by Christopher Hessman
The Kennedys, our ex-imperial dynasty, are going through a bad patch. First, the commencement of the new 112th Congress took place in January, 2011 without a Kennedy amongst its members House or Senate, to lend credibility to the national circus. Such a lapse had not occurred since 1947... and the Kennedys didn't like this one little bit.
Then Victoria Reggie Kennedy uttered her umpteenth pronouncement on whether she would seek her deceased husband Ted's Senate seat in 2112. This time she really meant it (so she said) . She wouldn't be challenging naked pin up boy Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts). Too bad. That would have been a gourmet food fight.
Next, Sargent Shriver, one of the royal brothers-in-law, checked out at 95 on January 18, 2011. He had always been a fringe character; nice, but a light weight. Still, every Court needs affable second-raters, and Sarge filled that bill all right. This was a loss, to be sure, but not much.
Meanwhile down the road a piece in Dorchester, Massachusetts at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library a much more important battle was taking place; this time it was Sister Ethel (Bobby Kennedy's tough-as- nails widow) who was pulling the wires from backstage. She picked her last (9th) child Max, a trained lawyer, to play Cerberus and bite on cue every time anyone wanted to see a ton of never-before-seen documents, a true treasure trove -- with its own curse.
These dealt with such subjects as.... how the Jack and Bobby White House planned to snuff Cuba's Fidel Castro in Operation Mongoose... how to plan a Cuban invasion without getting caught... what really happened at the bumbling, bloody Bay of Pigs, and the "next one who blinks gets a holocaust" confrontation with Russia's bear-hugging head of state, Nikita Khrushchev, known as the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1961.
These papers, it was widely predicted by historians and other reputable sources, held one smoking gun after another. The dynasts made it clear, very, very clear , these embarrassing documents (the private property of the Kennedy family) would see the light of day when hell freezes over, or some such long-delayed, Kennedy- controlled moment in time.
Add to this the caught-with-their-pants-down story of the Kennedys ham fisted efforts to control content about them on the History Channel, and you have One Big Headache, irritating lese majeste.
This article is about the last of these matters, a set of inconvenient facts which make it clear the Kennedys are different from you and me. Not only are they the stuff of legend and questions on "Jeopardy"; they get to have tantrums that work when something, anything doesn't go their way. Kool. Let's see how they do it.
"The Kennedys" mini-series was supposed to showcase great content... thereby raising the visibility and status of the History Channel.
At the History Channel things were not all well. Widely derided as the "World War II Channel" because every other program showed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's famous "V" for victory finger movements... and, of course, a million interminable hours about Field Marshal Rommel, the masterful organizer of the North Africa campaign. It was limited, dull, often excruciating... in need of what the Kennedys have to burn: glamor. It seemed a match made in heaven. And the History Channel plunked down some serious coin (over 30 million bucks) to bring this story to you and me.
Unfortunately, right from the start there was a serious mismatch between what the History Channel wanted for its considerable stake and what the Kennedys, the object of our affection, would allow. The History Channel wanted the soap opera: great pots of money illegally made, sex, illicit sex, jaw-dropping sex, sex in odd places, even presidential sex with an always-available cutie while discussing How To Build a Better World with his (supposedly oblivious) Secretary of State. Neat. Oh, and don't forget sex with Marilyn Monroe... with one brother, both brothers. Whatever... it would sell like hot cakes.
Then there were the Kennedys... determined to get what every defunct dynasty wants: controlled facts; white-washed facts; never the whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth facts. They wanted the laundry room version of the truth, sanitized, clean, not a speck of dirt. If it was dull, too bad. It needed to be majestic, larger-than-life, controlled.
As the project advanced and a release date was set for the 50th anniversary of JFK's new presidency, January 20, 1961, members of the ex-dynasty got more and more nervous. Their ertwhile representative on the project, famed Kennedy speech writer and adviser Theodore Sorensen, made it clear just how lurid this series would be... and just how inimical to the family. Sorensen's crisply stated opinion was taken very seriously by the Kennedys. They knew that Sorensen was the ultimate loyalist, a man who knew all and told nothing... and wouldn't let anyone else tell much either, if he had anything to say about it.
Sorensen told about scripts he found flagrantly inaccurate. Hey, the History Channel knew with Voltaire that history was a pack of lies the living play on the dead. What facts matter... so long as the History Channel made money?
Then there were tales about the role of Kennedy-baiting, conservative Joel Surnow in the project. His media production qualities were impeccable (an Emmmy-award winnng creator and former executive producer of the Fox series "24".) He didn't much like the dynasty... and had no trouble saying so.
The dynasty should be worried, said Sorensen, and so did liberal Robert Greenwald, who slipped them all copies of the script... which well and truly set the cat amongst the pigeons. It wouldn't do... it wouldn't do at all.
And so the Kennnedys started to act... like Kennedys, summoning up their massive firepower to hugely alter or even kill the project. It was reported by the Boston Globe, the Kennedys' hometown read, that Caroline Kennedy, Maria Shriver, and Eunice Kennedy Smith had all contacted network executives with their concerns. Meanwhile, Theodore Sorensen, who had so deprecated this project, labeling portions "vindictive" and "malicious" died in October, 2010, supremely loyal to the end.
The History Channel caved.
In response to this juggernaut, the History Channel pulled the 8-part mini series from the U.S. market, the only one the Kennedys cared about. It was finished... it was as lurid as desired by the network... it was exiled to Canada, which didn't count.
At the last, even the Boston Globe, the newspaper of record for the Kennedys, couldn't abide or approve what the dynasts did. In an editorial of January 17, 2011 it made clear its opposition to all the shenanigans, admonishing the Kennedys for going "too far".
And what of the many Kennedy supporters worldwide? What did they do? What did they say?
The silence was awesome.
Lord Melbourne (1779-1848), Queen Victoria's first prime minister knew why.
"That is no use at all," he said of men who would support him when he was right.
" What I want is men who will support me when I am in the wrong."
But no one, on these terms, stepped forward to aid and support the Kennedys in their determined, wrongful assault on free speech and their insistence on shaping and controlling the content and message. Their "friends" were nowhere to be found... and they are silent still.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books and a noted US Historian. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman
Monday, January 31, 2011
Let freedom ring! A great nation struggles in the streets to be born. Egypt, January, 2011.
by Christopher Hessman
An event of world significance is playing out right this minute in Cairo and throughout the country. A great nation with a legendary, larger-than-life past is fighting to be born, fighting for the rights of oppressed millions, no longer content merely to yearn to be free. They want the real thing... and they want it now.
Feckless adolescents, young men and women without even a prayer for the future, businessmen tired of being shaken down by a voracious regime, women enraged at permanent second-class status, the children of ignorance and irredeemable poverty and political servitude. These are the people who are carrying the revolution on their backs. They have been patient, gullible, long suffering. And now they want revenge... and a better life.
It is dangerous! It is perilous! It is magnificent... and the heart of every freedom loving being on this planet goes out to them. We are watching and applauding, transfixed, as the little people, the common people, so wanting liberty that they risk even the little they have, are carried away by a thrill those accustomed to freedom can only imagine.
Luckily we have William Wordsworth's celebrated sentiments on the French Revolution to guide us. (The Prelude, published 1798).
Oh! pleasant exercise of hope and joy!... Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven!
And so these young must feel, for it is primarily the young leading the day, exultantly so, in days of animal courage, boldness, high sentiments and -- so far -- every possibility of hitherto unimaginable success.
These are the heroes of the day... for they have, after some 30 years of ascending tyranny, screamed "basta!" and poured into the streets to demand long delayed personhood and the respect and well-being every person everywhere is entitled to.
These are the days of their lives... and we are proud, so deeply proud, of such a people and of their valiant struggle that rivets our attention and compels our respect.
The facts
Egypt, a name that conjures the greatness of an ancient imperium, is in fact one of the newest nations of our planet. It acquired full sovereignty from the British in only 1952 when the republic was proclaimed.
The current regime of Hosni Mubarak dates from 1981 and the assassination of his Nobel Peace Prize winning predecessor, Anwar Sadat. His is a garden variety tyranny, redeemed from the pedestrian by geography and a long-standing deal with the United States. Mubarak and his regime, for certain gain (and for lack of the resources to wage war again), gave up their losing fight against Israel. Relieved, gratified the United States backed Mubarak for its Mideast strategy. Egypt was the golden lynch pin.
Unfortunately, Mubarak had severe built-in liabilities. Despite being egregious, such liabilities (for the highest reasons of state) had to be winked at. Mubakak knew his worth and exacted far more than his pound of flesh. We might have held our nose... but we remunerated this necessary excrescence, constantly, lavishly.
Instead of getting the reforms Washington wanted, successive presidents merely slapped him on the wrist now and again. This was laughably inadequate and totally ineffectual. His blatant human rights violations knew no end; neither did his abiding contempt for his own people, an affliction to which dictators are prone. Sadly, these violations could, in time, not be argued away.
So long as his complacent American partner and our unceasing bribes were in place Mubarak was fearless and unconcerned. In such a way did he become a standing insult to an aggrieved people from whom he demanded all... while giving them, the heart of the nation... as little as he could. He became a master of bloated exhortation, high-blown rhetoric. Controlling complainers (often in barbarous ways) became the policy of his regime. What did he care? He was Mubarak... and that was gift enough to the people.
But an important thing, a thing that could not be denied was occurring in the homes of Egyptians: more and more of them were being born, faster and faster. All with nothing to lose... and so perfect candidates for a revolution. The revolution truly began in the bedrooms of Egypt and spilled over into the streets, an army of the dispossessed, patient no longer, their future in their own hands. And so they came to challenge the ramshackle regime and to bring it down with their own bare hands and a spirit that Mubarak had neglected to remember of his people. It was there... and it was no longer at his beck and call.
The police, of course, and above all, the army could have, at the start of these insurrectionary days, crushed even the most ardent and dedicated of these young nation makers, but so far -- and it is the crucial factor -- so far these pets of the regime have failed to fire on the people. For privileged though these supports of the regime are, they, too, can see the writing on the wall and the clear direction of events and History.
So far, the police and army have not fired... rather, they have begun the process that proved key in the signature revolutions of France and Russia: they have begun to fraternize with the revolutionaries. This means everything... and Mubarak is nothing if not a (lazy) student of history. His options? He can now call his army to kill legions of his countrymen, thereby bringing down the universal execration of the world and even of regimes less tolerated than his. Anyway, it may be too late for this.
Or, he can accept the fact that he must go... at which time a shout of joy will punctuate the day. Luckily for Mubarak the days of guillotines and assassination squads for governors as despised and hated as he is are gone. He will fly out of Egypt in style, his ill-got millions stashed away and intact, instead of exiting in a lonely tumbrel ride into eternity through the unbridled hatred of the people he treated so. In short, even in his inevitable end, Mubarak will be a lucky man. The United States will see to that., for he is and has long been our creature, and we will no doubt cherish this expensive souvenir as fitting reminder of our days on the Nile.
As for our brand-new revolutionaries? Today, the y command our full and unqualified admiration. However they need to know that toppling a regime, no matter how entrenched, is the easiest activity of a revolution. Day I after the fall of the Mubarak regime, History will begin evaluating them on what they do next and how they do it and at what costs. It is good to remember this, even as the goal of your life is achieved by your inexperienced hands. Sadly, with the ultimate prize about to be yours, some hubris may enter with the glitter and bliss and the worldwide enthusiasm your deeds engender. Remember Mubarak had his days like this, too.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
An event of world significance is playing out right this minute in Cairo and throughout the country. A great nation with a legendary, larger-than-life past is fighting to be born, fighting for the rights of oppressed millions, no longer content merely to yearn to be free. They want the real thing... and they want it now.
Feckless adolescents, young men and women without even a prayer for the future, businessmen tired of being shaken down by a voracious regime, women enraged at permanent second-class status, the children of ignorance and irredeemable poverty and political servitude. These are the people who are carrying the revolution on their backs. They have been patient, gullible, long suffering. And now they want revenge... and a better life.
It is dangerous! It is perilous! It is magnificent... and the heart of every freedom loving being on this planet goes out to them. We are watching and applauding, transfixed, as the little people, the common people, so wanting liberty that they risk even the little they have, are carried away by a thrill those accustomed to freedom can only imagine.
Luckily we have William Wordsworth's celebrated sentiments on the French Revolution to guide us. (The Prelude, published 1798).
Oh! pleasant exercise of hope and joy!... Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven!
And so these young must feel, for it is primarily the young leading the day, exultantly so, in days of animal courage, boldness, high sentiments and -- so far -- every possibility of hitherto unimaginable success.
These are the heroes of the day... for they have, after some 30 years of ascending tyranny, screamed "basta!" and poured into the streets to demand long delayed personhood and the respect and well-being every person everywhere is entitled to.
These are the days of their lives... and we are proud, so deeply proud, of such a people and of their valiant struggle that rivets our attention and compels our respect.
The facts
Egypt, a name that conjures the greatness of an ancient imperium, is in fact one of the newest nations of our planet. It acquired full sovereignty from the British in only 1952 when the republic was proclaimed.
The current regime of Hosni Mubarak dates from 1981 and the assassination of his Nobel Peace Prize winning predecessor, Anwar Sadat. His is a garden variety tyranny, redeemed from the pedestrian by geography and a long-standing deal with the United States. Mubarak and his regime, for certain gain (and for lack of the resources to wage war again), gave up their losing fight against Israel. Relieved, gratified the United States backed Mubarak for its Mideast strategy. Egypt was the golden lynch pin.
Unfortunately, Mubarak had severe built-in liabilities. Despite being egregious, such liabilities (for the highest reasons of state) had to be winked at. Mubakak knew his worth and exacted far more than his pound of flesh. We might have held our nose... but we remunerated this necessary excrescence, constantly, lavishly.
Instead of getting the reforms Washington wanted, successive presidents merely slapped him on the wrist now and again. This was laughably inadequate and totally ineffectual. His blatant human rights violations knew no end; neither did his abiding contempt for his own people, an affliction to which dictators are prone. Sadly, these violations could, in time, not be argued away.
So long as his complacent American partner and our unceasing bribes were in place Mubarak was fearless and unconcerned. In such a way did he become a standing insult to an aggrieved people from whom he demanded all... while giving them, the heart of the nation... as little as he could. He became a master of bloated exhortation, high-blown rhetoric. Controlling complainers (often in barbarous ways) became the policy of his regime. What did he care? He was Mubarak... and that was gift enough to the people.
But an important thing, a thing that could not be denied was occurring in the homes of Egyptians: more and more of them were being born, faster and faster. All with nothing to lose... and so perfect candidates for a revolution. The revolution truly began in the bedrooms of Egypt and spilled over into the streets, an army of the dispossessed, patient no longer, their future in their own hands. And so they came to challenge the ramshackle regime and to bring it down with their own bare hands and a spirit that Mubarak had neglected to remember of his people. It was there... and it was no longer at his beck and call.
The police, of course, and above all, the army could have, at the start of these insurrectionary days, crushed even the most ardent and dedicated of these young nation makers, but so far -- and it is the crucial factor -- so far these pets of the regime have failed to fire on the people. For privileged though these supports of the regime are, they, too, can see the writing on the wall and the clear direction of events and History.
So far, the police and army have not fired... rather, they have begun the process that proved key in the signature revolutions of France and Russia: they have begun to fraternize with the revolutionaries. This means everything... and Mubarak is nothing if not a (lazy) student of history. His options? He can now call his army to kill legions of his countrymen, thereby bringing down the universal execration of the world and even of regimes less tolerated than his. Anyway, it may be too late for this.
Or, he can accept the fact that he must go... at which time a shout of joy will punctuate the day. Luckily for Mubarak the days of guillotines and assassination squads for governors as despised and hated as he is are gone. He will fly out of Egypt in style, his ill-got millions stashed away and intact, instead of exiting in a lonely tumbrel ride into eternity through the unbridled hatred of the people he treated so. In short, even in his inevitable end, Mubarak will be a lucky man. The United States will see to that., for he is and has long been our creature, and we will no doubt cherish this expensive souvenir as fitting reminder of our days on the Nile.
As for our brand-new revolutionaries? Today, the y command our full and unqualified admiration. However they need to know that toppling a regime, no matter how entrenched, is the easiest activity of a revolution. Day I after the fall of the Mubarak regime, History will begin evaluating them on what they do next and how they do it and at what costs. It is good to remember this, even as the goal of your life is achieved by your inexperienced hands. Sadly, with the ultimate prize about to be yours, some hubris may enter with the glitter and bliss and the worldwide enthusiasm your deeds engender. Remember Mubarak had his days like this, too.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Saturday, January 29, 2011
What you can learn from the great Napoleon's catastrophic failure to plan his work and work his plan!
by Christopher Hessman
When you think of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, you probably think of
* military genius
* conqueror of Europe
* creator of the Code Napoleon.
All this is true.
But what is also true is that Napoleon was a gambler, not a planner; a man who lost an empire because he was unwilling to set a practical, achievable objective and do what was necessary to get and hold it.
By the spring of 1813, the Napoleonic empire, so very new, was already on its last legs. Napoleon should have been planning how to keep what he had which, after all, included la belle France. His chaotic finances, military weaknesses, and the national desire for peace provided reason enough to consolidate his possessions and plan for another day.
The whole of Europe, including the Allies who opposed him (Russia, Prussia, Austria, England) wanted peace, and they were willing to accept Napoleon's continuance in power (with certain conditions) to get it.
However, Napoleon was a gambler, not a planner. He was simply unable to set a realistic goal and work towards it, even if he could as a result, have his dynasty endure in France.
Oh, how he needed to listen and adhere to the sage counsel the Shakespearian Duke of Burgundy gave to King Henry V:
"Why that the naked, poor, and mangled Peace, Dear nurse of arts, plenties, and joyful births, Should not in this best garden of the world, Our fertile France, put up her lovely visage?"
But Napoleon would have none of it. When his military talents procured a victory (as they did in May, 1813 at Lutzen) he insisted on more. When these talents failed him (as they did at Leipzig in October, 1813) he would not accept less. This was not statecraft... it was mayhem.
The whole of Europe except one man yearned for peace... but this one supremely selfish, disorganized and myopic individual... insisted on war, exasperating all, while ensuring ultimate failure for himself.
Had he, in the turbulent days of 1813, planned for the continuance and stability of his dynasty, he could have had it to the general joy and jubilation of Continental Europe. He simply needed to say "J'y suis. J'y reste", as Field Marshal MacMahon did at the siege of Sebastopol in 1855; then set about making it happen.
Are YOU a business gambler? Or do you plan your work and work your plan?
You KNOW the value of business planning. You know the planners get more and keep more. However, like most people planning is something you just can't seem to get around to doing. Instead, like Napoleon, you proceed without a clear objective and relentless focus. In short, you muddle through.
This was catastrophic for Napoleon... and it's not smart for you either, especially in an economy as weak and uncertain as we have now.
So, today resolve that you will do something the great Napoleon couldn't do: plan your work, work your plan, and emerge as more successful than the emperor himself. Here's what you need to do:
1) Set a clear objective.
You need to know where you're going and when you plan to be there. If you don't know where you're going and when you plan to arrive, just how do you expect to succeed? A clear objective is a must.
2) Write this objective. Don't just keep it in your head.
Written objectives are the ones that get achieved; the rest are forgotten. I bet you don't have such a written plan now. Change that at once!
3) Write down precisely how you intend to reach this goal.
Again, specificity is key. You must say how many units you plan to sell... and keep to this specific schedule each and every day you wish to reach your goal!
Note: if you miss a day or two, don't give up and throw the baby out with the bath water. Humans fail... but we can get focused again and succeed.
4) Make sensible revisions in your planning and execution.
Business conditions change. You must change with them. For instance, when circumstances are bad, you must improve your offers to improve your cash flow. When circumstances have improved, you should consider price increases. The key is realizing that changing circumstances necessitate changes in your goal and the way to achieve it.
YOU can be more successful than the Emperor himself
Napoleon failed. The man with the golden touch was lacking the one thing he needed for success and was so obviously lacking: judgement. He who had dazzled Europe... did not know how to contain his hubris and turn it into sensible, achievable policy. Thus, he lost all.
Learn from the great man's titanic error.
Plan your work. Work your plan. Evaluate. Maintain what you have... always move ahead... but never gamble. In this way you ensure your success. What's more, because of your planning and focus, YOU will enjoy the success the great emperor himself forfeited.
Napoleonic resource
For one of the best books (and the best written) on Napoleon and his family, consult "The Bonapartes" by David Stacton. Simon and Schuster, New York. 1966. It's a very good read.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
When you think of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, you probably think of
* military genius
* conqueror of Europe
* creator of the Code Napoleon.
All this is true.
But what is also true is that Napoleon was a gambler, not a planner; a man who lost an empire because he was unwilling to set a practical, achievable objective and do what was necessary to get and hold it.
By the spring of 1813, the Napoleonic empire, so very new, was already on its last legs. Napoleon should have been planning how to keep what he had which, after all, included la belle France. His chaotic finances, military weaknesses, and the national desire for peace provided reason enough to consolidate his possessions and plan for another day.
The whole of Europe, including the Allies who opposed him (Russia, Prussia, Austria, England) wanted peace, and they were willing to accept Napoleon's continuance in power (with certain conditions) to get it.
However, Napoleon was a gambler, not a planner. He was simply unable to set a realistic goal and work towards it, even if he could as a result, have his dynasty endure in France.
Oh, how he needed to listen and adhere to the sage counsel the Shakespearian Duke of Burgundy gave to King Henry V:
"Why that the naked, poor, and mangled Peace, Dear nurse of arts, plenties, and joyful births, Should not in this best garden of the world, Our fertile France, put up her lovely visage?"
But Napoleon would have none of it. When his military talents procured a victory (as they did in May, 1813 at Lutzen) he insisted on more. When these talents failed him (as they did at Leipzig in October, 1813) he would not accept less. This was not statecraft... it was mayhem.
The whole of Europe except one man yearned for peace... but this one supremely selfish, disorganized and myopic individual... insisted on war, exasperating all, while ensuring ultimate failure for himself.
Had he, in the turbulent days of 1813, planned for the continuance and stability of his dynasty, he could have had it to the general joy and jubilation of Continental Europe. He simply needed to say "J'y suis. J'y reste", as Field Marshal MacMahon did at the siege of Sebastopol in 1855; then set about making it happen.
Are YOU a business gambler? Or do you plan your work and work your plan?
You KNOW the value of business planning. You know the planners get more and keep more. However, like most people planning is something you just can't seem to get around to doing. Instead, like Napoleon, you proceed without a clear objective and relentless focus. In short, you muddle through.
This was catastrophic for Napoleon... and it's not smart for you either, especially in an economy as weak and uncertain as we have now.
So, today resolve that you will do something the great Napoleon couldn't do: plan your work, work your plan, and emerge as more successful than the emperor himself. Here's what you need to do:
1) Set a clear objective.
You need to know where you're going and when you plan to be there. If you don't know where you're going and when you plan to arrive, just how do you expect to succeed? A clear objective is a must.
2) Write this objective. Don't just keep it in your head.
Written objectives are the ones that get achieved; the rest are forgotten. I bet you don't have such a written plan now. Change that at once!
3) Write down precisely how you intend to reach this goal.
Again, specificity is key. You must say how many units you plan to sell... and keep to this specific schedule each and every day you wish to reach your goal!
Note: if you miss a day or two, don't give up and throw the baby out with the bath water. Humans fail... but we can get focused again and succeed.
4) Make sensible revisions in your planning and execution.
Business conditions change. You must change with them. For instance, when circumstances are bad, you must improve your offers to improve your cash flow. When circumstances have improved, you should consider price increases. The key is realizing that changing circumstances necessitate changes in your goal and the way to achieve it.
YOU can be more successful than the Emperor himself
Napoleon failed. The man with the golden touch was lacking the one thing he needed for success and was so obviously lacking: judgement. He who had dazzled Europe... did not know how to contain his hubris and turn it into sensible, achievable policy. Thus, he lost all.
Learn from the great man's titanic error.
Plan your work. Work your plan. Evaluate. Maintain what you have... always move ahead... but never gamble. In this way you ensure your success. What's more, because of your planning and focus, YOU will enjoy the success the great emperor himself forfeited.
Napoleonic resource
For one of the best books (and the best written) on Napoleon and his family, consult "The Bonapartes" by David Stacton. Simon and Schuster, New York. 1966. It's a very good read.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc.,where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Friday, January 28, 2011
Why your company must have a designated nudge
By Christopher Hessman
Did you know your company has a open position which
needs to be filled at once? The absence of this person is
costing you money every single day. That's why
you cannot wait another minute to fill this vital post.
To help understand what this position is all about,
let's start at the dictionary:
Nudge (nuj) v. nudged, nudging. v. t. To touch or
push gently as with the elbow, in order to attract
attention, convey a meaning, etc. v.i. To give a
nudge. n. The act of nudging; a gentle push as with
the elbow. Norw. nugga, push.
Frankly, I think the original Norwegian ("nugga") has it
right: push. The nudge is your company's designated
representative to push employees and associates for
more and faster results.
Why you need a nudge
Let's face it, you're human. You try to set goals. You
try to reach them in the time provided. You try to do more
and better, right?
But somehow you fall behind, miss deadlines, bobble
opportunities, trip and crash when you should be sprinting
ahead. Isn't that about the size of it?
Which is why you need a designated nudge.
In a nutshell the job of the nudge is to
* check progress on existing projects and objectives
* ask how you are getting on with what needs to be done
* remind you what needs to be done and when
it must be done
* offer incentives for achievement
* make it clear what happens when achievement is
not forthcoming
And, in general, spur, motivate, challenge, chide
-- and push.
The nudge must be organized, efficient, focused,
indefatigable, with a thick skin
Only a person of the utmost efficiency, clarity and
organization can be a nudge. After all, a nudge who
falters and fails is hardly going to make a success of the
position, much less deliver the benefits you have
every right to expect.
Beyond such skills, the nudge must be a person
who, above all, has a thick skin and who doesn't take
things personally.
Nudges are often regarded as people butting in where
they are not wanted... perfectionists in an imperfect
world... annoying, interfering, pests; in short not the
most welcome of creatures.
That's why two things are absolutely necessary for
the successful nudge: a thick skin and immunity for
whatever they say.
The necessity for immunity
A nudge by definition pushes other employees...
and must therefore be protected from the comments
and reactions of all employees.
Consider this typical situation:
Nudge: Mary, as you know your monthly sales figures
are a little off. What are you planning to do to get back
on track?
I guarantee you that Mary is not likely to be very happy
when the nudge drops by with this message. However,
that is the nudge's job: to get Mary back on track ASAP,
to enable both Mary and the company to achieve their
clearly understood goals.
Mary may well be inclined to respond with a "get
out of here. I am fully capable of handling this matter
myself" comment.
But she cannot and must not.
The nudge's job is to remind Mary of what needs to be
done, when it needs to be done, what Mary is doing to
achieve the objective, and to give Mary all appropriate
help and directions, right up to and including warnings
and admonitions.
The nudge is constantly in motion and may appear
anywhere, at any time.
By definition, a nudge cannot be a stationary object;
the nudge must constantly be
* connecting with employees
* reviewing their progress
* making suggestions
* focusing employees
* recommending what must be done and
when it must be done.
The nudge must be supremely well organized
and must have a clear daily "to do" list.
This means
* knowing who must be contacted today
* calling and emailing such people (including
follow-up e-mails after all meetings).
* re-focusing employees, tweaking, adjusting,
The nudge is a creature in constant motion...
* prodding Joe
* complimenting Neal
* chiding Sally
being clear on what each needs to achieve... and working
with each and all to achieve those objectives.
Start today
There isn't a company on this earth which wouldn't
be better off having a designated nudge on staff.
That's why you must start today.
* Review the nudge candidates you have. Who is
best equipped to contact each and every employee
and representative to improve results?
* The nudge must be in constant communication
with employees AND with management.
* The nudge's conduct and mode of operation
must be reviewed at regular intervals. Remember
your Lord Acton: "power corrupts. Absolute power
corrupts absolutely." You must ensure that your
nudge doesn't develop arrogance and "big head"
problems, which can easily occur without periodic
intervention and oversight.
Review the nudge's results
A nudge who understands and is good at this
job is a godsend to any company. After all, nudges are
clear on what is likely to deliver better results:
* allowing employees to go their own ways
without regular oversight and reminding, or
* having to report progress (or lack of same)
to a designated representative whose task is
to get people to produce more in a designated
period of time?
Obvious, isn't it?
And so we come back to the original Norwegian word
"nugga", meaning push. The nudge is your company's
secret weapon, who by simply showing up and pushing
and prodding employees will achieve better results day after
Cherish nudges, for they are a source of endless
benefits to you and your organization. Far too many
employees are slow, slothful, disorganized, inefficient.
Apply the magic of the nudge to the solution of these
problems and deficiencies. The results will most
assuredly please you!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online through automation. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
You may have to copy link and put in Browser.
AGE-LOC is the key to your YOUTH
Did you know your company has a open position which
needs to be filled at once? The absence of this person is
costing you money every single day. That's why
you cannot wait another minute to fill this vital post.
To help understand what this position is all about,
let's start at the dictionary:
Nudge (nuj) v. nudged, nudging. v. t. To touch or
push gently as with the elbow, in order to attract
attention, convey a meaning, etc. v.i. To give a
nudge. n. The act of nudging; a gentle push as with
the elbow. Norw. nugga, push.
Frankly, I think the original Norwegian ("nugga") has it
right: push. The nudge is your company's designated
representative to push employees and associates for
more and faster results.
Why you need a nudge
Let's face it, you're human. You try to set goals. You
try to reach them in the time provided. You try to do more
and better, right?
But somehow you fall behind, miss deadlines, bobble
opportunities, trip and crash when you should be sprinting
ahead. Isn't that about the size of it?
Which is why you need a designated nudge.
In a nutshell the job of the nudge is to
* check progress on existing projects and objectives
* ask how you are getting on with what needs to be done
* remind you what needs to be done and when
it must be done
* offer incentives for achievement
* make it clear what happens when achievement is
not forthcoming
And, in general, spur, motivate, challenge, chide
-- and push.
The nudge must be organized, efficient, focused,
indefatigable, with a thick skin
Only a person of the utmost efficiency, clarity and
organization can be a nudge. After all, a nudge who
falters and fails is hardly going to make a success of the
position, much less deliver the benefits you have
every right to expect.
Beyond such skills, the nudge must be a person
who, above all, has a thick skin and who doesn't take
things personally.
Nudges are often regarded as people butting in where
they are not wanted... perfectionists in an imperfect
world... annoying, interfering, pests; in short not the
most welcome of creatures.
That's why two things are absolutely necessary for
the successful nudge: a thick skin and immunity for
whatever they say.
The necessity for immunity
A nudge by definition pushes other employees...
and must therefore be protected from the comments
and reactions of all employees.
Consider this typical situation:
Nudge: Mary, as you know your monthly sales figures
are a little off. What are you planning to do to get back
on track?
I guarantee you that Mary is not likely to be very happy
when the nudge drops by with this message. However,
that is the nudge's job: to get Mary back on track ASAP,
to enable both Mary and the company to achieve their
clearly understood goals.
Mary may well be inclined to respond with a "get
out of here. I am fully capable of handling this matter
myself" comment.
But she cannot and must not.
The nudge's job is to remind Mary of what needs to be
done, when it needs to be done, what Mary is doing to
achieve the objective, and to give Mary all appropriate
help and directions, right up to and including warnings
and admonitions.
The nudge is constantly in motion and may appear
anywhere, at any time.
By definition, a nudge cannot be a stationary object;
the nudge must constantly be
* connecting with employees
* reviewing their progress
* making suggestions
* focusing employees
* recommending what must be done and
when it must be done.
The nudge must be supremely well organized
and must have a clear daily "to do" list.
This means
* knowing who must be contacted today
* calling and emailing such people (including
follow-up e-mails after all meetings).
* re-focusing employees, tweaking, adjusting,
The nudge is a creature in constant motion...
* prodding Joe
* complimenting Neal
* chiding Sally
being clear on what each needs to achieve... and working
with each and all to achieve those objectives.
Start today
There isn't a company on this earth which wouldn't
be better off having a designated nudge on staff.
That's why you must start today.
* Review the nudge candidates you have. Who is
best equipped to contact each and every employee
and representative to improve results?
* The nudge must be in constant communication
with employees AND with management.
* The nudge's conduct and mode of operation
must be reviewed at regular intervals. Remember
your Lord Acton: "power corrupts. Absolute power
corrupts absolutely." You must ensure that your
nudge doesn't develop arrogance and "big head"
problems, which can easily occur without periodic
intervention and oversight.
Review the nudge's results
A nudge who understands and is good at this
job is a godsend to any company. After all, nudges are
clear on what is likely to deliver better results:
* allowing employees to go their own ways
without regular oversight and reminding, or
* having to report progress (or lack of same)
to a designated representative whose task is
to get people to produce more in a designated
period of time?
Obvious, isn't it?
And so we come back to the original Norwegian word
"nugga", meaning push. The nudge is your company's
secret weapon, who by simply showing up and pushing
and prodding employees will achieve better results day after
Cherish nudges, for they are a source of endless
benefits to you and your organization. Far too many
employees are slow, slothful, disorganized, inefficient.
Apply the magic of the nudge to the solution of these
problems and deficiencies. The results will most
assuredly please you!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online through automation. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed
visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
You may have to copy link and put in Browser.
AGE-LOC is the key to your YOUTH
Interactivity is the key to blog success. Here's the exact language to use to get it. Yes, exact.
by Christopher Hessman
Hear ye, hear ye! Blogs are the hottest thing on the 'net. You know it... and you've done the necessary to set yours up and publish, right? Out it goes... then... nothing. Not a peep from any reader. That's bad, real bad.
That's why I'm here -- to help you achieve maximum blog success.
As you're reading along with this article, think Cole Porter's peppy little number, "Friendship" (from "Was a lady," 1939) because that's what this article is, a friend helping a friend achieve maximum success online, this time with your blog.
Interactivity is the key.
Blogs work when they're interactive, that is when you get your audience/readers to respond. And why do you want them to respond? Because blog readers who respond are the very best customer prospects there are, that's why. Moreover if you're smart, you want to monetize your blog just as quickly as possible, right from the get-go... so that every time you publish your blog your readers, your prospects -- with their money -- respond.
Here's how to make this happen day after golden day.
Announce your objective, so that people know that your blog is interactive... and you expect them to respond.
"Readers! You've arrived at the most interactive blog online... where we are in constant touch with our readers... and readers are encouraged, indeed expected, to respond. We like hearing from you!"
Make this goal pellucidly clear to your readers. And keep this exact language in all blog posts. It's your welcome mat for the world.
Words that get people to respond to your lead article.
"Folks, I'm delighted, pleased, ecstatic to bring you this article (add title here). It's written by an expert (add name here) who knows what she's talking about. After you've read this piece, email me at once at (email address). Tell us what you think! We genuinely want to know!"
Put like this, such a plea is irresistible. Expect responses fast, always remembering that each response represents either the beginning of an ongoing relationship with that respondent...or the strengthening of an existing relationship. In short, it is the raw matter for success and nothing but success.
Ask your readers to respond to individual articles, not just the entire blog.
Remember, not only must your blog be perceived as interactive; each portion of the blog must be so configured. In other words, you want each and every article and/or blog section to generate leads. Here's how to do it.
"Friend, this article by (name of writer) is absolutely terrific, isn't it? The writing is incredible... the content superb. What's more , I can tell you how to get content of this amazing quality on your blog free. Email me your name, email address, and phone for the details. Yes, I mean FREE!"
Offer a freebie in every issue.
One particularly popular freebie, which I've used for years, is to write and make available a Free Report to your readers on a subject of interest to them, a subject like this:
"Boy, oh boy, have I ever got the terrific freebie for you today, you lucky blog readers, you. This report, absolutely free, is titled 'Just what you need to know and do to get (whatever benefit you sell)'. This special report is packed, just packed, with superb, hard-to-find details , and I'm lucky to be able to GIVE it to you. Email me now at (your email address) with your name, email address and phone number or just call me now at (your telephone number.) P.S. Be sure to tell me what you think after you've read it!"
Or, try this freebie. It's worked for me for years, and it's a pip of an example and model for you.
"Incredible, but true. Due to a special arrangement with some hot-shot traffic gurus, I'm able to give out 1,000,000 guaranteed visitors today, that is 50,000 each to the FIRST TWENTY READERS who respond today. Be one of them. Email me now at (email address) along with your name, address, and phone number or just pick up the phone and call me now. DON'T WAIT. This special offer can't last!"
Ask for comments. Use the comments.
Remember, your objective is to solicit and then receive comments from every reader. First, savour them; you have earned a little self-congratulation, because with each blog post and every reader response thereto, you are distancing yourself from the also-rans of blog publishers and firmly establishing yourself as a Smart Cookie. Now, press your advantage.
When responses arrive, be sure to publish them in your blog, good, bad, or indifferent. Of course, you want every response to be positive. These are the most welcome and easy-to-use blog posts. Publish them at once... and use them to generate more responses. You want your readers to see and be clear on the fact that yours is one of the most exciting, worthwhile blogs in the land. Make it a point to publicize every positive response you get:
"Wow! Here's a great response from (name of reader responding). We sure do appreciate these responses, not just because they're complimentary (but what's wrong with that anyway?) But because they make it clear how you feel... and what you like about what we're doing. That's Very Important indeed! Always include your name, address, phone, and email address."
What if the response is carping, critical, vituperative?
The world does not live on a diet of milk and honey. Gall and wormwood do make themselves known. Your job is to use negative comments to impress your readers and even turn your carping critic into a lap dog. Take a look at how this magic occurs.
"Tom Jones from Pocatello, Idaho isn't too happy today. He has emailed this message: 'Folks, that last article you published on (name of article) was just plain wrong about a couple of points. Here's the low-down..."
All publishers, blog or otherwise, are inured to getting responses like this. The key is turning the criticism into gold, building a relationship with the (momentarily) irked or critical respondent.
"Tom, your points are sooooo well taken. Thanks for making them; we've glad to let our readers have your point of view and hope to hear more from you. In the meantime, please accept a free copy of our newest report (title here)."
In short, turn lemons into lemonade and emerge wiser and better regarded than before.
Last words... there are no last words.
Blogging, as tried and true bloggers know, NEVER ends. Each issue, each part of each issue, constitutes a potential link to the future. Each thing, every section and each word, is a hook; grabbing, then pulling in your expectant audience, thereby generating leads, comments for future issues... and (how sweet it is) MONEY.
Blogs are the most personal of media. Run with that concept, and make your blog a place of constant interactivity and the satisfaction and profit that ensue to you as a result. Your readers will be happy, recognizing and applauding you, while you laugh all the way to the bank! How nice!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is a well known marketer, consultant and the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Come in see over 10,000 PRODUCTS:
Hear ye, hear ye! Blogs are the hottest thing on the 'net. You know it... and you've done the necessary to set yours up and publish, right? Out it goes... then... nothing. Not a peep from any reader. That's bad, real bad.
That's why I'm here -- to help you achieve maximum blog success.
As you're reading along with this article, think Cole Porter's peppy little number, "Friendship" (from "Was a lady," 1939) because that's what this article is, a friend helping a friend achieve maximum success online, this time with your blog.
Interactivity is the key.
Blogs work when they're interactive, that is when you get your audience/readers to respond. And why do you want them to respond? Because blog readers who respond are the very best customer prospects there are, that's why. Moreover if you're smart, you want to monetize your blog just as quickly as possible, right from the get-go... so that every time you publish your blog your readers, your prospects -- with their money -- respond.
Here's how to make this happen day after golden day.
Announce your objective, so that people know that your blog is interactive... and you expect them to respond.
"Readers! You've arrived at the most interactive blog online... where we are in constant touch with our readers... and readers are encouraged, indeed expected, to respond. We like hearing from you!"
Make this goal pellucidly clear to your readers. And keep this exact language in all blog posts. It's your welcome mat for the world.
Words that get people to respond to your lead article.
"Folks, I'm delighted, pleased, ecstatic to bring you this article (add title here). It's written by an expert (add name here) who knows what she's talking about. After you've read this piece, email me at once at (email address). Tell us what you think! We genuinely want to know!"
Put like this, such a plea is irresistible. Expect responses fast, always remembering that each response represents either the beginning of an ongoing relationship with that respondent...or the strengthening of an existing relationship. In short, it is the raw matter for success and nothing but success.
Ask your readers to respond to individual articles, not just the entire blog.
Remember, not only must your blog be perceived as interactive; each portion of the blog must be so configured. In other words, you want each and every article and/or blog section to generate leads. Here's how to do it.
"Friend, this article by (name of writer) is absolutely terrific, isn't it? The writing is incredible... the content superb. What's more , I can tell you how to get content of this amazing quality on your blog free. Email me your name, email address, and phone for the details. Yes, I mean FREE!"
Offer a freebie in every issue.
One particularly popular freebie, which I've used for years, is to write and make available a Free Report to your readers on a subject of interest to them, a subject like this:
"Boy, oh boy, have I ever got the terrific freebie for you today, you lucky blog readers, you. This report, absolutely free, is titled 'Just what you need to know and do to get (whatever benefit you sell)'. This special report is packed, just packed, with superb, hard-to-find details , and I'm lucky to be able to GIVE it to you. Email me now at (your email address) with your name, email address and phone number or just call me now at (your telephone number.) P.S. Be sure to tell me what you think after you've read it!"
Or, try this freebie. It's worked for me for years, and it's a pip of an example and model for you.
"Incredible, but true. Due to a special arrangement with some hot-shot traffic gurus, I'm able to give out 1,000,000 guaranteed visitors today, that is 50,000 each to the FIRST TWENTY READERS who respond today. Be one of them. Email me now at (email address) along with your name, address, and phone number or just pick up the phone and call me now. DON'T WAIT. This special offer can't last!"
Ask for comments. Use the comments.
Remember, your objective is to solicit and then receive comments from every reader. First, savour them; you have earned a little self-congratulation, because with each blog post and every reader response thereto, you are distancing yourself from the also-rans of blog publishers and firmly establishing yourself as a Smart Cookie. Now, press your advantage.
When responses arrive, be sure to publish them in your blog, good, bad, or indifferent. Of course, you want every response to be positive. These are the most welcome and easy-to-use blog posts. Publish them at once... and use them to generate more responses. You want your readers to see and be clear on the fact that yours is one of the most exciting, worthwhile blogs in the land. Make it a point to publicize every positive response you get:
"Wow! Here's a great response from (name of reader responding). We sure do appreciate these responses, not just because they're complimentary (but what's wrong with that anyway?) But because they make it clear how you feel... and what you like about what we're doing. That's Very Important indeed! Always include your name, address, phone, and email address."
What if the response is carping, critical, vituperative?
The world does not live on a diet of milk and honey. Gall and wormwood do make themselves known. Your job is to use negative comments to impress your readers and even turn your carping critic into a lap dog. Take a look at how this magic occurs.
"Tom Jones from Pocatello, Idaho isn't too happy today. He has emailed this message: 'Folks, that last article you published on (name of article) was just plain wrong about a couple of points. Here's the low-down..."
All publishers, blog or otherwise, are inured to getting responses like this. The key is turning the criticism into gold, building a relationship with the (momentarily) irked or critical respondent.
"Tom, your points are sooooo well taken. Thanks for making them; we've glad to let our readers have your point of view and hope to hear more from you. In the meantime, please accept a free copy of our newest report (title here)."
In short, turn lemons into lemonade and emerge wiser and better regarded than before.
Last words... there are no last words.
Blogging, as tried and true bloggers know, NEVER ends. Each issue, each part of each issue, constitutes a potential link to the future. Each thing, every section and each word, is a hook; grabbing, then pulling in your expectant audience, thereby generating leads, comments for future issues... and (how sweet it is) MONEY.
Blogs are the most personal of media. Run with that concept, and make your blog a place of constant interactivity and the satisfaction and profit that ensue to you as a result. Your readers will be happy, recognizing and applauding you, while you laugh all the way to the bank! How nice!
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is a well known marketer, consultant and the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Come in see over 10,000 PRODUCTS:
Thursday, January 27, 2011
You only die once. Tips for commencing the journey of your life with clarity, style and consideration of others.
by Christopher Hessman
When I was growing up in Illinois in the 'fifties, there was a well-known phrase, that the only two certainties in life were death and taxes. Well, we hear plenty about taxes... but precious little about death, much less making a "good death." With this article I aim to rectify the imbalance a bit and get you thinking about how to prepare for death, the last great journey of your life.
Some people will find this subject distasteful, even gruesome and appalling. But that's a decidedly provincial and short-sighted view. The plain fact is, we must all die... so the question is not whether your demise is going to happen or not; rather, it's whether you have prepared yourself and others for the event... and whether you have arranged matters with efficiency, convenience, and style, always remembering that you get one chance and one chance only to arrange matters properly; that it must be done right.
1) Your last will and testament
Millions of people who should have a will, don't. They offer any number of "reasons" for putting off until tomorrow that which they should be doing today... but the plain fact is, planning to give up all that is near, dear, and familiar unnerves them. I know.
Like so many, I procrastinated about drawing up a will, only to discover when at last I could procrastinate no longer that the process was fascinating, enthralling and liberating. It was good to know that questions of property and dispersal were handled and that, at the end, I could concentrate on other things rather than the last will and testament I had put off too long.
2) Allow ample time for necessary will preparation and creation
Naively, I thought that preparing a will would be a matter of a few weeks, a month or two at most. In fact (due partly it is true to a dilatory lawyer) it took nearly 15 months to gather all the necessary information, schedule and have conferences, consider the disposition of every cent of money and item of furniture; in short, it was a much more time consuming (and expensive) event than I ever imagined. Prepare accordingly.
3) Decide where and how you wish to be buried.
The question you must answer is whether you wish to be cremated or whether you wish your mortal remains to be buried. I found this a particularly difficult question. It happened that I had seen a film on the actual process of cremation, and didn't at all like what I saw. On the other hand, I didn't relish being planted in the cold, unyielding ground of New England for eternity either.
My best friend, a scientist able to look the matter in the eye with sterner clarity and resolution than I was, told me in no uncertain terms that I was over analyzing the situation, that cremation was the only intelligent and ecologically friendly course of action. I selected cremation... but without the bell-ringing conviction and certainty of my friend.
4) Habeas corpus. Now what can you do with it?
You must make, in a moment of clarity, the decision not just what must be done with your remains in terms of burial or cremation... but whether these remains can be used for the benefit of others. Do you want portions of your body, still usable, to go to others... or do you wish to stay intact, inviolable?
Personally, I had no trouble with this issue; it made eminent good sense to allow others to benefit from whatever was sufficiently useful.. and which I would be unable to use. Noblesse oblige. And so the proper authorities have my express desire and my permission to use me however they see fit.
5) No heroic measures
Do you want to exhaust all efforts to stay alive, even if "living" means that you can do nothing more than breathe and exist? To me, such a "life" can be purchased at far too great a cost, with resources best used for others. To be "alive" but unable to "live" seems to me a very poor use of resources, and a situation that causes maximum expense and maximum trouble for others, rather than the serenity and peace we seek.
6) Write the necessary letters
Before you die there are things to do, important things which cannot be put off. Amongst these tasks is the writing of certain letters, letters to spouse, to children, to dear and valued friends, and, yes, letters to those you may have offended... or who need some clear, final statement from you about some misunderstood deed or hurtful action.
These letters must be hand written... and must render sentiments of importance and total honesty. You owe it to yourself and recipient to write from the heart, especially if what you write is painful, difficult, and unexpected. Work hard on these letters, for what you write will be read, reread, and considered often by the recipients. Plan on it.
7) Arrange a final chat whenever possible
Hearing that his lifelong love Madame de Laval was dying, the Prince de Talleyrand, the celebrated French 19th century statesman, hurried to her side. There, they remembered their youth and its pleasures, tears freely flowing. But this was not how either of them wished the matter to end.
Madame de Laval asked for a few moments to compose herself... the Prince de Talleyrand removed himself... and, too, pulled himself together.
Madame de Laval called him in, offered the full hospitality of her house, and they settled into a long, intimate, gracious chat, lively and fulfilling of the kind they had enjoyed for so many years.
The Prince then said his adieux and departed, only to learn that his chere amie had died a few hours later, satisfied and comforted... the way eternal partings from your dearly beloved should be. As the end approaches, spend it thus... for parting, as Shakespeare knew, is such sweet sorrow.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online through automation. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books as well as an internationally recognized expert in the field of marketing and sales. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
When I was growing up in Illinois in the 'fifties, there was a well-known phrase, that the only two certainties in life were death and taxes. Well, we hear plenty about taxes... but precious little about death, much less making a "good death." With this article I aim to rectify the imbalance a bit and get you thinking about how to prepare for death, the last great journey of your life.
Some people will find this subject distasteful, even gruesome and appalling. But that's a decidedly provincial and short-sighted view. The plain fact is, we must all die... so the question is not whether your demise is going to happen or not; rather, it's whether you have prepared yourself and others for the event... and whether you have arranged matters with efficiency, convenience, and style, always remembering that you get one chance and one chance only to arrange matters properly; that it must be done right.
1) Your last will and testament
Millions of people who should have a will, don't. They offer any number of "reasons" for putting off until tomorrow that which they should be doing today... but the plain fact is, planning to give up all that is near, dear, and familiar unnerves them. I know.
Like so many, I procrastinated about drawing up a will, only to discover when at last I could procrastinate no longer that the process was fascinating, enthralling and liberating. It was good to know that questions of property and dispersal were handled and that, at the end, I could concentrate on other things rather than the last will and testament I had put off too long.
2) Allow ample time for necessary will preparation and creation
Naively, I thought that preparing a will would be a matter of a few weeks, a month or two at most. In fact (due partly it is true to a dilatory lawyer) it took nearly 15 months to gather all the necessary information, schedule and have conferences, consider the disposition of every cent of money and item of furniture; in short, it was a much more time consuming (and expensive) event than I ever imagined. Prepare accordingly.
3) Decide where and how you wish to be buried.
The question you must answer is whether you wish to be cremated or whether you wish your mortal remains to be buried. I found this a particularly difficult question. It happened that I had seen a film on the actual process of cremation, and didn't at all like what I saw. On the other hand, I didn't relish being planted in the cold, unyielding ground of New England for eternity either.
My best friend, a scientist able to look the matter in the eye with sterner clarity and resolution than I was, told me in no uncertain terms that I was over analyzing the situation, that cremation was the only intelligent and ecologically friendly course of action. I selected cremation... but without the bell-ringing conviction and certainty of my friend.
4) Habeas corpus. Now what can you do with it?
You must make, in a moment of clarity, the decision not just what must be done with your remains in terms of burial or cremation... but whether these remains can be used for the benefit of others. Do you want portions of your body, still usable, to go to others... or do you wish to stay intact, inviolable?
Personally, I had no trouble with this issue; it made eminent good sense to allow others to benefit from whatever was sufficiently useful.. and which I would be unable to use. Noblesse oblige. And so the proper authorities have my express desire and my permission to use me however they see fit.
5) No heroic measures
Do you want to exhaust all efforts to stay alive, even if "living" means that you can do nothing more than breathe and exist? To me, such a "life" can be purchased at far too great a cost, with resources best used for others. To be "alive" but unable to "live" seems to me a very poor use of resources, and a situation that causes maximum expense and maximum trouble for others, rather than the serenity and peace we seek.
6) Write the necessary letters
Before you die there are things to do, important things which cannot be put off. Amongst these tasks is the writing of certain letters, letters to spouse, to children, to dear and valued friends, and, yes, letters to those you may have offended... or who need some clear, final statement from you about some misunderstood deed or hurtful action.
These letters must be hand written... and must render sentiments of importance and total honesty. You owe it to yourself and recipient to write from the heart, especially if what you write is painful, difficult, and unexpected. Work hard on these letters, for what you write will be read, reread, and considered often by the recipients. Plan on it.
7) Arrange a final chat whenever possible
Hearing that his lifelong love Madame de Laval was dying, the Prince de Talleyrand, the celebrated French 19th century statesman, hurried to her side. There, they remembered their youth and its pleasures, tears freely flowing. But this was not how either of them wished the matter to end.
Madame de Laval asked for a few moments to compose herself... the Prince de Talleyrand removed himself... and, too, pulled himself together.
Madame de Laval called him in, offered the full hospitality of her house, and they settled into a long, intimate, gracious chat, lively and fulfilling of the kind they had enjoyed for so many years.
The Prince then said his adieux and departed, only to learn that his chere amie had died a few hours later, satisfied and comforted... the way eternal partings from your dearly beloved should be. As the end approaches, spend it thus... for parting, as Shakespeare knew, is such sweet sorrow.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online through automation. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books as well as an internationally recognized expert in the field of marketing and sales. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Reflections on the US National Debt. Will we do what it takes to shrink it?
by Christopher Hessman
So, President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission headed by former Wyoming Senator Alan K. Simpson (R) and former Clinton Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles (D) has issued its preliminary report.
It is a stark, sobering document. It says, in glaringly specific ways, that we as a nation have blithely spent too much too long, unconcerned like Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Newman: "What me worry/"
Well, we have partied and now wake up to a colossal headache of global proportions. Now what?
President Obama, understanding that Congress needs help with this hot potato,early on in his term issued an Executive Order on the matter. Per this order, a panel of 18 members was created; 12 are members of Congress. Six are private citizens of impeccable pedigree. Fourteen of these commissioners must agree before the panel can send any recommendations to Congress, which they must do shortly.
What the commissioners recommend... so far
The commissioners were given a breath taking charge by the president: either recommend $4 trillion dollars in budget cuts and savings and/or raise that sum in tax revenues. Everything was on the table; nothing was sacrosanct and inviolable. In short, "deal with it, boys and girls, for the good of the nation!"
The commissioners, selected for a gravely serious purpose, took the matter seriously, and have produced a serious document... the more so since others both within the Congress and out continue to play "gotcha politics" on the matter. Not so the commissioners. They set about their vital work with a will that promises to be sadly lacking in a Congress which will ultimately decide on what to do. Here is the heart of what they reported.
Item: deep cuts in domestic and military spending
Item: gradual 15-cents-per-gallon increase in the federal gasoline tax
Item: limiting or eliminating popular tax breaks (including the home mortgage deduction) in return for lower rates.
Item: benefit cuts and an increased retirement age for Social Security.
It is all sensible, logical, necessary and desirable. It is also DOA because only the commissioners have the will to make changes... and they don't have the power to save a penny or increase tax revenues Thus, under the heading "Fools rush in where angels fear to trend", here are my thoughts and recommendations. Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea, take note.
1) We live in supremely selfish times where no one is willing to give up anything. "Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you."
I start from the proposition that making the necessary changes to the budget will arouse the wrath of Americans nationwide, whatever Tea Party budget- balancing tenets they espouse. Everyone entering into this necessary budget shrinking debate should expect two certain things: up front high-blown patriotic rhetoric about sacrifices willingly made ; behind the scenes bare knuckle fighting of the crudest variety to protect the haves... no matter how grossly illogical and piggish their benefits.
2) Tackle Social Security first. It is the easiest to rehabilitate.
It is time someone told the American people, who treat tampering with Social Security as the third rail in politics (touch it and die), the truth. The entitled, immovable age of 65 is the cynical legacy of Europe's most successful politician, Prince Otto von Bismarck. He's the man who engineered the unification of Germany. Looking for a way to undermine the burgeoning late 19th century Socialist movement (very strong in Germany) he asked actuaries to find a number where most men would be dead and only voteless women left. Pensions would begin then. Otto and his conservatives get the credit... but have to pay little! Actuaries said age 65 would do the trick... and so it has remained.
Since Bismarck's day, however, there have been huge improvements in health and longevity, thereby making the number 65 less an "entitlement" than a fantastic gift from the government for many years, to the detriment of succeeding (and rightly concerned) generations who foot the bill.
Note: Congress should bite this bullet early and deep. Whereas the president's commissioners want to raise the age by gradual stages to year 69, instead make the magic number go to 71 for those in reasonable health who can work. It's the right thing.
3) Make each member of the Congress take a pledge to eschew "gotcha politics" on this matter. In our brutally tit for blood-letting tat Congress to say A (like "you voted to slash military spending") immediately fuels the opposition to return (B) a blow of equal or greater intensity (like "you voted to gut all domestic spending programs"). This gets us no where and fuels national rage about "do nothing" congresses.
Members of Congress raise money to clobber each other. That's what they do. They've been doing it since Minute 1 of the new republic. Now some aspiring statesman should, in the name of getting to yes with this budget imbroglio, say "basta!" and ask all members, on both sides of the aisle, to join him and appreciably move towards the solution we must have. Make working together politically attractive and a "must"; do this and the politically pusillanimous who constitute the core of the Congress will rush to embrace it.
4) Urge the president to spend his (admittedly diminished) political capital to solve this problem -- even at the risk of losing a second term.
Americans love big men who focus on big things which benefit the nation in big ways. Let our now wounded president do this and secure a truly significant and majestic legacy.
President Obama could rise to the occasion and say, "The issue of securing a balanced, lean, fair budget and with it the sound future of the nation is so important, I intend to make it my Number 1 priority. It is crucial that America get this benefit, and if it costs me my second term, so be it. It is the right thing to do." (P.S. Not only would this be statesmanship in the grand manner, but this wounded man would sail to a second term and a legacy of substance and real worth.)
5) Explain to America what is at stake. Then sell it to the nation.
John F. Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was a marketing man. He stayed behind the scenes, raised money and gave sharp, sensible advice. Before the crucial Wisconsin primary in 1960, he told his son Jack that they would sell him "like soap flakes." They did... he romped in the primary.... and got a crucial boost on the road to the presidency.
President Obama et al need to do the same thing now. Hire the best marketing brains on earth... brainstorm every benefit. Then go out and sell it to the nation. This matter of the budget is not the most difficult problem this country has ever faced; it's entirely solvable. What is necessary is to enlighten Americans, enlist their support and show them what to do. Then lock the Congress in a room and tell them to cut deals until the deed is done. And because cutting deals is what they do best, in due course the thing will be done. Then spread the credit, take the White House photographs... and start the next spending spree. For that is the American way
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
So, President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission headed by former Wyoming Senator Alan K. Simpson (R) and former Clinton Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles (D) has issued its preliminary report.
It is a stark, sobering document. It says, in glaringly specific ways, that we as a nation have blithely spent too much too long, unconcerned like Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Newman: "What me worry/"
Well, we have partied and now wake up to a colossal headache of global proportions. Now what?
President Obama, understanding that Congress needs help with this hot potato,early on in his term issued an Executive Order on the matter. Per this order, a panel of 18 members was created; 12 are members of Congress. Six are private citizens of impeccable pedigree. Fourteen of these commissioners must agree before the panel can send any recommendations to Congress, which they must do shortly.
What the commissioners recommend... so far
The commissioners were given a breath taking charge by the president: either recommend $4 trillion dollars in budget cuts and savings and/or raise that sum in tax revenues. Everything was on the table; nothing was sacrosanct and inviolable. In short, "deal with it, boys and girls, for the good of the nation!"
The commissioners, selected for a gravely serious purpose, took the matter seriously, and have produced a serious document... the more so since others both within the Congress and out continue to play "gotcha politics" on the matter. Not so the commissioners. They set about their vital work with a will that promises to be sadly lacking in a Congress which will ultimately decide on what to do. Here is the heart of what they reported.
Item: deep cuts in domestic and military spending
Item: gradual 15-cents-per-gallon increase in the federal gasoline tax
Item: limiting or eliminating popular tax breaks (including the home mortgage deduction) in return for lower rates.
Item: benefit cuts and an increased retirement age for Social Security.
It is all sensible, logical, necessary and desirable. It is also DOA because only the commissioners have the will to make changes... and they don't have the power to save a penny or increase tax revenues Thus, under the heading "Fools rush in where angels fear to trend", here are my thoughts and recommendations. Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea, take note.
1) We live in supremely selfish times where no one is willing to give up anything. "Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you."
I start from the proposition that making the necessary changes to the budget will arouse the wrath of Americans nationwide, whatever Tea Party budget- balancing tenets they espouse. Everyone entering into this necessary budget shrinking debate should expect two certain things: up front high-blown patriotic rhetoric about sacrifices willingly made ; behind the scenes bare knuckle fighting of the crudest variety to protect the haves... no matter how grossly illogical and piggish their benefits.
2) Tackle Social Security first. It is the easiest to rehabilitate.
It is time someone told the American people, who treat tampering with Social Security as the third rail in politics (touch it and die), the truth. The entitled, immovable age of 65 is the cynical legacy of Europe's most successful politician, Prince Otto von Bismarck. He's the man who engineered the unification of Germany. Looking for a way to undermine the burgeoning late 19th century Socialist movement (very strong in Germany) he asked actuaries to find a number where most men would be dead and only voteless women left. Pensions would begin then. Otto and his conservatives get the credit... but have to pay little! Actuaries said age 65 would do the trick... and so it has remained.
Since Bismarck's day, however, there have been huge improvements in health and longevity, thereby making the number 65 less an "entitlement" than a fantastic gift from the government for many years, to the detriment of succeeding (and rightly concerned) generations who foot the bill.
Note: Congress should bite this bullet early and deep. Whereas the president's commissioners want to raise the age by gradual stages to year 69, instead make the magic number go to 71 for those in reasonable health who can work. It's the right thing.
3) Make each member of the Congress take a pledge to eschew "gotcha politics" on this matter. In our brutally tit for blood-letting tat Congress to say A (like "you voted to slash military spending") immediately fuels the opposition to return (B) a blow of equal or greater intensity (like "you voted to gut all domestic spending programs"). This gets us no where and fuels national rage about "do nothing" congresses.
Members of Congress raise money to clobber each other. That's what they do. They've been doing it since Minute 1 of the new republic. Now some aspiring statesman should, in the name of getting to yes with this budget imbroglio, say "basta!" and ask all members, on both sides of the aisle, to join him and appreciably move towards the solution we must have. Make working together politically attractive and a "must"; do this and the politically pusillanimous who constitute the core of the Congress will rush to embrace it.
4) Urge the president to spend his (admittedly diminished) political capital to solve this problem -- even at the risk of losing a second term.
Americans love big men who focus on big things which benefit the nation in big ways. Let our now wounded president do this and secure a truly significant and majestic legacy.
President Obama could rise to the occasion and say, "The issue of securing a balanced, lean, fair budget and with it the sound future of the nation is so important, I intend to make it my Number 1 priority. It is crucial that America get this benefit, and if it costs me my second term, so be it. It is the right thing to do." (P.S. Not only would this be statesmanship in the grand manner, but this wounded man would sail to a second term and a legacy of substance and real worth.)
5) Explain to America what is at stake. Then sell it to the nation.
John F. Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was a marketing man. He stayed behind the scenes, raised money and gave sharp, sensible advice. Before the crucial Wisconsin primary in 1960, he told his son Jack that they would sell him "like soap flakes." They did... he romped in the primary.... and got a crucial boost on the road to the presidency.
President Obama et al need to do the same thing now. Hire the best marketing brains on earth... brainstorm every benefit. Then go out and sell it to the nation. This matter of the budget is not the most difficult problem this country has ever faced; it's entirely solvable. What is necessary is to enlighten Americans, enlist their support and show them what to do. Then lock the Congress in a room and tell them to cut deals until the deed is done. And because cutting deals is what they do best, in due course the thing will be done. Then spread the credit, take the White House photographs... and start the next spending spree. For that is the American way
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
On black politics and politicians. Thoughts on the convictions of former Boston city councillor Chuck Turner and former Massachusetts state senator Dianne Wilkerson.
by Christopher Hessman
January 25, 2011 ought to have been a red letter day in the black community of Boston, Massachusetts. That, after all, is the day former 6 term Boston city councillor Chuck Turner was sentenced to three years in prison for accepting a $1,000 bribe. He's joined in the pokey by another well- known black politician, Dianne Wilkerson, ex-state senator, representing roughly the same area in the state senate Turner represented in the city council. Wilkerson's sentence, 3 1/2 years.
Sadly, the black community has not only not been grateful to have such blatant, shameless cons removed from positions of power and authority they occupied... there is strong, residual grumbling that "the man" has clipped the wings of two positively angelic spokespeople for the community. Sure they were guilty... but they were good people who worked for the community; thus all their numerous, documented infractions should and needed to be forgiven.
Let's see how this ironic development came about; what it tells us about leadership in the black community, and the need to put the race card to bed, as inimical to that community and its members.
Here are the facts:
June 2007. Wilkerson, one of the best known members of the Massachusetts State Senate, is videotaped accepting cash pay-offs, including $1,000 that she stuffed into her bra, in exchange for help with a liquor license and assistance to a developer who wanted to build on state land.
August 3, 2007. Turner is videotaped by an FBI informant accepting a $1,000 bribe also for help getting a liquor license.
October 28, 2008. Wilkerson is arrested on FBI charges of public corruption and accused of eight counts of accepting bribes worth $23,500.
November 21, 2008. Turner is arrested on charges of taking a bribe and then lying to federal agents about it.
Thanks to the videotapes and other corroborating evidence, surely this, of all cases, was open and shut. Think again!
Both Wilkerson and even more so Turner were wise in the ways of provocateurs everywhere. Demagoguery? Distortions? Lies? They were all in a day's work for this hyper-active duo. Too, they knew one of Adolph Hitler's most insightful observations: that if you say a thing often, over and over again, that thing, no matter how unsound, untrue, unlikely, becomes the truth.
And so, because the charges were serious, amply documented, and because the FBI was determined that such a culture of crime be rooted out... the matter escalated at once into a food fight that fascinated and repelled a great city.
In short order, both Turner and Wilkerson had turned the matter of their guilt or innocence into nothing less than an assault by every level of authority against their people, black people.... using tactics not unworthy of the Grand Old Army as it waved the bloody shirt in the days of reconstruction.
Was Chuck Turner, born with a sneer on his lips, a torrent of vituperative hate language always at the ready, was Turner to blame? Certainly not.
George W. Bush and his Administration was to blame.
The FBI and law enforcement authorities were to blame.
Mr. and Mrs. White America and all the ships at sea were to blame... anyone and every one but the man actually videotaped taking the piddly amount of one thousand dollars.
Wilkerson went for cheap, too, though she went cheap more often than Turner, a thousand dollars here, a thousand dollars there.
That was fact... but these masters of distortion with graduate degrees in race baiting... sought to manipulate public opinion by first, endlessly harping on all the "good" they had done for the minority neighborhoods which had elected them again and again to their public offices, and second turning the matter of their personal guilt into an episode in the great enduring struggle for civil rights.
Chuck Turner couldn't conceivably be guilty... because he was on the right side of "We shall overcome".
Both Turner and Wilkerson littered the landscape with their rallies, their statements, their media appearances... all to persuade the public, not merely gullible but mesmerized by these deft practitioners of mayhem and rage, that they were not merely innocent... they were the very heart and soul of the best of the black tradition. They were being cast down, they said and said again, because they had helped raise up the downtrodden.
It was magnificent, it was riveting, it was one lie after another. But good people of the neighborhoods bought the fiction, embraced the rhetoric, and saw conspiracies where there was in fact nothing more than law enforcements officials doing their job without the support of the people victimized by the accused and blatantly self serving Turner and Wilkerson.
Right up to and including their respective days in court neither Wilkerson nor (even more so) Turner seemed to have any idea that they were misleading, distorting, evading, much less that they had any responsibility for what they had done and which could readily be seen on the incriminating videotapes.
They told their supporters, who were legion, that it was all a misunderstanding, that it was all a conspiracy against them because of their important work. They had been sinned against, no question, but they had never, ever sinned.
These fiery arguments, all froth, no facts, did not work for Wilkerson. She missed the point until the very end, January 6, 2010, when she was well and truly sentenced.
Then came the shrieking, race baiting, responsibility evading Turner... who finally met his match, and more, in U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodlock.
In his remarks, Woodlock, with cool elegance, never raising his voice, unlike Turner, who always did, hit the nail on the head, saying Turner's blatant perjury was "surreal", "ludicrous." And,most pointedly, that if Turner hadn't continuously and outrageously lied to the federal authorities he would not have received the sentence of.... three years.
Within moments the egregious Turner was outside the courthouse doing what he does best: spewing poison and malice and, with a touch of his demented genius, making it clear that he expects to become the next civil rights martyr, certain to die (in glory) in the big house, snuffed by "the man". The gall of the man is unending.
However, in the final analysis, this is not a story about 2 cons from politics. It is, rather, about the people of the neighborhoods, the people who not only elected them again and again... but, more strange to us, continued to applaud the now convicted felons, who had had their day in court.... and lost.
Why had these good people allowed themselves to be so mislead, so abused, so used? Did the need to support the black face so trump all other considerations that any outrage would be tolerated and forgiven, any outrage at all?
So, it seems. Which is why in every black neighborhood in the land, the good people, the hard working people, the Church attending, law abiding people elect and re-elect one scoundrel after another -- until finally these fine folks realize the conundrum of their situation and elect good people, not just black people and never, ever black politicians who harp on civil rights to excuse civic wrongs.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a recognized American and British historian and author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
January 25, 2011 ought to have been a red letter day in the black community of Boston, Massachusetts. That, after all, is the day former 6 term Boston city councillor Chuck Turner was sentenced to three years in prison for accepting a $1,000 bribe. He's joined in the pokey by another well- known black politician, Dianne Wilkerson, ex-state senator, representing roughly the same area in the state senate Turner represented in the city council. Wilkerson's sentence, 3 1/2 years.
Sadly, the black community has not only not been grateful to have such blatant, shameless cons removed from positions of power and authority they occupied... there is strong, residual grumbling that "the man" has clipped the wings of two positively angelic spokespeople for the community. Sure they were guilty... but they were good people who worked for the community; thus all their numerous, documented infractions should and needed to be forgiven.
Let's see how this ironic development came about; what it tells us about leadership in the black community, and the need to put the race card to bed, as inimical to that community and its members.
Here are the facts:
June 2007. Wilkerson, one of the best known members of the Massachusetts State Senate, is videotaped accepting cash pay-offs, including $1,000 that she stuffed into her bra, in exchange for help with a liquor license and assistance to a developer who wanted to build on state land.
August 3, 2007. Turner is videotaped by an FBI informant accepting a $1,000 bribe also for help getting a liquor license.
October 28, 2008. Wilkerson is arrested on FBI charges of public corruption and accused of eight counts of accepting bribes worth $23,500.
November 21, 2008. Turner is arrested on charges of taking a bribe and then lying to federal agents about it.
Thanks to the videotapes and other corroborating evidence, surely this, of all cases, was open and shut. Think again!
Both Wilkerson and even more so Turner were wise in the ways of provocateurs everywhere. Demagoguery? Distortions? Lies? They were all in a day's work for this hyper-active duo. Too, they knew one of Adolph Hitler's most insightful observations: that if you say a thing often, over and over again, that thing, no matter how unsound, untrue, unlikely, becomes the truth.
And so, because the charges were serious, amply documented, and because the FBI was determined that such a culture of crime be rooted out... the matter escalated at once into a food fight that fascinated and repelled a great city.
In short order, both Turner and Wilkerson had turned the matter of their guilt or innocence into nothing less than an assault by every level of authority against their people, black people.... using tactics not unworthy of the Grand Old Army as it waved the bloody shirt in the days of reconstruction.
Was Chuck Turner, born with a sneer on his lips, a torrent of vituperative hate language always at the ready, was Turner to blame? Certainly not.
George W. Bush and his Administration was to blame.
The FBI and law enforcement authorities were to blame.
Mr. and Mrs. White America and all the ships at sea were to blame... anyone and every one but the man actually videotaped taking the piddly amount of one thousand dollars.
Wilkerson went for cheap, too, though she went cheap more often than Turner, a thousand dollars here, a thousand dollars there.
That was fact... but these masters of distortion with graduate degrees in race baiting... sought to manipulate public opinion by first, endlessly harping on all the "good" they had done for the minority neighborhoods which had elected them again and again to their public offices, and second turning the matter of their personal guilt into an episode in the great enduring struggle for civil rights.
Chuck Turner couldn't conceivably be guilty... because he was on the right side of "We shall overcome".
Both Turner and Wilkerson littered the landscape with their rallies, their statements, their media appearances... all to persuade the public, not merely gullible but mesmerized by these deft practitioners of mayhem and rage, that they were not merely innocent... they were the very heart and soul of the best of the black tradition. They were being cast down, they said and said again, because they had helped raise up the downtrodden.
It was magnificent, it was riveting, it was one lie after another. But good people of the neighborhoods bought the fiction, embraced the rhetoric, and saw conspiracies where there was in fact nothing more than law enforcements officials doing their job without the support of the people victimized by the accused and blatantly self serving Turner and Wilkerson.
Right up to and including their respective days in court neither Wilkerson nor (even more so) Turner seemed to have any idea that they were misleading, distorting, evading, much less that they had any responsibility for what they had done and which could readily be seen on the incriminating videotapes.
They told their supporters, who were legion, that it was all a misunderstanding, that it was all a conspiracy against them because of their important work. They had been sinned against, no question, but they had never, ever sinned.
These fiery arguments, all froth, no facts, did not work for Wilkerson. She missed the point until the very end, January 6, 2010, when she was well and truly sentenced.
Then came the shrieking, race baiting, responsibility evading Turner... who finally met his match, and more, in U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodlock.
In his remarks, Woodlock, with cool elegance, never raising his voice, unlike Turner, who always did, hit the nail on the head, saying Turner's blatant perjury was "surreal", "ludicrous." And,most pointedly, that if Turner hadn't continuously and outrageously lied to the federal authorities he would not have received the sentence of.... three years.
Within moments the egregious Turner was outside the courthouse doing what he does best: spewing poison and malice and, with a touch of his demented genius, making it clear that he expects to become the next civil rights martyr, certain to die (in glory) in the big house, snuffed by "the man". The gall of the man is unending.
However, in the final analysis, this is not a story about 2 cons from politics. It is, rather, about the people of the neighborhoods, the people who not only elected them again and again... but, more strange to us, continued to applaud the now convicted felons, who had had their day in court.... and lost.
Why had these good people allowed themselves to be so mislead, so abused, so used? Did the need to support the black face so trump all other considerations that any outrage would be tolerated and forgiven, any outrage at all?
So, it seems. Which is why in every black neighborhood in the land, the good people, the hard working people, the Church attending, law abiding people elect and re-elect one scoundrel after another -- until finally these fine folks realize the conundrum of their situation and elect good people, not just black people and never, ever black politicians who harp on civil rights to excuse civic wrongs.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a recognized American and British historian and author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
BY: Christopher Hessman
I sat at my desk watching a man that is supposed to be the President of the most powerful county on the planet. This speech was nothing more than Pete & repeat he has said the same thing about four times over the past two years. We can not believe anything he is saying to us. In his actions not words, he has just about crippled our GREAT NATION. We the people need to stand up and PUSH BACK more to stop his policy's and undo his wrecking and crippling policies. We need to do what needs to be done to take some of the sting out of our economy and put us back on track. This president is doing everything he can to implode the American free market system, if you do not believe it yet than do your own research and just listen to what he says he is against everything our Founding Fathers stood for. I believe we should cut Department of Education and reinvent the whole system, because if anything is broken it the public school system. I believe in the new Republicans to do what ever they need to do for getting our country out of the RED. We also need to put GOD back into all we do because this is how our nation was founded in "GOD WE TRUST". Investment in our nation they have spent enough CUT, CUT, CUT, TEA PARTY AND REPUBLICANS STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!
Our President still thinks he is a community organizer not the President. He has taken an oath to serve and protect the Constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, stop putting us down, stop apologizing for us, stop killing jobs, stop taking away our children American DREAM. We the people will never surrender never give in or give up. The damage Obama & Democrats have done to our nation will take years to undo and correct. I pray to GOD that we remember how we were founded and get back our pledge for our flag and Jesus Christ. Federal Government needs to get out of the way let private sector free of oversight to some extent.
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, is still the shining star in the sky we are not soviet the union we made the world change and have kept the peace for years. WE AMERCAN'S KNOW WE ARE NUMBER 1.
Christopher Hessman
I sat at my desk watching a man that is supposed to be the President of the most powerful county on the planet. This speech was nothing more than Pete & repeat he has said the same thing about four times over the past two years. We can not believe anything he is saying to us. In his actions not words, he has just about crippled our GREAT NATION. We the people need to stand up and PUSH BACK more to stop his policy's and undo his wrecking and crippling policies. We need to do what needs to be done to take some of the sting out of our economy and put us back on track. This president is doing everything he can to implode the American free market system, if you do not believe it yet than do your own research and just listen to what he says he is against everything our Founding Fathers stood for. I believe we should cut Department of Education and reinvent the whole system, because if anything is broken it the public school system. I believe in the new Republicans to do what ever they need to do for getting our country out of the RED. We also need to put GOD back into all we do because this is how our nation was founded in "GOD WE TRUST". Investment in our nation they have spent enough CUT, CUT, CUT, TEA PARTY AND REPUBLICANS STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!
Our President still thinks he is a community organizer not the President. He has taken an oath to serve and protect the Constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, stop putting us down, stop apologizing for us, stop killing jobs, stop taking away our children American DREAM. We the people will never surrender never give in or give up. The damage Obama & Democrats have done to our nation will take years to undo and correct. I pray to GOD that we remember how we were founded and get back our pledge for our flag and Jesus Christ. Federal Government needs to get out of the way let private sector free of oversight to some extent.
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, is still the shining star in the sky we are not soviet the union we made the world change and have kept the peace for years. WE AMERCAN'S KNOW WE ARE NUMBER 1.
Christopher Hessman
'I want muscles.' An Appreciation for the life of fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne, 1914-January 23, 2011.
by Christopher Hessman
One of America's enduring cultural icons is dead, at 96. Jack LaLanne, who preached the virtues and values of working out long before it was fashionable, has checked out, to the rhythm of Diana Ross' jump-up classic, "I want muscles!" (Released, 1983.)
Born the of son of poor French immigrants,LaLanne was noted, first of all, as a sickly sugar addict with a prodigious sweet tooth. He just couldn't get enough pop, cakes, candy, each one more destructive to his health and well-being than the last.
But for fate at the hands of pioneering nutritionist Paul Bragg, LaLanne's might have turned into the garden variety tragedy: diabetes, its complications, debility, death. However, fate -- and Bragg -- intervened.
Bragg, like all nutritionists, was a person on a mission. When overweight, pimply LaLanne showed up in Bragg's dressing room following the master's standard program on the necessity for a nutritional wake-up call, Bragg slammed Lalanne with the tough love approach:
"Jack," said his new guru, "you're a walking garbage can." So he was.... but LaLanne wanted more than sugar. Bragg , like all evangelists, knew that here was a man who was Ready to grasp his message -- and life itself.
Sugar babies were out, the benefits of brown rice, whole wheat, and a vegetarian diet were in. LaLanne got the old time religion and never looked back.
This diet, now almost universally regarded as beneficial, in those days immediately established LaLanne as a kook.
Right from the get-go LaLanne knew that people needed a supportive environment, fellow travelers to help you stay focused. LaLanne's first attempt to create this environment was a makeshift backyard gym and exercise "facility." In short order he had a bevy of fire and policemen pumping iron. It was a beginning, just. But it was what this quintessential "get going and do it." guy with the mega watt smile needed... a platform. Piddly though it was it was all his... and he ran with it.
He got what most zealots get... the back hand of the establishment. He was written off as a crackpot, a menace delivering hemorrhoids, male impotence, and women who looked like -- men. Things looked grim... but LaLanne was nothing if not focused. What's more he had the ultimate support center, his wife of 51 years, Elaine. In a statement she wrote, "I have not only lost my husband and a great American icon, but the best friend and most loving partner anyone could ever hope for." We should all be so lucky.
In 1936, in his native Oakland, California he made his move; he opened a health studio that included weight training for women and athletes. Now think for a minute. In those days of yore, there was not a fitness center on every corner; there was not a universal obsession with looking good and working out; there wasn't a president of these United States whose workout sessions were covered by the media... and who had a supportive First Lady, adamant in her work against couch potatoes and obesity. There was hardly anything of this kind at all... but there was Jack LaLanne.
It was enough.
And, with the tireless energy that defines all evangelists, he got up and boogied. He did it for himself, of course, but he also did it for America.
Over 50 years ago, LaLanne on his ground-breaking television program made it clear what he was doing, and why. His message was important, stern, even grim, the message of a man who had thought long and hard about a subject of the greatest importance.
He walked over to the American flag, proudly displayed, not merely a prop... and he spoke deeply, sincerely. He said it was the "tremendous thought, the sacrifice, the lives lost, the toil, the fitness that went into" that flag.
"But now," he continued, aroused, unstoppable, "that we have too much of everything in this great land of ours, too many things are being done for us, we have become soft mentally and physically."
LaLanne's solution... nutrition, diet, exercise... the tried and true formula of the ancient Greeks, though LaLanne may not have known it as such: mens sana in corpore sano, a sound mind in a sound body.
However, to leave this summary of LaLanne's achievements on this grave note would be wrong. For it would leave out insightful details on LaLanne the indefatigable showman and pitchman; the man, mischievous and laughter-loving, who would do Anything, go Anywhere to draw attention to the core beliefs of his life.
Remember, then, at age 43 in 1957, he performed more than 1000 push-ups on television on the "You Asked For it" television program. America watched... and lapped it up.
At 60, he swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. He was handcuffed, shackled, towing a boat.
Ten years later, a peppy 70, he repeated this feat in Long Beach harbor; the better because he was older -- and still fit.
It was all in a day's work for LaLanne, who by now got the deference and respect due to a Founding Father of America's now obsessive focus on the verities LaLanne had devoted his life to promoting.
Now gone, LaLanne's optimistic, empowering message lives on because we need it so very much, now more than ever. To LaLanne's irritation and alarm came horrifying statistics about obesity, the lack of proper nutrition in the schools, the lack, indeed, of even basic recess for children who are thereby condemned to disability and death by open mouth, insert poison. In 1985, there was no US state above 14 percent in obesity. Today, nine states are 30 percent obese, or more. Only Colorado and the District of Columbia are under 20 percent, but just barely.
It is a national disgrace, and no one knew it better than LaLanne who knew that God shed his grace on we... who needed too shed excess pounds and poor habits, too. Still, LaLanne was never a scold, though his soap box always traveled with him.
He had too much faith in America specifically and in people generally for that. And so, even unto the end, he could smile, he could laugh, as when he said "I can't afford to die. It would wreck my image."
The man had nothing to worry about.
But the rest of us, giving lip service but little more to nutrition, exercise, and diet, most assuredly do.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
One of America's enduring cultural icons is dead, at 96. Jack LaLanne, who preached the virtues and values of working out long before it was fashionable, has checked out, to the rhythm of Diana Ross' jump-up classic, "I want muscles!" (Released, 1983.)
Born the of son of poor French immigrants,LaLanne was noted, first of all, as a sickly sugar addict with a prodigious sweet tooth. He just couldn't get enough pop, cakes, candy, each one more destructive to his health and well-being than the last.
But for fate at the hands of pioneering nutritionist Paul Bragg, LaLanne's might have turned into the garden variety tragedy: diabetes, its complications, debility, death. However, fate -- and Bragg -- intervened.
Bragg, like all nutritionists, was a person on a mission. When overweight, pimply LaLanne showed up in Bragg's dressing room following the master's standard program on the necessity for a nutritional wake-up call, Bragg slammed Lalanne with the tough love approach:
"Jack," said his new guru, "you're a walking garbage can." So he was.... but LaLanne wanted more than sugar. Bragg , like all evangelists, knew that here was a man who was Ready to grasp his message -- and life itself.
Sugar babies were out, the benefits of brown rice, whole wheat, and a vegetarian diet were in. LaLanne got the old time religion and never looked back.
This diet, now almost universally regarded as beneficial, in those days immediately established LaLanne as a kook.
Right from the get-go LaLanne knew that people needed a supportive environment, fellow travelers to help you stay focused. LaLanne's first attempt to create this environment was a makeshift backyard gym and exercise "facility." In short order he had a bevy of fire and policemen pumping iron. It was a beginning, just. But it was what this quintessential "get going and do it." guy with the mega watt smile needed... a platform. Piddly though it was it was all his... and he ran with it.
He got what most zealots get... the back hand of the establishment. He was written off as a crackpot, a menace delivering hemorrhoids, male impotence, and women who looked like -- men. Things looked grim... but LaLanne was nothing if not focused. What's more he had the ultimate support center, his wife of 51 years, Elaine. In a statement she wrote, "I have not only lost my husband and a great American icon, but the best friend and most loving partner anyone could ever hope for." We should all be so lucky.
In 1936, in his native Oakland, California he made his move; he opened a health studio that included weight training for women and athletes. Now think for a minute. In those days of yore, there was not a fitness center on every corner; there was not a universal obsession with looking good and working out; there wasn't a president of these United States whose workout sessions were covered by the media... and who had a supportive First Lady, adamant in her work against couch potatoes and obesity. There was hardly anything of this kind at all... but there was Jack LaLanne.
It was enough.
And, with the tireless energy that defines all evangelists, he got up and boogied. He did it for himself, of course, but he also did it for America.
Over 50 years ago, LaLanne on his ground-breaking television program made it clear what he was doing, and why. His message was important, stern, even grim, the message of a man who had thought long and hard about a subject of the greatest importance.
He walked over to the American flag, proudly displayed, not merely a prop... and he spoke deeply, sincerely. He said it was the "tremendous thought, the sacrifice, the lives lost, the toil, the fitness that went into" that flag.
"But now," he continued, aroused, unstoppable, "that we have too much of everything in this great land of ours, too many things are being done for us, we have become soft mentally and physically."
LaLanne's solution... nutrition, diet, exercise... the tried and true formula of the ancient Greeks, though LaLanne may not have known it as such: mens sana in corpore sano, a sound mind in a sound body.
However, to leave this summary of LaLanne's achievements on this grave note would be wrong. For it would leave out insightful details on LaLanne the indefatigable showman and pitchman; the man, mischievous and laughter-loving, who would do Anything, go Anywhere to draw attention to the core beliefs of his life.
Remember, then, at age 43 in 1957, he performed more than 1000 push-ups on television on the "You Asked For it" television program. America watched... and lapped it up.
At 60, he swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. He was handcuffed, shackled, towing a boat.
Ten years later, a peppy 70, he repeated this feat in Long Beach harbor; the better because he was older -- and still fit.
It was all in a day's work for LaLanne, who by now got the deference and respect due to a Founding Father of America's now obsessive focus on the verities LaLanne had devoted his life to promoting.
Now gone, LaLanne's optimistic, empowering message lives on because we need it so very much, now more than ever. To LaLanne's irritation and alarm came horrifying statistics about obesity, the lack of proper nutrition in the schools, the lack, indeed, of even basic recess for children who are thereby condemned to disability and death by open mouth, insert poison. In 1985, there was no US state above 14 percent in obesity. Today, nine states are 30 percent obese, or more. Only Colorado and the District of Columbia are under 20 percent, but just barely.
It is a national disgrace, and no one knew it better than LaLanne who knew that God shed his grace on we... who needed too shed excess pounds and poor habits, too. Still, LaLanne was never a scold, though his soap box always traveled with him.
He had too much faith in America specifically and in people generally for that. And so, even unto the end, he could smile, he could laugh, as when he said "I can't afford to die. It would wreck my image."
The man had nothing to worry about.
But the rest of us, giving lip service but little more to nutrition, exercise, and diet, most assuredly do.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
4:15 a.m., 14.7 degrees Fahrenheit, light snow falling.
by Christopher Hessman
I awoke this morning to find as Samuel Taylor Coleridge did in 1798 all had been, o'er night, transformed. This great poet wrote ("Frost at Midnight"):
"The Frost performs its secret ministry, Unhelped by any wind. The owlet's cry Came loud -- and hark, again! loud as before."
There was no owlet crying outside my aerie, but I could hear the scurrying squirrels who, glad for the heat in the rafters, made merrie at this unseasonable hour, oblivious to my disapproval.
I peered out the window, or attempted to. The Frost had well and truly come, exhibiting its meticulous work. No longer glass alone, my windows are etched with a brilliant mosaic of pristine silvered white, more intricate its pattern than any lace made by expert Belgian hands.
I was the sole denizen of a crystalled box, the wintered land wore hoar frost... and I was its close observer, transfixed by such a stunning surprise, all mine, a thing of beauty alluring, sure of my attention and regard.
The Frost had, indeed, performed its "secret ministry."
I checked the temperature... 14.7 degrees Fahrenheit... unseasonable... the kind of cold for which the word "cold" falls short, inadequate to the task of accurate description of an event which affects all but few scrutinize or pause to consider.
How had my windows been turned into frost-etched images fit for the palace of a winter king? These are the true Old Masters.
To begin at the beginning, what is frost?
My dictionary says that frost is a deposit of minute ice crystals formed when water vapor condenses at a temperature below freezing.
This tepid definition ill suits something as beautiful as the stunning surface before me... this joy engendering gift of the cold cries out for better words, a clearer picture of its radiance. It is too early for such words to come from me... but they, like the rising temperature, will come.
5:10 am
But if the effect of frost etched on my windows is poetry, the means by which this poem came to be is...prose... and assaults my pocketbook and frugal mien.
The reason there is frost on my windows is prosaic and alarming; it is because my house is losing heat, probably because the windows are single glazed.
This, a good contractor might assure me, could be taken care of by making a frame that fits inside my window frame and then stretching plastic over it to double glaze my windows.
The dead air space in between the layers will stop heat from leaking to the outside of my home and keep the heat in. Then the windows will not be so cold... and the heat won't escape.
This practical solution, beloved of the Yankee mind hereabouts, saves money... and ends any prospect of frost, its beauty, evocations and the delight in a marvel etched in ice for my delectation and happiness.
I think I shall leave the windows single glazed. And so go out to see the universe transformed.
5:20 a.m.
This all-pervasive cold, helped to its ascendancy by the deep chill of the nearby Atlantic, winter bound, turns all of us into friends... and survivors.
People who in temperate days make clear their disinclination to know you, much less even the most significant of your opinions, on days like this, enlivened by frost, seek out any and all wintry travelers and utter such insights as
"Cold, isn't it!"
"Wow, this is the coldest day yet!"
"Cold enough for you?"
These unadorned sentiments make us remember that we are all traveling together, and are glad, from time to time, to recall... and reach out. We feel better for doing so, though of course we do not want to make a habit of such welcomes. There is, after all, no telling where that might lead...
5:31 a.m.
I have left my sheltered perch, snug despite the single glaze, and now without to see first-hand what frost has wrought. Including those who, uncomfortably, watched its advent and quick possession: the homeless, with nothing, experience nature's all... often, in seasons such as these, unto death itself, more silent than the frost.
Hypothermia is the enemy here, and its presence is noted. It is primarily an urban problem; cannier country folk are too smart and seasoned to fall victim to this malady of negligence. It is a condition afflicting mostly men, homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, mentally ill. Nonwhites over 65 (victims ready made) are four times as likely to succumb as whites, a statistic that comes alive as I enter Harvard Square and see those who chose to mark frost's advent by turning down the kindly meant offers of shelter from good Samaritans.
The truth is, despite pressing invitations from the well-meaning, these people, mostly men, decline the bed and the appalling sight of so many like themselves; it is too real a reminder of where they started... and where they have ended up. Of 60 homeless people offered last night a bed and relative comforts,only 2 accepted. Their freedom comes at cost to the Samaritans, for they could easily oversee the human flotsam within the shelter; now they must check and check again throughout the night. So freedom for one, becomes extra labor for others.
As for the rest, they chose freedom... to live, and to die, their own ways. For make no mistake, such men, falling too soon and unprepared to sleep, prove what frost and cold can do... for they are killers, too, ready, certain, deadly... and always, beautiful.
6:11 a.m.
It is time now for me to return home, cheered by the thought that I have, this frosty day, seen things of value and importance; I have seen things and learned what scurrying neighbors will today miss, as items too common to be regarded, much less truly seen.
My wintry poets stand ready at my return.
There's Shakespeare, from "As You Like It."
Blow, blow, thou winter wind. Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude. Thy tooth is not so keen, Although thy breath be rude.
Then Thomas Campion's "Now Winter Nights Enlarge" (1617).
"Winter: A Dirge, Robert Burns, 1781.
Winter Heavens" George Meredith, 1888.
"Sharp is the night, but stars with frost alive Leap off the rim of earth across the dome."
Then always and forever...
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", Robert Frost, 1923.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.'
And so do I.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
I awoke this morning to find as Samuel Taylor Coleridge did in 1798 all had been, o'er night, transformed. This great poet wrote ("Frost at Midnight"):
"The Frost performs its secret ministry, Unhelped by any wind. The owlet's cry Came loud -- and hark, again! loud as before."
There was no owlet crying outside my aerie, but I could hear the scurrying squirrels who, glad for the heat in the rafters, made merrie at this unseasonable hour, oblivious to my disapproval.
I peered out the window, or attempted to. The Frost had well and truly come, exhibiting its meticulous work. No longer glass alone, my windows are etched with a brilliant mosaic of pristine silvered white, more intricate its pattern than any lace made by expert Belgian hands.
I was the sole denizen of a crystalled box, the wintered land wore hoar frost... and I was its close observer, transfixed by such a stunning surprise, all mine, a thing of beauty alluring, sure of my attention and regard.
The Frost had, indeed, performed its "secret ministry."
I checked the temperature... 14.7 degrees Fahrenheit... unseasonable... the kind of cold for which the word "cold" falls short, inadequate to the task of accurate description of an event which affects all but few scrutinize or pause to consider.
How had my windows been turned into frost-etched images fit for the palace of a winter king? These are the true Old Masters.
To begin at the beginning, what is frost?
My dictionary says that frost is a deposit of minute ice crystals formed when water vapor condenses at a temperature below freezing.
This tepid definition ill suits something as beautiful as the stunning surface before me... this joy engendering gift of the cold cries out for better words, a clearer picture of its radiance. It is too early for such words to come from me... but they, like the rising temperature, will come.
5:10 am
But if the effect of frost etched on my windows is poetry, the means by which this poem came to be is...prose... and assaults my pocketbook and frugal mien.
The reason there is frost on my windows is prosaic and alarming; it is because my house is losing heat, probably because the windows are single glazed.
This, a good contractor might assure me, could be taken care of by making a frame that fits inside my window frame and then stretching plastic over it to double glaze my windows.
The dead air space in between the layers will stop heat from leaking to the outside of my home and keep the heat in. Then the windows will not be so cold... and the heat won't escape.
This practical solution, beloved of the Yankee mind hereabouts, saves money... and ends any prospect of frost, its beauty, evocations and the delight in a marvel etched in ice for my delectation and happiness.
I think I shall leave the windows single glazed. And so go out to see the universe transformed.
5:20 a.m.
This all-pervasive cold, helped to its ascendancy by the deep chill of the nearby Atlantic, winter bound, turns all of us into friends... and survivors.
People who in temperate days make clear their disinclination to know you, much less even the most significant of your opinions, on days like this, enlivened by frost, seek out any and all wintry travelers and utter such insights as
"Cold, isn't it!"
"Wow, this is the coldest day yet!"
"Cold enough for you?"
These unadorned sentiments make us remember that we are all traveling together, and are glad, from time to time, to recall... and reach out. We feel better for doing so, though of course we do not want to make a habit of such welcomes. There is, after all, no telling where that might lead...
5:31 a.m.
I have left my sheltered perch, snug despite the single glaze, and now without to see first-hand what frost has wrought. Including those who, uncomfortably, watched its advent and quick possession: the homeless, with nothing, experience nature's all... often, in seasons such as these, unto death itself, more silent than the frost.
Hypothermia is the enemy here, and its presence is noted. It is primarily an urban problem; cannier country folk are too smart and seasoned to fall victim to this malady of negligence. It is a condition afflicting mostly men, homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, mentally ill. Nonwhites over 65 (victims ready made) are four times as likely to succumb as whites, a statistic that comes alive as I enter Harvard Square and see those who chose to mark frost's advent by turning down the kindly meant offers of shelter from good Samaritans.
The truth is, despite pressing invitations from the well-meaning, these people, mostly men, decline the bed and the appalling sight of so many like themselves; it is too real a reminder of where they started... and where they have ended up. Of 60 homeless people offered last night a bed and relative comforts,only 2 accepted. Their freedom comes at cost to the Samaritans, for they could easily oversee the human flotsam within the shelter; now they must check and check again throughout the night. So freedom for one, becomes extra labor for others.
As for the rest, they chose freedom... to live, and to die, their own ways. For make no mistake, such men, falling too soon and unprepared to sleep, prove what frost and cold can do... for they are killers, too, ready, certain, deadly... and always, beautiful.
6:11 a.m.
It is time now for me to return home, cheered by the thought that I have, this frosty day, seen things of value and importance; I have seen things and learned what scurrying neighbors will today miss, as items too common to be regarded, much less truly seen.
My wintry poets stand ready at my return.
There's Shakespeare, from "As You Like It."
Blow, blow, thou winter wind. Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude. Thy tooth is not so keen, Although thy breath be rude.
Then Thomas Campion's "Now Winter Nights Enlarge" (1617).
"Winter: A Dirge, Robert Burns, 1781.
Winter Heavens" George Meredith, 1888.
"Sharp is the night, but stars with frost alive Leap off the rim of earth across the dome."
Then always and forever...
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", Robert Frost, 1923.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.'
And so do I.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
'History is a pack of lies we play on the dead.' Inconvenient truths the Kennedys cannot abide, wish to control, but cannot.
by Christopher Hessman
"History," the great French 18th century writer Voltaire wrote, "is a pack of lies we play on the dead." He should know... he altered history to his satisfaction and purposes often enough.
Now Voltaire has apparently gone to work for the Kennedys. For they, so they think, have a pressing need for someone to help them suppress a bevy of inconvenient facts and protect their carefully honed version of events. History has become, for these Kennedys, not a matter of truth... but a matter of arranging, sorting, suppressing, in so doing transforming history from inconvenient truths to self-satisfied distortions.
That is, you see, what ex-dynasties do... for all such dynasties, late and soon, have inconvenient skeletons in their royal closets... and people being people, it is these skeletons we wish to know about most of all.
The Kennedys are, of course, on the wrong side of this battle of hide and seek. They ought to bite the bullet and release, release, release... and suffer the discomforts (to say no more) that will inevitably follow the publication of this information. Alas, they cannot forget what they insist we all must remember: they were, once upon a time, the vigorous, the glamorous, the prancing, dancing, magnificent, reigning and ruling Kennedys... and so they demand what the rest of us have never known: the privilege of arranging events to their satisfaction by controlling their rich sources of information ... sources revealing everything the Kennedys are adamant we will not see for epochs yet to come.
In such a way, do Kennedys alter facts and manufacture better fictions.
This battle, between the truths of history and the suppression of facts, is currently raging at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Dorchester, Massachusetts. There there are 54 crates of records individually sealed and labeled, with contents so hot and juicy even the director of the library is prohibited from taking a peek.
Which is no doubt what he, and certainly what we, are so keen to do.
Here is one reason. The papers are thought to contain the "smoking gun" details on President John's and Attorney General brother Bobby's determination to assassinate that pesky perennial irritate Cuba's Fidel Castro. It was called "Operation Mongoose" and concerns our boys' inept, ham-fisted attempts to take out Fidel. It was an inglorious, if completely instructive and riveting, opera buffa.
Obsessed with snuffing Fidel, the boys had a field day with James Bond style machinations, every one of which perfectly proved just how unready for prime time these guys really were... as Fidel learned to his complete satisfaction. Tellingly, he is still here, still in power.
The world wants to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... but the Kennedys respond, "No, no, Nanette."
But there is more, much more, none of which conduces to the greater glory of our home-grown, increasingly tattered ex-royal family.
The diaries, notes, phone logs, messages, trip files, and other documents of the brothers are a true treasure trove of the raw stuff of History, every page of which the Kennedys are adamant that historians cannot see and which we, the public, must never know.
There are, too, it is thought, in these inconvenient boxes loaded with pure dynamite details on the 1961 Cuban missile crisis, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the trade embargo and more... truths demonstrating how the boys, desperate to prove their machismo, bungled and bungled again... even in their backstairs 1963 attempt to find a peaceful solution, any peaceful solution, to the Cuban situation.... so they could get this most vexing and abashing of subjects off their plate. They failed here, too, but inquiring minds want to know why, want the details and want them now.
The man in the hot seat on this issue of whether such documents should be released.... how many, when, how is Max Kennedy, Robert Kennedy's ninth child. Matthew Maxwell Taylor Kennedy, a lawyer, was appointed by his mother, Ethel, to take the responsibility and field the untimely, insistent questions.
He waffles, of course. It is inevitable in these circumstances that he does so... for his is a completely unenviable task: to suppress untimely truths... while making historians and the media believe he will, in due course, release the information, oh yes he will.
But we know, don't we, that that means he is not merely reluctant to release... in his uncensored soul we know he thinks it a Very Bad Idea, bad for the country (he must say)... but worse for the dynasty (which is where his total loyalty lies.)
In an email to the Boston Globe (published January 23, 2011) Max Kennedy had his say:
"There are many requests to see them, and frankly, many of those requests come from people with poorly-conceived projects. It is my responsibility, as custodian of the papers, to grant use responsibly."
"That does not mean that every book must be cloyingly positive; I do not think that for a moment, and I would be doing a disservice to my father if I acted that way. But I do believe that historians and journalists must do their homework, and observe the correct procedures for seeking permission to consult the papers, and explain their projects."
This is how the Kennedys and their attorney say "not until hell freezes over, if then."
The Kennedys vs History
This position, no matter how finely written or how seemingly responsible, even generous is untenable, and surely there are some Kennedys who know it.
You cannot stand before the media and professional historians and journalists and say, "yes, yes, you will get what you want but not yet" when there are important documents at hand, merely because such documents make clear the possible illegalities (what was an Attorney General doing in covert operations to kill a foreign head of state anyway?) and certain poor judgements of esteemed family members.
Just because one is born a Kennedy, doesn't mean that you secured a pass for life for suppressing embarrassing information of interest to the nation on what these members were actually doing, when, why, and how.
The bar of History summons even you, privileged members of the defunct dynasty, and make what deal with the Devil you will, these facts will out... the sooner the better.
And so I remind you of what you have reminded others: the truth shall set you free. Instead of defending the indefensible, release these papers, all these papers. And in so releasing them release yourself and your family from the terrible burdens of suppression, half truths, prevarications, and distortions.
You now stand uncomfortably against history, for censorship. As Voltaire knew, this is a losing hand. Stop playing tricks on the dead and let them live again through their own communications. Let them have their say, their whole say... it is what they deserve... and what we all deserve, too.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is a noted US historian and author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
"History," the great French 18th century writer Voltaire wrote, "is a pack of lies we play on the dead." He should know... he altered history to his satisfaction and purposes often enough.
Now Voltaire has apparently gone to work for the Kennedys. For they, so they think, have a pressing need for someone to help them suppress a bevy of inconvenient facts and protect their carefully honed version of events. History has become, for these Kennedys, not a matter of truth... but a matter of arranging, sorting, suppressing, in so doing transforming history from inconvenient truths to self-satisfied distortions.
That is, you see, what ex-dynasties do... for all such dynasties, late and soon, have inconvenient skeletons in their royal closets... and people being people, it is these skeletons we wish to know about most of all.
The Kennedys are, of course, on the wrong side of this battle of hide and seek. They ought to bite the bullet and release, release, release... and suffer the discomforts (to say no more) that will inevitably follow the publication of this information. Alas, they cannot forget what they insist we all must remember: they were, once upon a time, the vigorous, the glamorous, the prancing, dancing, magnificent, reigning and ruling Kennedys... and so they demand what the rest of us have never known: the privilege of arranging events to their satisfaction by controlling their rich sources of information ... sources revealing everything the Kennedys are adamant we will not see for epochs yet to come.
In such a way, do Kennedys alter facts and manufacture better fictions.
This battle, between the truths of history and the suppression of facts, is currently raging at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Dorchester, Massachusetts. There there are 54 crates of records individually sealed and labeled, with contents so hot and juicy even the director of the library is prohibited from taking a peek.
Which is no doubt what he, and certainly what we, are so keen to do.
Here is one reason. The papers are thought to contain the "smoking gun" details on President John's and Attorney General brother Bobby's determination to assassinate that pesky perennial irritate Cuba's Fidel Castro. It was called "Operation Mongoose" and concerns our boys' inept, ham-fisted attempts to take out Fidel. It was an inglorious, if completely instructive and riveting, opera buffa.
Obsessed with snuffing Fidel, the boys had a field day with James Bond style machinations, every one of which perfectly proved just how unready for prime time these guys really were... as Fidel learned to his complete satisfaction. Tellingly, he is still here, still in power.
The world wants to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... but the Kennedys respond, "No, no, Nanette."
But there is more, much more, none of which conduces to the greater glory of our home-grown, increasingly tattered ex-royal family.
The diaries, notes, phone logs, messages, trip files, and other documents of the brothers are a true treasure trove of the raw stuff of History, every page of which the Kennedys are adamant that historians cannot see and which we, the public, must never know.
There are, too, it is thought, in these inconvenient boxes loaded with pure dynamite details on the 1961 Cuban missile crisis, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the trade embargo and more... truths demonstrating how the boys, desperate to prove their machismo, bungled and bungled again... even in their backstairs 1963 attempt to find a peaceful solution, any peaceful solution, to the Cuban situation.... so they could get this most vexing and abashing of subjects off their plate. They failed here, too, but inquiring minds want to know why, want the details and want them now.
The man in the hot seat on this issue of whether such documents should be released.... how many, when, how is Max Kennedy, Robert Kennedy's ninth child. Matthew Maxwell Taylor Kennedy, a lawyer, was appointed by his mother, Ethel, to take the responsibility and field the untimely, insistent questions.
He waffles, of course. It is inevitable in these circumstances that he does so... for his is a completely unenviable task: to suppress untimely truths... while making historians and the media believe he will, in due course, release the information, oh yes he will.
But we know, don't we, that that means he is not merely reluctant to release... in his uncensored soul we know he thinks it a Very Bad Idea, bad for the country (he must say)... but worse for the dynasty (which is where his total loyalty lies.)
In an email to the Boston Globe (published January 23, 2011) Max Kennedy had his say:
"There are many requests to see them, and frankly, many of those requests come from people with poorly-conceived projects. It is my responsibility, as custodian of the papers, to grant use responsibly."
"That does not mean that every book must be cloyingly positive; I do not think that for a moment, and I would be doing a disservice to my father if I acted that way. But I do believe that historians and journalists must do their homework, and observe the correct procedures for seeking permission to consult the papers, and explain their projects."
This is how the Kennedys and their attorney say "not until hell freezes over, if then."
The Kennedys vs History
This position, no matter how finely written or how seemingly responsible, even generous is untenable, and surely there are some Kennedys who know it.
You cannot stand before the media and professional historians and journalists and say, "yes, yes, you will get what you want but not yet" when there are important documents at hand, merely because such documents make clear the possible illegalities (what was an Attorney General doing in covert operations to kill a foreign head of state anyway?) and certain poor judgements of esteemed family members.
Just because one is born a Kennedy, doesn't mean that you secured a pass for life for suppressing embarrassing information of interest to the nation on what these members were actually doing, when, why, and how.
The bar of History summons even you, privileged members of the defunct dynasty, and make what deal with the Devil you will, these facts will out... the sooner the better.
And so I remind you of what you have reminded others: the truth shall set you free. Instead of defending the indefensible, release these papers, all these papers. And in so releasing them release yourself and your family from the terrible burdens of suppression, half truths, prevarications, and distortions.
You now stand uncomfortably against history, for censorship. As Voltaire knew, this is a losing hand. Stop playing tricks on the dead and let them live again through their own communications. Let them have their say, their whole say... it is what they deserve... and what we all deserve, too.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is a noted US historian and author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
'In short, there's simply not a more congenial spot....' The 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's inaugural address, January 20, 1961
by Christopher Hessman
Washington, D.C. loves commemorations, not least because every one who is anyone expects to have one for herself.
Thus, it was inevitable that the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of America's 35th president should be celebrated with suitable doings and, of course, well honed and well considered words. And so they were.
In the grand rotunda of the Capitol, congressional officials, aides, and Kennedy family members listened in silence to the 14-minute, 1,355 word inaugural address which set the tone for the day and for the just installed administration, Camelot on the Potomac.
One of a handful of justifiably famous and influential presidential speeches.
Like all sentient Americans, I watched the original proceedings closely. I was just about to be 14, but the memories of this event are etched in my mind, whether because I truly recall them... or I have seen the various news clips played over and over again, images which now seem not so much historical, as legendary. Just as the Kennedys, as embodied in the wire-pulling patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy, who had long schemed for this day, wanted.
The speech itself was a gem... and can and should be ready carefully and recited frequently by all people in politics, government, non profit organizations, the military and for all wanting to know the secret to inciting words to move multitudes. Like it or not (and some did not), the world knew it was hearing a brand new voice.
Every word of this inaugural address reads as if it were written to be chiseled in stone, and so they are a few blocks from me where one of the famous lines after another is found in the most durable of stones, so that sun-bathing students and fatigued tourists (and perhaps others) can be well and truly reminded of this day, this man, these remarks... and of what America then was and can never be again.
But we must not assume, even in this most famous of speeches, that the multitudes and their text-messaging descendents remember these lines well and truly... so I shall take it upon myself to remind my fellow citizens of these; they are but a few of all the verbal diamonds revealed that day.
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty."
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
"So let us begin anew -- remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."
"All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps on our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin."
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
The words were few, simple, ample to arrest the attention of the world. It was so very different from the Eisenhower administration and its dowdy, word-challenged leader now departing. That administration, whatever its achievements, suddenly seemed so very dated indeed.
Theodore Sorensen, the necessary craftsman, behind the scenes, his ideas and discretion front and center.
Sorensen (deceased 2010) was just the kind of helper every ambitious individual needs, for he was bright, a man who understood just how great speeches and their important messages must be done... and self-effacing to a degree. He was content to be an unsung part of History... and so he loved and served, never revealing the many shattering confidences he knew... and which went to the grave with him.
Thus, Sorensen proved his allegiance to the Kennedys and their images was always more important than mere historical accuracy. His speech was designed to be Important, Memorable, the stuff of great dreams and greater glories. How pleased Sorensen must have been as he sat and listened, invisible, as his words seized the nation and the world. He was where history was made... for he composed it.
That night another legendary event took place, the new President's inaugural ball... but the cynosure of every eye was the new, dazzling, alluring 31-year old First Lady, Jacqueline.
She knew a thing or two about style and presentation; so much so that she designed her ball ensemble herself with the help of Bergdorf Goodman's Ethan Frankau. It was the beginning of the "Jackie Look".... and it took hold like wild-fire, demanding of women (and their men) glamor, high style, sophistication, everything the Eisenhowers and their worn out officials conspicuously lacked.
And so, as Jack and Jackie made their rounds, ball by ball, as the worst winter in Washington in memory snarled traffic and tempers, the high spirited, triumphant Kennedys came; Camelot on the Potomac was born... and it stuck.
Camelot, of course, was the Broadway musical by Alan Jay Lerner (book and lyrics) and Frederick Loewe (music). It was based on one of the loveliest and most compelling of books, "The Once and Future King" by Theodore H. White, who seemed expressly invented for his role in legend making. In 1960 the much lauded musical hit Broadway; January 20, 1961 it hit the world, as this regal figure set up shop in the White House, with her exquisite taste and frosty hauteur.
Now it was 50 years later. Most of the great figures of this day and age are dead; brother-in-law Sargent Shriver leaving the stage aged 95, January 18, 2011, for perhaps the first time gaining a march on his famous relation.
The rest now look aged, infirm, burdened perhaps by their connection to events now fading and imperfectly remembered which have long held them hostage.
These are the Kennedys and perhaps it is significant that on the date of this 50th anniversary there was, for the first time in over 60 years, no Kennedy in the Congress. Boasts were made about how long that unnatural condition for them and for America would last... but it was harsh reality for now, as the New Frontier recedes and the dynasty shows the ravishments of time, which they once assaulted and shaped.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is a noted US historian and the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Washington, D.C. loves commemorations, not least because every one who is anyone expects to have one for herself.
Thus, it was inevitable that the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of America's 35th president should be celebrated with suitable doings and, of course, well honed and well considered words. And so they were.
In the grand rotunda of the Capitol, congressional officials, aides, and Kennedy family members listened in silence to the 14-minute, 1,355 word inaugural address which set the tone for the day and for the just installed administration, Camelot on the Potomac.
One of a handful of justifiably famous and influential presidential speeches.
Like all sentient Americans, I watched the original proceedings closely. I was just about to be 14, but the memories of this event are etched in my mind, whether because I truly recall them... or I have seen the various news clips played over and over again, images which now seem not so much historical, as legendary. Just as the Kennedys, as embodied in the wire-pulling patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy, who had long schemed for this day, wanted.
The speech itself was a gem... and can and should be ready carefully and recited frequently by all people in politics, government, non profit organizations, the military and for all wanting to know the secret to inciting words to move multitudes. Like it or not (and some did not), the world knew it was hearing a brand new voice.
Every word of this inaugural address reads as if it were written to be chiseled in stone, and so they are a few blocks from me where one of the famous lines after another is found in the most durable of stones, so that sun-bathing students and fatigued tourists (and perhaps others) can be well and truly reminded of this day, this man, these remarks... and of what America then was and can never be again.
But we must not assume, even in this most famous of speeches, that the multitudes and their text-messaging descendents remember these lines well and truly... so I shall take it upon myself to remind my fellow citizens of these; they are but a few of all the verbal diamonds revealed that day.
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty."
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
"So let us begin anew -- remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."
"All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps on our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin."
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
The words were few, simple, ample to arrest the attention of the world. It was so very different from the Eisenhower administration and its dowdy, word-challenged leader now departing. That administration, whatever its achievements, suddenly seemed so very dated indeed.
Theodore Sorensen, the necessary craftsman, behind the scenes, his ideas and discretion front and center.
Sorensen (deceased 2010) was just the kind of helper every ambitious individual needs, for he was bright, a man who understood just how great speeches and their important messages must be done... and self-effacing to a degree. He was content to be an unsung part of History... and so he loved and served, never revealing the many shattering confidences he knew... and which went to the grave with him.
Thus, Sorensen proved his allegiance to the Kennedys and their images was always more important than mere historical accuracy. His speech was designed to be Important, Memorable, the stuff of great dreams and greater glories. How pleased Sorensen must have been as he sat and listened, invisible, as his words seized the nation and the world. He was where history was made... for he composed it.
That night another legendary event took place, the new President's inaugural ball... but the cynosure of every eye was the new, dazzling, alluring 31-year old First Lady, Jacqueline.
She knew a thing or two about style and presentation; so much so that she designed her ball ensemble herself with the help of Bergdorf Goodman's Ethan Frankau. It was the beginning of the "Jackie Look".... and it took hold like wild-fire, demanding of women (and their men) glamor, high style, sophistication, everything the Eisenhowers and their worn out officials conspicuously lacked.
And so, as Jack and Jackie made their rounds, ball by ball, as the worst winter in Washington in memory snarled traffic and tempers, the high spirited, triumphant Kennedys came; Camelot on the Potomac was born... and it stuck.
Camelot, of course, was the Broadway musical by Alan Jay Lerner (book and lyrics) and Frederick Loewe (music). It was based on one of the loveliest and most compelling of books, "The Once and Future King" by Theodore H. White, who seemed expressly invented for his role in legend making. In 1960 the much lauded musical hit Broadway; January 20, 1961 it hit the world, as this regal figure set up shop in the White House, with her exquisite taste and frosty hauteur.
Now it was 50 years later. Most of the great figures of this day and age are dead; brother-in-law Sargent Shriver leaving the stage aged 95, January 18, 2011, for perhaps the first time gaining a march on his famous relation.
The rest now look aged, infirm, burdened perhaps by their connection to events now fading and imperfectly remembered which have long held them hostage.
These are the Kennedys and perhaps it is significant that on the date of this 50th anniversary there was, for the first time in over 60 years, no Kennedy in the Congress. Boasts were made about how long that unnatural condition for them and for America would last... but it was harsh reality for now, as the New Frontier recedes and the dynasty shows the ravishments of time, which they once assaulted and shaped.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is a noted US historian and the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Push Button Cash Site ->
Monday, January 24, 2011
I wanted to place some information about my URLS here in this blog
Hello everyone, I have just had my 47 birthday and thank you all for following. The funny thing was that I went out for my birthday with my husband Phillip and my Tom and his girl friend Sandy. We had gone to TGI-Fridays on 1-14-2011. Now we had a Great waitress, we hit it off with our sarcasm right off. Well, she fixed my little red wagon. Her and the other workers took me in the middle of the restaurant and placed me up on a chair holding ice cream. There was at least 90 to 100 people stopped to sing to me Happy Birthday. I was eating it even though after a couple of minutes realized I had that many people just staring at me. I thanked everyone and got down off my perch. Now mind that my brother Tom's birthday was the day after mine and we are three years apart. I can say it was a memory I will keep for a long time.
I am now going to place my links:
Christopher Hessman
I am now going to place my links:
Christopher Hessman
Monday, January 17, 2011
'And I shall never more, ever, dance with my father again.' Of Christina Taylor Green, born 9/11/2001, murdered January 8, 2011.
by Christopher Hessman
Author's note: This is an article of pain, remembrance, great grief, lost expectations, and, always, of a vibrant 9 year-old girl named Christina Taylor Green, randomly murdered in Tucson, Arizona.
This article cries out for a musical note, to set its mood and put you in the proper place to consider this little girl, her abbreviated life, and violent end.
For this note, I have selected the balcony scene of Sergei Prokofiev's gripping ballet "Romeo and Juliet." You will find it by searching any major search engine. If possible, watch Rudolph Nureyev as Romeo and Dame Margot Fonteyn as Juliet. As you watch this ballet and listen to the music which inevitably captures your soul, please remember that neither Romeo nor Juliet knew their fate during this scene... we know the tragedy they will face... but they are teen-agers enraptured with each other, not knowing or even thinking of their fate, only of each other. And right up until her end, Christina had no inkling of what was to come. Only we know...
And so, enveloped by Prokofiev, the curtain opens upon a young girl, full to bursting with energy, imagination, and the shear joy of life, each day an adventure, to be lived and savored. She was, in so many ways, a typical American girl... but in her high energy, grit, and determination this was a very special little girl, indeed.
Born September 11, 2001
It started for Christina upon a day of tragic endings for so many... September 11, 2001. Far from shrinking from this date, Christina embraced it. She was proud to be an American girl and made it a point, once she understood the tragedy and the importance of the date, to see her birth upon such a day as one sign of renewal, something joyful on a day without joy. She was, as young girls can be, an insistent optimist, remembering the grief of the day... determined to leaven it with whatever joy she could bring... and that was always considerable.
She loved to dance.
She danced, with gusto and joy, for she was always a child of exuberance with an inclination to color, vibrancy, and the thrill of dressing up in mommy's old clothes. People enjoyed looking at her, and applauding; she enjoyed being looked at, and the applause.
One day, egging each other on, Christina and her mother, Roxanna Green, 45, dressed "to the nines" and displayed their high animal spirits by dancing throughout the house. She could always laugh, but always enjoyed more her natural skill at making others laugh, feel good, delighting to be in her company. There they always felt they had a friend... and so they did for the girl was nothing if not amiable. She liked people... and they liked her.
Another day, musing upon her eventual wedding, as little girls will, she told her mother how much she would enjoy the first dance she would take that day, with her father, congenial John Green, scout for the Los Angeles Dodgers. She could imagine, she could visualize, and she was planning, especially the last time her father would dance with her solely as his daughter, not the lucky groom's adored wife.
She was a leader with the common touch, the gift of empathy, the joy that comes of getting to know people... and understanding them.
Christina seemed to have been born with the great gifts of leadership. She could set a goal... and work hard to reach it. Her coach on the Pirates Little League Team remembers how she kept after him for a week until she successfully negotiated the terms of a race in the outfield between the players and the coach. Kids run forward, coach runs backwards, winner gets ice cream.
The kids, lead by, exhorted by Christina, were hugely victorious. It was just the kind of thing she liked.
Last hours of Christina's brief life.
It was because of her leadership skills that she was with her mother's friend Susan Hileman at U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords' latest "Congress on your corner" meet-and-greet event, at a local supermarket.
Christina, with her gift of the gab, high energy, and, always, the ability to look people in the eye and impress them with her sincerity, honesty, and the deep integrity she made her own, looked to a career in communications, maybe even politics.
After all, Christina was already a popular member of the Student Council at her elementary school; had learned the value and necessity for charities and was a willing worker. Somehow this attractive slender girl with the brownish-blond hair, brown eyes, and a gentle smile also found time to sing in the choir of St. Odila Roman Catholic Church. She was liked there, too.
Her mother agreed with her friend that Christina should go to this event; there was every possibility Congresswomen Giffords would speak to her, inspiring Christina with her own belief in the importance of government and the never-ending need for people with a broader view and the energy to persevere. Christina was just the kind of student Gabrielle Giffords wanted to meet, which made this event just that much more exciting. It would be great fun, and useful, too.
Jared Lee Loughner was also on his way to the meet-and-greet. He had a different purpose... But this is Christina's story... and it must be fully told.
We can imagine the last moments of Christina's short life: how excited she was to meet the Congresswoman. How kind she was, how interested, eyes locked on Christina as they talked. It was all it should have been... until the gunman and assassin, burdened down by ammunition and a lifetime of inconsequence and hatred, spewed 31 rounds, killing 6, wounding 12. Among the dead, there on that blood-stained floor of infamy lay Christina, no longer a young girl of promise... but a sacrifice to the national romance with guns and the national failure to regulate with earnestness and care.
All Tucson, all Arizona, all America grieved... too late.
Americans did on this occasion what we always do: we poured out our raw emotions, engaging the nation, including the President himself. The questions were the same as always -- why? how could it happen? Every word we had heard before... and would hear often again. They are a part of the American Way of Tragic Death.
Meanwhile, the little body, so slight, so easily borne was readied for her journey into eternity, a needless victim occasioned by well-meaning adults who had so egregiously failed her.
And so on January 13, 2011 Christina Green, she of the bright eyes and high aspirations, found the peace of God... but left the rest of us dazed, disheartened, and dithering about What To Do. Surely by now we know.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a syndicated author and has 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman <a href=""></a>. Check out Copy Paste Traffic ->
Author's note: This is an article of pain, remembrance, great grief, lost expectations, and, always, of a vibrant 9 year-old girl named Christina Taylor Green, randomly murdered in Tucson, Arizona.
This article cries out for a musical note, to set its mood and put you in the proper place to consider this little girl, her abbreviated life, and violent end.
For this note, I have selected the balcony scene of Sergei Prokofiev's gripping ballet "Romeo and Juliet." You will find it by searching any major search engine. If possible, watch Rudolph Nureyev as Romeo and Dame Margot Fonteyn as Juliet. As you watch this ballet and listen to the music which inevitably captures your soul, please remember that neither Romeo nor Juliet knew their fate during this scene... we know the tragedy they will face... but they are teen-agers enraptured with each other, not knowing or even thinking of their fate, only of each other. And right up until her end, Christina had no inkling of what was to come. Only we know...
And so, enveloped by Prokofiev, the curtain opens upon a young girl, full to bursting with energy, imagination, and the shear joy of life, each day an adventure, to be lived and savored. She was, in so many ways, a typical American girl... but in her high energy, grit, and determination this was a very special little girl, indeed.
Born September 11, 2001
It started for Christina upon a day of tragic endings for so many... September 11, 2001. Far from shrinking from this date, Christina embraced it. She was proud to be an American girl and made it a point, once she understood the tragedy and the importance of the date, to see her birth upon such a day as one sign of renewal, something joyful on a day without joy. She was, as young girls can be, an insistent optimist, remembering the grief of the day... determined to leaven it with whatever joy she could bring... and that was always considerable.
She loved to dance.
She danced, with gusto and joy, for she was always a child of exuberance with an inclination to color, vibrancy, and the thrill of dressing up in mommy's old clothes. People enjoyed looking at her, and applauding; she enjoyed being looked at, and the applause.
One day, egging each other on, Christina and her mother, Roxanna Green, 45, dressed "to the nines" and displayed their high animal spirits by dancing throughout the house. She could always laugh, but always enjoyed more her natural skill at making others laugh, feel good, delighting to be in her company. There they always felt they had a friend... and so they did for the girl was nothing if not amiable. She liked people... and they liked her.
Another day, musing upon her eventual wedding, as little girls will, she told her mother how much she would enjoy the first dance she would take that day, with her father, congenial John Green, scout for the Los Angeles Dodgers. She could imagine, she could visualize, and she was planning, especially the last time her father would dance with her solely as his daughter, not the lucky groom's adored wife.
She was a leader with the common touch, the gift of empathy, the joy that comes of getting to know people... and understanding them.
Christina seemed to have been born with the great gifts of leadership. She could set a goal... and work hard to reach it. Her coach on the Pirates Little League Team remembers how she kept after him for a week until she successfully negotiated the terms of a race in the outfield between the players and the coach. Kids run forward, coach runs backwards, winner gets ice cream.
The kids, lead by, exhorted by Christina, were hugely victorious. It was just the kind of thing she liked.
Last hours of Christina's brief life.
It was because of her leadership skills that she was with her mother's friend Susan Hileman at U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords' latest "Congress on your corner" meet-and-greet event, at a local supermarket.
Christina, with her gift of the gab, high energy, and, always, the ability to look people in the eye and impress them with her sincerity, honesty, and the deep integrity she made her own, looked to a career in communications, maybe even politics.
After all, Christina was already a popular member of the Student Council at her elementary school; had learned the value and necessity for charities and was a willing worker. Somehow this attractive slender girl with the brownish-blond hair, brown eyes, and a gentle smile also found time to sing in the choir of St. Odila Roman Catholic Church. She was liked there, too.
Her mother agreed with her friend that Christina should go to this event; there was every possibility Congresswomen Giffords would speak to her, inspiring Christina with her own belief in the importance of government and the never-ending need for people with a broader view and the energy to persevere. Christina was just the kind of student Gabrielle Giffords wanted to meet, which made this event just that much more exciting. It would be great fun, and useful, too.
Jared Lee Loughner was also on his way to the meet-and-greet. He had a different purpose... But this is Christina's story... and it must be fully told.
We can imagine the last moments of Christina's short life: how excited she was to meet the Congresswoman. How kind she was, how interested, eyes locked on Christina as they talked. It was all it should have been... until the gunman and assassin, burdened down by ammunition and a lifetime of inconsequence and hatred, spewed 31 rounds, killing 6, wounding 12. Among the dead, there on that blood-stained floor of infamy lay Christina, no longer a young girl of promise... but a sacrifice to the national romance with guns and the national failure to regulate with earnestness and care.
All Tucson, all Arizona, all America grieved... too late.
Americans did on this occasion what we always do: we poured out our raw emotions, engaging the nation, including the President himself. The questions were the same as always -- why? how could it happen? Every word we had heard before... and would hear often again. They are a part of the American Way of Tragic Death.
Meanwhile, the little body, so slight, so easily borne was readied for her journey into eternity, a needless victim occasioned by well-meaning adults who had so egregiously failed her.
And so on January 13, 2011 Christina Green, she of the bright eyes and high aspirations, found the peace of God... but left the rest of us dazed, disheartened, and dithering about What To Do. Surely by now we know.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a syndicated author and has 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman <a href=""></a>. Check out Copy Paste Traffic ->
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