 1980, and things took off. The 1942 accident that started it all had turned into one of America's best-known products... it was the glue that kept the nation together!

But the best use for Super Glue was one you could hardly imagine. During the Vietnam War, it became apparent that cyanoacrylates could be used to treat war wounds. Field surgeons began using the substance by spraying it over open wounds. This stopped bleeding instantly and allowed hurt soldiers to be transported to medical facilities for conventional treatment. This saved lives.

Moreover, in due course, additional medical uses developed: rejoining veins and arteries during surgery, sealing bleeding ulcers, punctures or legions, stopping uncontrollable bleeding of some soft ulcers, and use during dental surgery. Super Glue was a medical marvel, saving lives one dab at a time.

Super Glue wasn't all, however.

Dr Coover was an invention dynamo his entire career. He held over 460 patents by the end of his life. But he had always been an achiever. He studied chemistry at Hobart College in New York and then received a master's degree and doctorate from Cornell University. He took a job with Eastman Kodak Co. and stayed with them his entire professional life; after retirement he stayed on as a consultant.

Dr. Coover understood the business of inventing. He spent his life pushing the envelope, dreaming dreams... and changing the world, one discovery after another. He understood, too, that inventors need optimism. They needed good work habits... persistence... the ability to see things in a different perspective to get results. They needed good team members.... and always, always good humor. When you're going to places no one has ever been before there will be lots of errors... and therefore lots of humor required.

Dr. Harry Coover excelled in them all.

Along the way, his achievements garnered many awards and a lifetime of recognition. He deserved them all... Industrial Research Institute Medal Achievement Award, the Maurice Holland Award, the ACS Earl B. Barnes Award, and the AIC Chemical Pioneers Award. In 2004, he was inducted into the National Inventor's Hall of Fame. And then in 2010, President Obama awarded him the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.

Dr. Harry Coover, dead at 94, March 26, 2011.

Dr. Coover is now gone. But his most famous invention -- Super Glue -- remains. It is a legacy that will stick... a useful legacy beloved of fixer-uppers everywhere. Coover always said he had a special place in his heart for his sticky invention, the invention that gave him the nickname "Mr. Super Glue." And why shouldn't he?

Inventors are special people. They see the world as it can be... not just as it is. Of these inventors, Dr. Coover was one of the best. He will be missed, of course; such people always are. But he gave us his best... and that was ample.

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<======MAKE A BETTER TOMORROW JOIN TODAY***** <====COME IN AND SEE THE EXCITEMENT****** <====SURVEY CHANGE YOUR LIFE***** <===JOIN TODAY, HAVE A BETTER FUTURE *** About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Commission Crusher ->

Sunday, March 27, 2011

OMG Oxford English Dictionary adds LOL and 1900 other entries.

by Christopher Hessman

If you love the English language at all, you're always glad to hear that it's thriving, by far the language with the greatest number of words and senses (that is, how those words are used). We know this in large measure from the hard-working folks at Oxford English Dictionary, which rightly bills itself as "the definitive record of the English language."

March 24, 2011 OED announced its latest update, revising more than 1,900 entries and adding new words from across the dictionary. As chief editor, John Simpson, reported things are hopping at OED.

Item: the new OED website is a gigantic success. In January, 2011 alone over 43% of all OED entries were accessed online at least once.

The most commonly researched words were dictionary itself. Then love, followed closely by culture... and an old favorite, nice.

Item: Over 30% of OED has now been revised and updated. 285,403 out of a total of 796,591 "senses" have been revised.

Item: 45,437 new words and meanings have been added since the last update. That means, over 13% of the dictionary is entirely new.

Item: Of the updated senses, 27% are "scientific" -- or were at least considered to fall within the sections allocated to OED's scientific editors.

All this is good news for people in love with language generally and the English language in particular. The English language is growing at an unprecedented rate. This is at least partly because of the Internet and its galaxy of new time-saving (purist affronting) abbreviations.

A number of these abbreviations -- including LOL, OMG, and IMHO -- are now part of the official English language, but not necessarily because these initialisms are new and widely used.

OMG ("Oh my God" (or sometimes "gosh", "goodness", etc.) isn't a new initialism. According to OED, OMG first appeared in a 1917 personal letter.

LOL ("laughing out loud") had a previous life, starting in 1960 when it meant "little old lady".

Fascinating isn't it?

The minute you start digging into the OED, not just new entries and senses either, you're hooked. Hours fly by as you get a peek inside the words that define who we are and how we communicate with each other. IMHO ("in my humble opinion") this can never be TMI ("too much information").

What does a word mean? Where does it originate?

OED is a language sleuth. Its daily, never ending task, is finding out what people are saying, what they mean by it, and where both word and meaning originated. It closely monitors language trends and decides when a word should be considered usual English vocabulary. Consider the new OED entry "wag".

In 2002, the Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported that the staff at the England footballers' pre-World Cup training camp referred to the players' partners collectively as "Wags", from the initial letters of "wives and girlfriends."

The term then remained relatively dormant, except for a small and brief revival around the time of Euro 2004, before the 2006 World Cup in Germany saw an explosion of usage, as the women, including Victoria Beckham and Colleen Rooney had a high profile of their own. Debates raged in the newspapers about whether the women's presence was "distracting" the footballers, alongside an equal fascination with what they were buying and wearing.

"Wag" quickly became a byword for the female partners of male professionals (in football and other spheres), often connoting a glamorous or extravagant lifestyle and a high media profile. By 2007 general readers could be expected to know what it meant... and the word was thus fast tracked to official OED standing.

OED makes a point of noting that it is quite uncommon for new words to reach a level of ubiquity in such a short time after their first appearance. What the rise of "wag" indicates is the importance retained by print media, even in this age of social networking. That surely cheered Fleet Street, where print media circulation and size have been steadily declining.

Other new words in the OED.

"Off the menu".

The culinary appetites of the English-speaking world are ever more diverse. So are the words needed to feed these appetites. The March, 2011 update sees OED adding such far-flung items as "banh mi" (also known as Vietnamese sandwich; "taquito" (a crisp-fried Tex-Mex snack); "kleftiko" (a Greek dish of slow-cooked lamb. And many other food-related items.

"From a land down under".

OED aims to cover lexical developments from throughout the English- speaking world. In this update, a few new items from Australian English enter the dictionary for the first time: "flat white", a style of espresso drink with finely textured foamed milk; "tragic" (a boring or socially inept person, especially one with an obsessive interest or hobby); and "yidaki", an Australian Aboriginal term for the musical instrument better known in English as a didgeridoo.

One more factoid.

This set of additions and revisions takes OED to the end of the letter R. In case you're wondering, the biggest entry in this range is "run". The verb alone contains 645 senses and is now the largest single entry in the dictionary; one sense is to run along... which is what I've got to do...

It's all about us.

Frankly, there are few books as riveting as OED. No wonder. It's ALL about us. It's about smart people spending the whole of their productive lives listening to what we say, how we say it, and who said it first. (Maybe you!) What could be better than that?

OED is as vital as the latest email, film, novel, or conversation in the deli. Reading OED you have a comfortable seat for the thing that interests us most about each other: what we are saying right now, new, different, outrageous, crazy, shrewd. It's all in OED.

That's why my OED and I are BFF ("best friends forever"). You should be, too.



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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. He is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Dr. Lant is happy to give all readers, 50,000 free guaranteed visitors for attending his live webcast today.

Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Commission Crusher ->

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Reichen Lehmkuhl reveals all -- again. What a boy will do to get ahead.

by Christopher Hessman

To be honest, I had forgotten Reichen Lehmkuhl... and apparently a lot of other people had too. That's the kiss of death for Reichen, a boy who has spent untold hours getting to be "known", only to slip back into the unfathomable depths of obscurity.

If Reichen doesn't know about the Myth of Sisyphus, he should. Sisyphus was a figure of Greek mythology, a man condemned to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. It is a tale of frustration, futility, and despair.

Is it better to inform him about Sisyphus, or not? A scene from Sam Spiegel's epic film "Nicholas and Alexandra" (1971) frames the issue.

The Bolsheviks of Ekaterinburg have decided to assassinate the entire Romanov family, Nicholas II, his Tsaritsa Alexandra, and their five children, along with some members of their court, even their dog. Their jailer knows this. He has been holding a sack full of their mail, wondering whether it would be "kind or cruel, cruel or kind" to give it to them.... He stands in the doorway of "The House of Special Purpose" musing. It is engrossing cinema but difficult to decide in real life...

I am faced by a similar conundrum. For it is painful to see what Reichen will do -- and has already done -- to capture the "bitch- goddess success". William James, a Harvard man, coined the phrase in 1906 here in Cambridge, Massachusetts. "The exclusive worship of the bitch-goddess success is our national disease."

James was celebrated worldwide when he made the celebrated observation. He was a man of family, education, worldwide renown, and substantial achievements.

All that he and Reichen Lehmkuhl have in common is the slender thread of Massachusetts birth, though James' insight is crucial to understanding Reichen.

Reichen, you see, will do anything, everything for the love and admiration of unknown people... this is his curse, and it is painful watching, and wincing, as he grasps at straws which cannot turn into enduring, useful bricks. He is the bitch-goddess' prisoner... no parole, no escape.

Born Richard Lehmkuhl, December 26, 1973.

Lehmkuhl's parents, a policeman and a nurse, divorced when he was five years old. Thereafter his mother moved to a trailer park on the Norton, Massachusetts Reservoir, near Wheaton College geographically, but a world away from its privileged youths. He was known as Richard then; "Reichen" he adopted after 2002. It sounded butch.

At age 16 (so it says in Wikipedia) , he received and accepted an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy. After graduating in 1996, he served five years and attained the rank of captain before his honorable discharge.

That's the official story.

The unofficial story is more difficult, more important, and changed Reichen's life.

In his first autobiography "Here's What We'll Say: Growing Up, Coming Out, and the U.S. Air Force" (2006) , Reichen tells the tale of being a gay cadet at the Air Force Academy, living a secret life that didn't remain a secret and the harsh reality of harassment based on sexual preference. Writing this book with total honesty was perhaps his finest moment.

But the bitch-goddess success never makes things easy. She exacts a terrible price from those who worship at her shrine and want another dose of addictive fame, success, and the love and admiration of people they will never meet.

That dose, for Reichen, came when he and his "spouse" Chip Arndt were selected for "The Amazing Race 4" -- and won.... a cool million the richer. Life wasn't only good; it was idyllic. Youth, recognition, fans, money, love... it just doesn't get any better than that.

Reichen was about to learn just how true that was.The bitch-goddess came with her I.O.U...and, as always, it was staggering.

He and Chip, the picture postcard perfect duo, split.

The money, easily acquired, was quickly dispersed, easy come, easy go.

Worst of all, Reichen, an officer and a gentleman by the act of Congress, a man of goals, deadlines, missions accepted, missions accomplished, now was ay loose ends, careerless, without the structure successful people know is crucial to their achievements and emotional well-being. The Air Force Officer who once flew high wasn't grounded anymore.

For immediate recognition, strip and show all.

Reichen was gifted by God and hard work with an eye-catching bod. Now he decided it could be his passport to greater glories... not to mention lots of dates. And so, no doubt after due deliberation, he decided to put that body, all of that body, on display. Someone should have reminded him of a scene from "Saturday Night Fever." (1977). A character named Annette wants a relationship with John Travolta's character Tony. But he warns her, "Good girl or slut," you can only be one or the other.

Stripped, Reichen started his descent, one provocative image at a time, flexed, nude, the sex tiger...

He was buff, he was tan, he was chiseled, he was out-of-control.

And the bitch-goddess was grinning in the background... she was enjoying her work.

Every time you saw Reichen in the media, and Reichen sightings were frequent, he had less on, showed more beefcake and was with yet another, always younger guy friend. He made the West Hollywood party scene, where he party-hardied. There were the usual rumors of drugs and the usual frantic dissipations.

Then Reichen found love, or so he said. Lance Bass, younger, richer, celebrated (but dowdy), himself a former 'N Sync band member wanted what Reichen had in spades... sex appeal to the max. Now there were endless Reichen and Lance sightings. For a while... then this relationship, too,tanked, so fast. It got ugly, it got messy, it got in the papers.

Now Reichen is shopping a new autobiography "It'll Be Great Exposure." On Twitter and Facebook, he says he's dedicating this volume to "all who get fed this line." In short, Reichen has become the "older but wiser boy"; or at least he says so.

The flesh is older now, though still alluring. It isn't go much fun to do the party thing either. And it gets old, just ask him, being asked to strip and smile. He was after all an Air Force Officer, a order giving man of spit and polish, destined for more than an aging boy toy. Now he's angling for a second chance, a reformation. Only the bitch-goddess success knows whether he can have it... If you don't see him in the papers, unclad and oiled, perhaps he got it after all.




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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.
Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Commission Crusher ->

Friday, March 25, 2011

'Tell mama... Tell mama all.' An appreciation for the life of Elizabeth Taylor, who did it her way.

by Christopher Hessman

First you saw two of the most beautiful people you had ever seen, Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift. That was reason enough to pay attention.

Then, all of a sudden, the film made a quantum leap from eye-candy to the profound mysteries of sexuality, eroticism, desire. And Elizabeth Taylor was no longer merely the spoiled teenaged daughter of the country club set. She was a man's ultimate desire... because she understood that desire is not about who you are... it's about understanding what the other person needs, deep down inside... and making it, if only for an instant, temptingly available.

"Tell mama," she whispered, "Tell mama all."

It was unexpected! It was erotic! It was kinky! This was the woman you'd kill for... as Montgomery Clift's character did... it couldn't be any other way.

This was Elizabeth Taylor... on the prowl, mesmerizing, entrancing, a woman who used her deep psychological insights to ensnare the man she wanted, the man who would ultimately bore her and so trigger another installment of the great game that was hers to play.

Was she just a character in "A Place In The Sun" (1951)... or was this the exciting, desirable woman herself? We didn't know... but we definitely wanted to find out, whatever the cost. And we knew there would be a cost, a terrible cost.

"Tell mama... tell mama all." We wanted the opportunity to do just that.

And they say the 'fifties were dull.... Not when Elizabeth Taylor was around. She didn't know the meaning of the word and always chose mayhem over the placid and serene.

Now the woman is gone... but her great renown, her celebrity, the legend all remain to titillate, captivate, thrill. All that will never be gone.

Elizabeth Rosamond Taylor, born February 27, 1932 in London.

Her father was an American art dealer, in London to open a gallery. Her mother,was an actress. Although only 7 years old when her parents decided to remove her from war-threatened England and return to Los Angeles, there was always a faint hint of an English girl about her. But she was American through and through for all that Queen Elizabeth II in 1999 made her a Dame of the British Empire. And always remember this: at the supreme moment of American hegemony, Elizabeth Taylor was the woman we made one of our signature images. We were her co-conspirators every step of the way.

"National Velvet" (1944).

Taylor's parents wanted her to be an actress. They packaged her like laundry soap and made the rounds of the studios. She did a successful screen test for Universal Pictures with her eyes -- violet and soon to be world famous -- the subject of comment. They always were.

That contract was brief and undistinguished, although she was paired with Carl Switzer ("Alfalfa" from the "Our Gang" movies) in the comedy "Man or Mouse". It was the last moment of her life when she would be unknown to the world... although not the last where both the film and her performance were underwhelming. She got used that.

Her character, Velvet Brown, was a horse crazy adolescent. But what Hollywood and the discerning public saw was the way she talked about horses -- she visibly throbbed with emotion. Her eyes -- those famous eyes -- gleamed, and her whole body shook with passion. "National Velvet" was a great hit... and it made Taylor, the mistress of passion, one of the hottest people on earth. She was just 12 years old, a real life Lolita. People talked about her; people always would.

The real problem was finding the suitable vehicle for her undeniable talent. It took 7 years -- and a series of not-quite-right roles; (can you say "Conspirator" with Robert Taylor, 1949?)... but at last it all came together in "A Place In The Sun." Velvet Brown no longer was passionate about ponies; now she wanted men... when she wanted them, even if they had to kill so she could have them.

In that moment of profound psychological insight, Taylor realized that power and satisfaction grew out of the ability to be what every person needed. As she leaned into Monty Clift's ear she was telling him she understood him and his needs and was ready to deliver. No wonder audiences thrilled. Women wanted to be her, so they could profit from this insight.

And men?

They would tell mama all; knowing that she would give them just want they wanted... and they would give her the world.

This role, this insight lead to everything that followed. Her motto now was "Let them come to you." And they did... a worldwide caravan of admirers, followers, fans... including the men she selected to share her journey, then discard. Of her 7 husbands (if you count Richard Burton twice), Michael Todd, showman, dynamo, impresario, was the most important. She might not have stayed with him, either. However he would have known how to fight for her... and she would admire that. She understood the crucial difference between men who desired her... and men who knew what she needed: a fighter. Tragically, he died in 1958, in a plane crash. It was the year of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", where she elevated insistent sensuality and the demands of desire to an art form. What "Maggie" wanted, Maggie got. Good women called her a "slut." But, when honest, women cheered her for doing what they could only dream of doing, with male management on top of the list. Elizabeth Taylor was never a hypocrite, something the hypocrites could never forgive. Her boldness affronted them, irritated them, infuriated them. It made the rest of us admire.

If Elizabeth Taylor cared, she never showed it or complained. It all worked to make her Larger than Life, the world riveted by every little move she made, with new husband in tow, or between "I do's."

Her last role was her finest, using the death of friend Rock Hudson from AIDS (1985) not as something to be ashamed of and forgotten, but as what it was: a medical challenge to be confronted directly, honestly. If there were any justice, the Vatican would make her a saint. Predictably they vilified her for "erotic vagrancy." It never said that about men and their amatory gyrations...

Dead at 79, March 23, 2011.

Now the lady is dead, a figure of history and lore... a creature of astonishing beauty with those violet eyes and talent, too, though not always seen in her films. Reports said she died of congestive heart failure, but that cannot be right, for she had nothing if not heart. It's what defined her.

That's why we believed her when she said,"Tell mama. Tell mamma all." We knew she meant it and had the heart to carry through, even unto our most secret needs. We had to have such a person in our lives... and would do anything to keep her there. Now she abides with each of us alone, forever.




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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses.
Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Local Mobile Monopoly ->

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mastering the fine art of reading aloud... and why you must do so.

by Christopher Hessman,

Go into any office in the world and its busy denizens will be emailing, leaving telephone messages, text messaging, etc. Each and every time they use these admittedly convenient devices, their necessary human to human communications skills are melting away. Tools that are supposed to help us communicate exact a terrible price for convenience; that price is the whittling away of our language skills.

Go into any home in the world and the same perilous, reprehensible trend is immediately apparent. The members of most families rarely function as a united, cohesive unit. Instead, they spend their time text messaging, emailing, leaving telephone messages and, when not otherwise engaged, they sit before their home entertainment devices alone, very much in their own worlds, the occasional grunt and interjection all that passes for conversation and togetherness.

Now consider the classic film "I Remember Mama" (released 1948). Here family is not a thing. It is everything. Each evening this Norwegian immigrant family, now resident in San Francisco, sits together at the supper table once the dishes have been removed... and they read to each other.

They read the great classics, adventure stories, mysteries, romances, travel, history... and they are expected to read well and to make every attempt (depending on their ages) to read clearly and to be able to discuss what they are reading.

You will say, but that is only a film, only fiction. But I shall say to you, most every family then spent most of their evenings so, even if the books they read were the King James Version of the Bible, The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (1678), and a volume or two of "improving" stories and sermons; in English-speaking lands quite likely the works of William Shakespeare, too.

In those days when a family was a family, people read to each other. And they derived a plethora of benefits, immediate and long term, to wit, how to

* pronounce words properly

* discover the proper definitions of words and so increase vocabulary and language usage

* read for greatest personal understanding and the greater understanding of all auditors

* learn all the nuances of language from its greatest practitioners

* use language to make yourself completely clear and comprehensible, using the right word at the right time

* "read" your audience as you read to them

* make a presentation that influences people

* read at the right speed

* perfect daily language use

* talk to people, not at people.

Even merely perusing this list of benefits establishes just how far we have descended from the far more literate ages preceding our own. They spoke more clearly, read more clearly, and wrote more clearly than most people today, despite the trillions of dollars we spend on education generally and human communications skills particularly. Education, in this regard as others, has manifestly failed; as a result we have millions of people who have passed through the public (and private) educational systems (with graduation certificates to prove it) who are daily humiliated and shown to be completely inadequate at their own language.

If you are satisfied with this result, with producing children with less verbal dexterity and understanding than you and far, far less than their grandparents, then do nothing. Clearly you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Otherwise, resolve to save your children, with or without the help of our schools. Most of these will advance a million "reasons", or more, why reading aloud is impractical. The extent to which they do so is the extent to which they, too, are part of the problem, sabotaging the solution.

But let us begin, if only like the characters in "I Remember Mama" at the kitchen table... it will do just fine.

1) Start now. If you wish to save whatever communication and language skills remain, act at once to do so. Remember, they are at peril.

2) Read this article to your children before starting. It will help them understand the negligence of the schools, their own at risk position, and the need for as much of their cooperation as they can give.

3) Tape your sessions. No one can ever believe without such irrefutable proof that they read quite as badly as they do.

4) Keep sessions to 60-90 minutes. Even that, I admit, may seem unreachable, but what are goals for, after all, if not to challenge and set a clear objective representing improvement?

5) Select material which is interesting. Remember, you are competing against thousands of distractions which have been expertly developed by folks to steal your children's attention and keep it squarely where they wish. So, select something decidedly interesting.

6) Keep a check list of things which can be improved. Keep a note pad at the ready so you can recall good things needing praise... and bad things needing attention.

7) Ensure that all participating (and, remember, it needn't be just children) have the opportunity to read aloud each session. This is a hands-on event, and no one should be just "audience."

More tips

You must have procedures in place for maximizing results. Here are some suggestions:

1) When the reader doesn't know a particular word, do not give the definition yourself. Keep a dictionary at the ready and have the reader look up the word in question.

Idea: you can also ask the participants to write down what they think the definition is, then check the dictionary. Make this a game. No dictionary in your house? Get one at once.

2) Do the same where the reader trips over the pronunciation of a word. Here the dictionary is again invaluable.

3) Keep close attention to the speed at which the reader reads; odds are, it will be too fast. That must be eradicated. You'll find yourself saying "slow down" often, and quite right.

4) Make sure the reader doesn't sit stiffly but instead naturally. The pose the reader adopts will influence the entire atmosphere. Calm and amiable are good objectives.

5) Make sure the reader learns the art of looking up from time to time, thereby establishing and maintaining complete audience contact.


What is great about learning how to read aloud is that the benefits will resonate through your entire life. They are crucial, aiding you in your educational endeavors, employment, relationships, and more. Our schools have let your children down... don't compound their problems by failing to do what you can. From this very moment.




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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. He is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Local Mobile Monopoly ->

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's official. There is finally a real GOP candidate for 2012: ex-Governor Tim Pawlenty. Did anybody notice?

by Christopher Hessman

Let me tell you something about presidential candidates: the day they announce for the highest office in the land, they figure they'll be the top story... their mug on the front page of America's great dailies, their story featured on the three major commercial networks... and, of course, the object of endless glib commentary on Fox News and CNN.

For Pawlenty, the first announced Republican candidate, it just didn't happen.

To be sure, there were really major stories being covered March 21, 2011. Can you say nuclear reactors in Japan? That military dust-up in Libya? But even so, you would have thought Pawlenty would have gotten something.

And what's got to irk Pawlenty good and plenty is that he has at least some credibility, not least that he was a moderately conservative governor (twice!) of a reliably Democratic state. When Pawlenty looks in the mirror, mirror on the wall... who's the one he sees most of all? Can you say Ronald Reagan?

But Pawlenty got skunked... his Hollywood style introduction video ignored... his message to America undelivered. What a revoltin' development this is. If it had been Tim's predecessor in the Minnesota governor's office -- colorful ex-wrestler and mouth man Jesse Ventura -- you can bet there would have been coverage, lots of coverage.

Tim's gotta wonder...

"Gentlemen prefer blondes" (1926), Anita Loos said. In the sequel, she told us "But Gentlemen marry brunettes" (1928). Tim can only hope that he's seen as the man America wants to marry. If only he can figure out how to get a date to strut his (good boy) stuff...

Minnesota... always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Pity the state of Minnesota. It has had a respectable number of presidential candidates... but nary even a one-term president amongst them.

Harold Stassen was the hot stuff in 1938 when he was America's youngest governor. He got a really bad case of Potomac Fever right away (1944) and never did get rid of it. He became a national joke running for president over and over again, a (bad) joke. Minnesota cringed.

Then there was Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr., who actually got the Democrat's nomination in 1968... and came within a hair of winning the presidency. "Tricky Dick" Nixon's most important trick was getting the presidency that year. A profoundly decent man, Humphrey learned the hard way that loyalty (to Lyndon Johnson and his Vietnam policy) isn't what gets you elected; hard headed realism is. Nixon had it... Hubert didn't.

The next presidential candidate from Minnesota, Jimmy Carter's vice president Walter Mondale had this fundamental decency and honesty, too, and it killed him.

Right out of the box Mondale, the very essence of the Minnesota boy next door, you know, the one who carries in your groceries with a smile and declines the tip, slaughtered himself. He told America the truth -- that the deficit was unsustainable and there would have to be new taxes. (Deja vu all over again....)

I had to admire the man's guts... but you knew, right then, he was a goner. Ronald Reagan crushed him... and went on to GOP sainthood, the prototype of how to finesse the truth and become the Big Winner.

Get the picture?

Now there's Timmy Pawlenty, and here's what you need to know about him. His original career choice was... dentist. I kid you not... and once you know it you can see him in white coat, dazzling smile, personable, confiding manner; the man who says "open wide", "little pinch", "spit here."

He'd have been a cinch for president of the Minnesota Dental Association... and a lifetime achievement award from the Kiwanis.

What's he bring to the table?

The problem with those Boy Scout types, the nice guys, is that nice is what they've got, all they've got. Timmie's got likability all right but anything else?

His ascent.

He was born November 17, 1960, of German and Polish ancestry. You'll hear about his teamster father; his mother who died of cancer when he was 15. And about his meat packing neighborhood with that all-pervasive dead meat smell. (Don't mention that bit too much, Tim; it definitely puts people off. Ask not for whom the smell tolls... it tolls for thee.)

Born Roman Catholic, Pawlenty became an evangelical Christian... a fact he will leverage to the max, to get those all important conservative Republican and Tea Party supporters. Powerful, they'll demand a hefty price.

Pawlenty's political career shows what nice guys are capable of achieving. He was elected to the Egan, Minnesota city council in 1989, age 28. Elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 1992, he was re-elected five times and was chosen House Majority Leader when Republicans became the majority party in the State Legislature in 1998.

He won a hard fought victory in the Republican gubernatorial primary in 2002... then beat aggressive candidates from the Minnesota Democratic- Farmer-Labor Party and the Independence Party. He was re-elected in 2006. Impressive yes. Memorable no! And the high point of his rhetoric was: "We need to be a party of Sam's Club, not just the country club." Churchillian, he isn't. And America likes its presidents to be masters of soaring speech.

Now the nicest guy aims at the highest office. Everyone will like him. Almost no one with think him the Great White Hope of America, and his poll numbers will always be anemic. Just as they are now.

You see Tim suffers from Minnesotitis... the disease that takes boys next door and turns them into likable cogs in the wheel... always on the team, hardly ever the captain and never ever champion. Leo Durocher summed up their plight in 1939 with his immortal line, "Nice guys finish last." Tim Pawlenty is about to discover just how deflatingly true that is, as he joins the list of nice guys from Minnesota who couldn't wow America.




About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. He is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Local Mobile Monopoly ->

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On the vernal equinox and the advent of spring. All poets need apply.

by Christopher Hessman

An event occurred just the other day which impacts each and every one of us on Spaceship Earth, but which hardly one of us knows anything about and mentions, if at all, quite casually. Yet so momentous is this occurrence, coming with clock like precision, that our very existences depend upon it; nothing could be less prosaic, nothing more significant.

It is the vernal equinox...

Hereabouts in old New England, the vernal equinox took place at 7:21 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, March 20, 2011. The spring we have all been awaiting, the spring that delivers the relief from the oppression of cold and damp and short dull days, the spring that blows soft winds, as so many unexpected kisses -- and flowers, too -- that spring, right on the dot, arrived...

but we were heavy laden and may have been distracted when it came as our new reality.

Good citizens of this galaxy, give an ear now to this great event, which next occurs September 22, 2011 at 10:49 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

There is nothing that concerns you more than these great celestial movements, the unheard but momentous, unearthly music of the spheres, awesome, terrible, the very stuff of grandeur, eternal, too.

Put aside mundane concerns and remember, for an instant, who you are, a one-way passenger on the greatest of galleons, and wither it goes, you go.

What is an equinox anyway?

An equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth's equator. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens.

The name "equinox" is derived from the Latin "aequus" (equal) and "nox" (night) because around the equinox, the night and day have approximately equal length. Each are, then, about 12 hours long (with the actual time of equal day and night, in the Northern Hemisphere, occurring a few days before the vernal equinox.) The Sun crosses the celestial equator going northward; it rises exactly due east and sets exactly due west.

But of all this, we need remember only one thing: the vernal equinox, and the unending adjustments we make to the matter of human time, are all about light and the Sun at the center of our universe. Sol Invictus.

While the celestial movements, now this way, now that, are liable to confuse; we all know the crucial significance of our Sun; even the youngest amongst us looks up, involuntarily to admire, rejoice, and be glad of it. Our Sun, of an immensity and heat unimaginable, is brought nearer to us, and happily so, with the vernal equinox.

We are, all of us, Sun worshippers... for without it there would be nothing here for us, or of us either.

The vernal equinox brings that Sun closer.

Tinkerings with time.

Because of its unexcelled desirability, we humans have long been beguiled with the notion of how to get more of the Sun we crave. All ancient peoples, particularly the Greeks and Persians, the sophisticates of antiquity, gave serious attention to the matter. Sadly, much of their findings are lost; what remains from the works of Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus (ca. 190- ca.120 BC) and Aristarchus of Samos (around 280 BC) is suggestive of their expertise and insights. But we cannot tell more.

However, we do know about Benjamin Franklin, jack of all trades, master of all.

Franklin, with his unstoppable curiosity, wanted what only God could deliver: more time. It is easy to see why he desired it so: he, long before Edna St. Vincent Millay, burnt the candle at both ends, and not in purely scientific endeavors, either. At the Court of the Bourbons of France there were any number of elegantes who found Franklin, American minister, worthy of closer study. There was never enough time to gratify them all...

And so Franklin advanced the suggestion that became daylight savings. It was a quintessentially American proposal -- bold, audacious, practical, based on science, not theology. Sadly, it is still not clear that it actually works... and each American state, every single one, is by law entitled to adopt it, or not. For God and His equinox time is simple, majestic; humans muddle the matter, to general grumbling and consternation.

But not poets...

All poets worth their salt weigh in with a will on one of their signature topics: the advent of light, of Sun, of spring. So excited are they by this topic, that they are severely prone to skip over the residue of winter that comes in the first spring days of March, concentrating on the riotous, unrestrained days of April and May. This is wrong, and Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933) rightly noted in "Fisherman's Luck" (1899).

"The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is as great as a month."

Having said this, I confess I, too, want immediate egress from the grim, cold, muddy days of March spring. I am impatient, like Walt Whiteman:

"Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling."

(1819-1892) From "Leaves of Grass" (1855; 1891-92.)

Patient through long, drear winters we can be but as we see relief near at hand, we can be patient no longer, for we know, we all know, what is coming and we cannot longer wait. Still liable to be tripped up by winter... we are adamant that the spring is coming.

"The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April day When the sun is out and the wind is still, You're one month on in the middle of May. But if you so much as dare to speak, A cloud comes over the sunlit arch, A wind comes off a frozen peak, And you're two months back in the middle of March."

Robert Frost (1874-1963) "Two Tramps in Mud Time" (1936).

But I cannot better end than by urging you to find in any search engine your favorite recording of Aaron Copeland's "Appalachian Spring" (premiered 1944).... It will seize you, uplift you, refresh you... and perfectly position you, in reverence, as you walk into this springtime of your life, whatever your age or circumstances. We are all young again in springtime... such is the magic of the vernal equinox.

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. He is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Local Mobile Monopoly ->

How to research and write the cleanest, clearest, most persuasive blog copy on earth -- fast, too!

by Christopher Hessman

Millions of people worldwide are waking up to the fact that they are going to have a blog -- no ifs, ands, or buts. That a blog -- a personal marketing and communications device -- is no longer a luxury. If you expect to stay on the cutting edge of the 'net, you're going to be a blog publisher, or else.

If you've accepted this fact, you're on the right road. If you haven't, you're already a dinosaur... but let's, for purposes of today's discussion, suppose that you have decided to produce a blog... and want the results to be superb, meaning to create a blog that's timely, well-written, persuasive and that delivers the cash, too.

Here are some key recommendations to produce this necessary result:

1) The most effective blogs are published on a regular, announced schedule, not just when you feel like it.

This point should need no discussion... but it does. One of the major problems I see in my work with blog publishers (I write their articles for them) is that these folks still see the business of blogging as something casual, episodic, to be done when and if they have the time.


That's completely wrong. Blogs, like every other periodical on earth, must have a regular date and time they will be written and released This gives your readers something solid to hold on to, to look forward to. You want your readers to know that you are a person of deadlines and schedules; someone they can rely on.

Stop thinking of your blog as something you can do whenever you feel like it, catch as catch can. Is this how you want your customers, your readers to see you? Not if you value their business.

2) Resolve to say Something Important in every issue of your blog.

When you see most blogs, you have to wonder why their "publishers" ever got out of bed to do them. Trivia! Drivel! Published so that their publishers can say they have a blog... rather than to say something timely! Significant! Motivating!

Now hear this: if you're one of these myopic blogsters, you're sabotaging your success. Blogs work because they deliver useful information that informs, persuades, excites and enthuses your readers... just the way all great publishers have from the very first day of the very first publisher.

Publishers present stories that lift up the readers.... and do everything in their power to create, develop, and maintain the crucial link between publisher and reader, creating prosperity for both.

3) Create the all-important blog article idea file.

Visit my office in Cambridge, Massachusetts ,and you see an assembly line for the creation of intellectual property. The first crucial link in this production process is the article idea file. It's a must.

Start with a pair of good scissors and the most important newspaper in your area. Supplement this material with the most important newspaper(s) in your country. Add other specialty publications to this list, publications which follow developments in your given field.

Go through these publications regularly and cut out articles that contain information of value and interest to your readers. Make sure every one of these articles is dated... then file for future use. As you become more and more proficient at your essential blog business, you will realize the crucial significance of this article "compost heap"... and you will make it a key part of your day to add to it by wielding your scissors and cutting out the crucial story ideas and information you need.

4) Each Monday, brainstorm the articles you will need for the week.

Post your draft titles and the date you intend to do them. Remember, your blog should have a format; your articles should fit into this format. My articles, for instance, (including this one) are 3 single-spaced pages in length, about 1,500 words. A lively, timely article of this length and substance anchors your blog and gives it "heft", the feeling of importance and "must read" value.

5) Do a subject search in the major search engines.

To gather necessary background information and to see what others may have said on the topic, use the search engines assiduously. This is vital. Search engines not only post critical information on any given topic, but tell you when this information was posted. In tracking a developing story, such data are vital.

6) Always, always, always search Wikipedia (founded 2001).

Frankly, for blog publishers and researchers of every kind, Wikipedia takes the cake. As a very active blog content writer, I can confirm that I visit it every single day, and not once either. You will, too -- if you want your articles to be informative, grounded by fact and not just your opinions.

7) Write your article copy.

Articles,as noted above, should be of a particular length and format, just like various departments in other publications. These should be written in the second person ("you").

Paragraphs should be limited to 6-8 lines for easy readability; line length should be limited to 10-14 words, again for easy reading. If you bury your readers under a mountain of intimidating text, they will repay your efforts by.. skipping the arduous task you have assigned them.

8) Edit, proofread, post.

Your blog copy production line should chugging along nicely at this point. Now's the time to polish with the finishing touches that transform a good article into a great one.

Read your article aloud. This will help you determine whether your sentences are balanced, or not; your construction difficult to comprehend, or mellifluous.

Make sure you have checked your spelling and any facts of which you're uncertain. Proofreading is a must for your credibility and the value of what you've written and will present to the world.

To conclude the production process, post the article on your website and in your blog. You are not merely a blog publisher, you are, better, a publisher, part of the great tradition. Enjoy a moment of joyful reverie, but only a minute. After all, your next deadline already looms, and you must and shall be ready.




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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc. providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is happy to give all readers, 50,00 free guaranteed visitors for attending his live webcast today. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Local Mobile Monopoly ->

Tufts University president ends Naked Quad run, naked students protest.

by Christopher Hessman

Pity the president, any president, of Tufts University. Based in Medford, Massachusetts, just a few miles from Harvard and M.I.T., Tufts is engaged in an ongoing struggle to get out of their shadows and breathe free, a distinguished institution of undergraduate education and research, justifying the Really Big Bucks they charge dazed parents to educate their "not quite Ivy quality" children.

But it just ain't happenin'.

Whatever good things, whatever great things are going on there, today people worldwide want to know only one thing about Tufts: what's the Naked Quad Run and why has it been cancelled?

My research reveals all.

No one seems the know the exact year the Naked Quad Run commenced but authorities agree that it's been going on since the 1970s. It started, as many undergraduate events do, on a dare. You can see sophomore Herbie egging on freshman Bobby in, say, 1970. "Come on, Bobby boy. I dare you." "Gee, Herbie, I don't know. I'm a good boy and what if my mother ever found out?"

"Just as I thought Bobby boy. You're a weenie."

And to prove that he wasn't... Bobby downed a quick one, doffed his clothes and became the first Naked Quad runner, cold (it was December after all), blue, a champion. Herbie, irked, spent the rest of his life pointing out that it was Really His Idea.

Bobby, who went on to being president of a Really Big Bank and a trustee of the university, got all the credit. It made for a great story every once in a while in the Tufts alumni bulletin. And it was no surprise when Bobby, age 65, recreated his original Naked Quad Run, to whoops of joy from hundreds of naked undergrads; they had to admit Bobby was an inspiration to all and, all unclad, gathered to cheer on their hero, the man who started it all.

Yep, the story had to go something like that. Anyway...

Over the years, the Naked Quad Run became a firmly rooted Tufts tradition. The boys, sheepish, milled aimlessly about, blue and cold (it was December, remember). Of course there was alcohol (there always is at most every collegiate event) and of course some of those boys were underage and over indulged... but boys will be boys...

And so the run went on, gathering adherents and notoriety as it went. Ok, it wasn't exactly the Pulitzer or Nobel prize... but it did generate a bucket of PR and good vibrations for Tufts; when you're firmly planted at #3, you've got to take what you can get.

Cherchez la femme.

Some scholars, with a notably feminist perspective, have a decidedly different view on the subject; (they would). The Naked Quad Run (and they put on a learned symposium to prove it) was not held to celebrate the joys of "Gaudeamus igitur" in the great classical tradition of "mens sana in corpore sano". Rather, and one learned lady was quite adamant about this, rather it was designed for two purposes: to make newly arrived Tufts undergraduate women uncomfortable while at the same time showing off their hot bods, the better to get dates. A poll taken at the symposium registered deep disgust and disapprobation with this male only Naked Quad Run...

... and so supported by vehement feminists, women undergrads were permitted to doff their clothes, too, along with their male undergrad colleagues.

Thus, the ecstatic men of Tufts achieved , with the blessing of the Founding Mothers, a goal of young men everywhere and in all places: official permission to check out naked chicks.

Score another one for Tufts!

What a place!

And all officially sanctioned!

Predictably applications to Tufts soared. It was no doubt the enticing curriculum....

So things might have gone on forever... but all was not roses in this collegiate Eden.

There was more alcohol.

There were (I blush to tell) gropings... not just of young men to young women, but young women to young men; young men to young men... and young women to... but you get the point.

Too, the campus police say they were harassed.

What was going on here anyway?

In time-honored American tradition, the thing had morphed from a youthful, uncomplicated celebration of the end of examinations into an Event, where undergrads from other colleges came to participate (if they were cute so much the better) and where Japanese tourists arrived with their guide and video cams.

The university started to keep -- and release -- the findings of mayhem and dissipation. December, 2010 figures were the worst yet; 12 students were hospitalized for alcohol poisoning.

Tufts University president Lawrence Bacow (no doubt opposed by the admissions department every inch of the way) took action and banned the Naked Quad Run.

Bacow, clearly anguished by his decision, acknowledged (according to an editorial in The Boston Globe (March 16, 2011) that he has "long been uncomfortable with the run, but chose to work with students and public safety staff to 'manage the run rather than end it'." Food was available... barriers were erected... the course was sanded, etc.

As a result the crowds got worse, drank more, groped with impunity and acted out. When Medford and Somerville police (always irked by hordes of insouciant undergrad nudists) refused to provide security details, the end had at last arrived.

That's why they pay those Big Bucks to Bacow, to make the really tough decisions.

There were student protests, of course. This was Something Really Important, and the creme de la creme at Tufts came out to signify their opposition to this edict and the diminution of the quality of life at Tufts. After all, the right to check out the naked bodies of their friends and colleagues was worth fighting for...

On March 14, 2011 dozens of students engaged in a partially nude run around the Res Quad in a peaceful, sober protect against Bacow's decision. They were not about to go silent into that good night. Text messages, e-mails, Facebook events brought them together, and they vowed, naked, to continue the good fight. And perhaps they will.

For now, however, the naked paradise that was Tufts on the nights of the run is closed, no more happily ever afterings in Medford. Thus Tufts sinks back into sober, clothed obscurity, while the student affairs office brainstorms alternatives. One of them, as reported by the Tufts Daily newspaper, is a Winter Carnival. Another, a concert.

Hold it! Kids, the carnival's already done. At Dartmouth. As for the concert idea... old hat. If I were you, I'd hold out for reviving the Naked Quad Run. It's got eye-popping appeal, and it IS a bona fide Tufts tradition. They are few and far between.




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About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Local Mobile Monopoly ->