by Christopher Hessman
Today I turn 64, having entered this life February 16, 1947. That makes me a certified Baby Boomer, a member in good standing of a petted generation that has touched, for good and ill, virtually everything on this planet, incising its deep mark far and wide.
We started life as heirs to creation; now we are the hair thinning, pounds packing, "I can beat the age rap and live forever" folks for whom the motto "been there, done that" pretty much summarizes things.
We have known everything (until we discovered that we didn't); loved many (until we discovered, later than our parents, the virtue of loving one); traveled everywhere, only to discover the beauties of the place and people we left behind... and now crave.
We have known many identities, many loyalties, many styles, more sounds, and often tragic insights into the human condition, sufficient to beat every band but one.... Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. (Released June 1, 1967).
I remember the day this album hit the streets. I was in Santa Barbara, California and my friends, each selected with a connoisseur's eye, had waited in an overnight line so that could be amongst the first million or so who purchased this latest effusion from the group to which we gave (mostly) unqualified allegiance.
As the happy possessors of this album made their excited way back to their ocean-side apartments, always more resort than dormitory, from now this window, now that emerged the sounds of the new rhythms we were hearing for the first time, assessing each tune with care, deliberation, and a practised ear.
At that moment I first heard the questions that compose "When I'm Sixty Four."
When I get older losing my hair Many years from now. Will you still be sending me a Valentine Birthday greetings bottle of wine... Will you still need me, will you still feed me....
The tune, as you must know if you are a member of my generation, is about a young man posing the question every young person in the grip of an early, unrelenting passion insists on knowing about his incomparable Significant Other: is what we have True, The Real Thing, Forever?
To find out, the young man queries his beloved, sketching out in the process a life lived in the backwater, with only the simplest challenges, joys, and triumphs:
I could be handy, mending a fuse When your lights have gone. You can knit a sweater by the fireside Sunday morning go for a ride.
The young man, still very much a boy for all his raging hormones, figures that if he offers so little to his equally youthful beloved and she accepts... why, then, she really does love him. So he sings of a vision of little joys, picayune pleasures, minor challenges... all redeemed, however, by... you., the inamorata of this catchy little number.
Sir Paul McCartney wrote this song at age 16, before there were Beatles, millions of screaming fans, and royal honors. He, like me, had to imagine that condition of life... and for him, like me, it was "many years from now."
Now "many years from now" has arrived... and the condition I could hardly imagine is the reality of my life. Having lived, I shall now exercise the privilege of age, sharing insights with you.
* Never forget the people who love you. They are the most important people of all.
Denizens of my generation were what my very stay-at-home grannie called "gad-abouts", going everywhere but to the people who counted. Recognize the importance of such people as early as you can; then hold them fast to you. They matter.
* Make each day a learning day.
Learning, as I may not have gleaned in the days I was ordered into the classroom, is the consummate privilege; an exercise subsidized by the community to turn you into a better person.
Now I am voracious in pursuit of my education, in love with knowledge and the thoughts and ideas of others who excite, inspire, and move me more the older I get.
* Make money early... then focus on more important things.
Money is important, desirable, useful. Thus, when young and in possession of your utmost energy, lunge for it with all your might. Then, having achieved life securing success, turn your energies to other, more significant things. For while money is necessary, it never defines the truly well lived life.
* Never allow yourself to be the sum total of your disabilities, defeats, disillusions and nothing more.
Life is punctuated by injuries, crises, losses, mayhem. But life, being life, is always more than these. Remind carping people around you; remind yourself to stop and perceive the amenities and benefits all around you, if you but take the trouble to perceive them.
I take that trouble, and grateful, too.
* Remember, no person is "self made". We all owe whatever success we have had to the assistance of others -- many others. Recognize them.
The words "self made" are regularly trotted out like a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, thereby suggesting that the individual rose alone, majestic. But the truth is, no one rises alone. We rise because of the sustained help and assistance of others, many others.
Take time to remember these "others", to thank and to venerate them, for they are the people who helped shape you.
* Take time to remember and savor the wonder of -- you.
It is easy to forget, and crucial to remember, that there has never been anyone like you before... and upon your passing, there will never be another to come.
Thus from time to time, upon such an occasion as this, pause and contemplate yourself, with wonder, bliss, awe. For you have helped shape not only yourself but a world of others. And you deserve all credit arising therefrom.
Today I shall allow myself the luxury of exulting in the marvelous creature I, along with so many others, have crafted. No false modesty, nothing abashed... just pure, unadulterated joy. For that is what turning 64 entitles you to and completely justifies, and I intend to make the most of it!
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The son also rises........not. The last, most fervid supporter of the ancien regime, Gamal Mubarak, the man who would be king.
by Christopher Hessman
It was all arranged by the new and emerging powers that be in Cairo.
These people, many once ostentatious pillars of the regime, felt they had given the old man, octogenarian Hosni, more than enough time, to secret his billions and save his face. Unanimously they agreed, civil and military, it was time to move on before things got really out of control.
They all gathered before their television sets Thursday, February 10, 2011 ready to savor the victory at hand, certain they were about to hear the historic pronouncement they all wanted, something along these lines:
"I, Hosni Mubarak, having done my best for my beloved country these 30 years, now acquiesce to the people's desire for change. I now give them that change... and I ask for my country's blessing on me and forgiveness for any mistakes I may have made. Long live Egypt! Long live the Egyptians!"
It would, indeed, have been a classy end and made certain that what many were calling the "gentle revolution", ended gentle indeed.
But it was not to be.
One man was determined that any such words, at any time, at any place should never be uttered. And that man, Gamal Mubarak, constantly at hand in these waning days, had the dictator's ear. This was Gamal, omnipresent Gamal, the man who would be king. He was the Heir Presumptive, for whom Egypt was patrimony, not nation; the family business, not a sovereign people.
And he was determined that his father with all the trappings should remain in power until he, Gamal, was anointed; for to lose Egypt and the succession now was to lose them forever.
Credentials? Gamal Mubarak took the trouble to be born.
Autocracies, dictatorships, monarchies all suffer from one gigantic problem that democracies do not. In a democracy the people are trained to select and have the constitutional duty to elect each new president at given intervals. It is their right, often won at bayonet's point, and they protect it zealously.In such constitutional regimes, leaders emerge from the grass roots up, the chosen of the people.
Not so in autocracies. There leaders are foisted upon the people from the top down, by autocrats (all too often sustained by the military) who regard the selection of their successors as their God given right. In fact it often means nothing more than forcing upon an already long- suffering people the least dim member of the autocrat's addled brood.
And so it was in Egypt.
Hosni Mubarak, a man born into the lowest level of the scrimping lower middle class, quickly developed a taste for the finest things in life. They were, he reckoned, the just rewards of his very demanding position. The arc of his rule went something like this:
* first get into power * then remove all opponents * control police and military by lucrative deals * create a system of mass espionage * use terror and state sponsored brutality to maintain your rule...
.... and, having worked so long, so hard, hand pick your successor and give him everything a la MacBeth.
Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be king What thou art promised.
And so Hosni Mubarak, the man who had everything but the successor to give it to, set about the immemorial task of autocrats of every epoch: to turn inadequate family members into autocrats, too.
This is a very demanding, almost impossible task, indeed, because the circumstances that forged the autocrat and turned him into a nation-running entity are not present in the heirs... who famously lack the wiles, the grit, the determination and the drive to subdue a people and control them.
And so it was in Mubarak's Egypt, a textbook case of the seasoned dictator who had been given nothing and had mastered the art of taking everything... attempting to give it all to someone who had never had to take anything because he was given everything.
It was so with the lion's whelp, Gamal.
Gamal became the Heir of Egypt by default; his elder brother, Alaa, declined the honor which then fell upon the second son. But Gamal, an educated man, a man who was trained to understand the making and movement of money, was an improbable candidate to continue the autocracy and protect the Mubarak legacy and money siphoning enterprises.
Gamal lacked everything that had enabled his father to control a great nation and to reach grasping fingers into so much, so lucratively.
He wanted Egypt all right... but he overlooked the inconvenient truth that to control that seething land meant having skills investment bankers like himself never have and can only imagine. He was fastidious, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, lacking both the guts and gumption of his old man. In short, he was not a chip off the old block.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
It was all arranged by the new and emerging powers that be in Cairo.
These people, many once ostentatious pillars of the regime, felt they had given the old man, octogenarian Hosni, more than enough time, to secret his billions and save his face. Unanimously they agreed, civil and military, it was time to move on before things got really out of control.
They all gathered before their television sets Thursday, February 10, 2011 ready to savor the victory at hand, certain they were about to hear the historic pronouncement they all wanted, something along these lines:
"I, Hosni Mubarak, having done my best for my beloved country these 30 years, now acquiesce to the people's desire for change. I now give them that change... and I ask for my country's blessing on me and forgiveness for any mistakes I may have made. Long live Egypt! Long live the Egyptians!"
It would, indeed, have been a classy end and made certain that what many were calling the "gentle revolution", ended gentle indeed.
But it was not to be.
One man was determined that any such words, at any time, at any place should never be uttered. And that man, Gamal Mubarak, constantly at hand in these waning days, had the dictator's ear. This was Gamal, omnipresent Gamal, the man who would be king. He was the Heir Presumptive, for whom Egypt was patrimony, not nation; the family business, not a sovereign people.
And he was determined that his father with all the trappings should remain in power until he, Gamal, was anointed; for to lose Egypt and the succession now was to lose them forever.
Credentials? Gamal Mubarak took the trouble to be born.
Autocracies, dictatorships, monarchies all suffer from one gigantic problem that democracies do not. In a democracy the people are trained to select and have the constitutional duty to elect each new president at given intervals. It is their right, often won at bayonet's point, and they protect it zealously.In such constitutional regimes, leaders emerge from the grass roots up, the chosen of the people.
Not so in autocracies. There leaders are foisted upon the people from the top down, by autocrats (all too often sustained by the military) who regard the selection of their successors as their God given right. In fact it often means nothing more than forcing upon an already long- suffering people the least dim member of the autocrat's addled brood.
And so it was in Egypt.
Hosni Mubarak, a man born into the lowest level of the scrimping lower middle class, quickly developed a taste for the finest things in life. They were, he reckoned, the just rewards of his very demanding position. The arc of his rule went something like this:
* first get into power * then remove all opponents * control police and military by lucrative deals * create a system of mass espionage * use terror and state sponsored brutality to maintain your rule...
.... and, having worked so long, so hard, hand pick your successor and give him everything a la MacBeth.
Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be king What thou art promised.
And so Hosni Mubarak, the man who had everything but the successor to give it to, set about the immemorial task of autocrats of every epoch: to turn inadequate family members into autocrats, too.
This is a very demanding, almost impossible task, indeed, because the circumstances that forged the autocrat and turned him into a nation-running entity are not present in the heirs... who famously lack the wiles, the grit, the determination and the drive to subdue a people and control them.
And so it was in Mubarak's Egypt, a textbook case of the seasoned dictator who had been given nothing and had mastered the art of taking everything... attempting to give it all to someone who had never had to take anything because he was given everything.
It was so with the lion's whelp, Gamal.
Gamal became the Heir of Egypt by default; his elder brother, Alaa, declined the honor which then fell upon the second son. But Gamal, an educated man, a man who was trained to understand the making and movement of money, was an improbable candidate to continue the autocracy and protect the Mubarak legacy and money siphoning enterprises.
Gamal lacked everything that had enabled his father to control a great nation and to reach grasping fingers into so much, so lucratively.
He wanted Egypt all right... but he overlooked the inconvenient truth that to control that seething land meant having skills investment bankers like himself never have and can only imagine. He was fastidious, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, lacking both the guts and gumption of his old man. In short, he was not a chip off the old block.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
Sunday, February 13, 2011
An appreciation for the life and more innocent times of Gladys Horton, Marvelettes lead singer, dead at 66.
by Christopher Hessman
Author's note: To get yourself in the mood for this article, go to any search engine and find some of the tunes of Gladys Horton and her Marvelettes, particularly "Please Mr. Postman" or "Don't Mess with Bill." Kick off your shoes and remember Gladys Horton was all about a catchy rhythm and grooving at the soda shop with your main squeeze. Put on your head phones, close your eyes, and it's 1961. Gladys Horton, just 15 years old, is on top of her game...
To think of Gladys Horton, you must first of all remember her times. Dwight David Eisenhower still cast his mantle of security over the nation, although as Gladys' tunes hit the top of the Hot R & B/Hip-Hop Songs and the crucial Billboard Hot Singles, John F. Kennedy was getting himself nominated for President, spending daddy's money lavishly.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
It was a time when good girls were expected to fight for their virtue in a known ritual that left that virtue intact... and their boyfriends exhausted. Good girls did.... but only after securing a tangible token of the boyfriend's affection. And it all occurred against a background of music, including that all important dance music... loud, raucous, catchy, blaring in every teenager's life.
Denizens from those mellow years like to call them innocent, romantic, simpler... and perhaps they were. But if you were a poor black girl from Inkster, Michigan they were anything but uncomplicated. For you had your way to make in the world with just your slender talent... and your one shot was a new record company situated on West Grand Boulevard in Detroit.
This was Motown, and though America didn't quite know it yet, this was about to become the most important place in the world for teenagers everywhere. It was ground zero for that frustrating, elusive beat that Motown executives needed and which they became so very good at finding.
Gladys Horton, in 1961, was in the right place at the time right. And, right from the get-go, she was lucky. She came as part of a quintet... but though Motown eschewed groups of 5, ordaining that only groups of 3 were welcome.... this day they made an exception and allowed this larger-than-usual group to audition before Berry Gordy and Smokey Robinson. Gordy was looking for his first Big Hit... and he had a feeling about these girls.
They passed this audition... and this break proved to be their launching pad. So far... so good. A second audition was scheduled.
The second audition got down to the business of finding a song for the group now called the Marvels. Pianist William Garrett had a few ideas for a blues tune he titled "Please Mr. Postman." It was unfinished, only a few words, no music. That didn't matter. Motown was about to prove it knew the secret of spinning dreams (and money) from next to nothing. It's what made them great. Gladys Horton (and Georgia Dobbins who wrote their first song, although Garrett got the credit) helped show them the way...
"Please Mr. Postman" was the result. It was sweet, it was snappy, it had the right "good girl" message... and most important of all, America's teens could dance to it and let themselves go.
Gladys Horton and the soon-to-be-called Marvelettes began the high flying ride of their lives and, for this exceptional moment, they were living their dreams... while they relied on the unflagging energy that comes with youth... to show themselves to a nation that just couldn't get enough of these peppy girls, their simple message, and that beat, that wonderful beat. "Please Mr. Postman" was their elevator to heaven and for a while, that wonderful while, it took Gladys and the Marvelettes where they all wanted to go: up!
That was the good news.
The bad news, although they wouldn't know it for some time, was that that sweet little tune, their first record, was destined to be their most popular and biggest seller. In other words, the moment when life was sweetest would prove be a flicker, a tease. They had peaked... and they weren't even 17.
Still, they didn't know this yet and Berry Gordy and Motown remained committed to these girls... for a while. After all, they had delivered when he needed a hit and needed it Now. And so, in due course, there were 21 Hot R & B/Hip-Hop Songs and 23 Billboard Hot 100 hit singles. Of these hits 3 were Top 10 Pop singles, 9 were Top 10 R & B singles; their debut was #1 on both charts.
It was good... but it wasn't quite good enough. And, besides, there were the usual cat fights, personnel problems, and mistakes, including an embarrassing gaffe on American Bandstand in 1962.
None of this would have mattered had the girls had Talent, that elusive je ne sais quoi that no one can quite define... but which we all know when we see it.
A girl named Diana Ross had it... Gladys Horton didn't, quite. But without Gladys Horton and the 6 other girls who, at one time or another, were members of the Marvelettes, there might not have been a Diana Ross. Berry Gordy, after all, cut his teeth on them... Katherine Anderson, Wanda Rogers, Anne Bogan, Georgeanna Tillman, Juanita Cowart, Georgia Dobbins.... and Gladys Horton. They helped build a great empire that transformed American culture at a time of American greatness. Moreover, when all is said and done, they had a longer and more fruitful run than most of these fragile, evanescent girl groups and their boy group counterparts.
Now Gladys Horton is dead too soon of a stroke, January 26, 2011, aged just 66. But (some of) her music will live on. My favorite is "Too many fish in the sea." (Released 1962). It has legs... look it up... and dance! You won't be able to help yourself; your toes will tap...the true legacy of the Marvelettes... and Gladys Horton.
For more information, see Girl Groups, Girl Culture: Popular Music and Identity in the 1960s. Routledge; New Edition February 2007 by Jacqueline Warwick.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
Author's note: To get yourself in the mood for this article, go to any search engine and find some of the tunes of Gladys Horton and her Marvelettes, particularly "Please Mr. Postman" or "Don't Mess with Bill." Kick off your shoes and remember Gladys Horton was all about a catchy rhythm and grooving at the soda shop with your main squeeze. Put on your head phones, close your eyes, and it's 1961. Gladys Horton, just 15 years old, is on top of her game...
To think of Gladys Horton, you must first of all remember her times. Dwight David Eisenhower still cast his mantle of security over the nation, although as Gladys' tunes hit the top of the Hot R & B/Hip-Hop Songs and the crucial Billboard Hot Singles, John F. Kennedy was getting himself nominated for President, spending daddy's money lavishly.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
It was a time when good girls were expected to fight for their virtue in a known ritual that left that virtue intact... and their boyfriends exhausted. Good girls did.... but only after securing a tangible token of the boyfriend's affection. And it all occurred against a background of music, including that all important dance music... loud, raucous, catchy, blaring in every teenager's life.
Denizens from those mellow years like to call them innocent, romantic, simpler... and perhaps they were. But if you were a poor black girl from Inkster, Michigan they were anything but uncomplicated. For you had your way to make in the world with just your slender talent... and your one shot was a new record company situated on West Grand Boulevard in Detroit.
This was Motown, and though America didn't quite know it yet, this was about to become the most important place in the world for teenagers everywhere. It was ground zero for that frustrating, elusive beat that Motown executives needed and which they became so very good at finding.
Gladys Horton, in 1961, was in the right place at the time right. And, right from the get-go, she was lucky. She came as part of a quintet... but though Motown eschewed groups of 5, ordaining that only groups of 3 were welcome.... this day they made an exception and allowed this larger-than-usual group to audition before Berry Gordy and Smokey Robinson. Gordy was looking for his first Big Hit... and he had a feeling about these girls.
They passed this audition... and this break proved to be their launching pad. So far... so good. A second audition was scheduled.
The second audition got down to the business of finding a song for the group now called the Marvels. Pianist William Garrett had a few ideas for a blues tune he titled "Please Mr. Postman." It was unfinished, only a few words, no music. That didn't matter. Motown was about to prove it knew the secret of spinning dreams (and money) from next to nothing. It's what made them great. Gladys Horton (and Georgia Dobbins who wrote their first song, although Garrett got the credit) helped show them the way...
"Please Mr. Postman" was the result. It was sweet, it was snappy, it had the right "good girl" message... and most important of all, America's teens could dance to it and let themselves go.
Gladys Horton and the soon-to-be-called Marvelettes began the high flying ride of their lives and, for this exceptional moment, they were living their dreams... while they relied on the unflagging energy that comes with youth... to show themselves to a nation that just couldn't get enough of these peppy girls, their simple message, and that beat, that wonderful beat. "Please Mr. Postman" was their elevator to heaven and for a while, that wonderful while, it took Gladys and the Marvelettes where they all wanted to go: up!
That was the good news.
The bad news, although they wouldn't know it for some time, was that that sweet little tune, their first record, was destined to be their most popular and biggest seller. In other words, the moment when life was sweetest would prove be a flicker, a tease. They had peaked... and they weren't even 17.
Still, they didn't know this yet and Berry Gordy and Motown remained committed to these girls... for a while. After all, they had delivered when he needed a hit and needed it Now. And so, in due course, there were 21 Hot R & B/Hip-Hop Songs and 23 Billboard Hot 100 hit singles. Of these hits 3 were Top 10 Pop singles, 9 were Top 10 R & B singles; their debut was #1 on both charts.
It was good... but it wasn't quite good enough. And, besides, there were the usual cat fights, personnel problems, and mistakes, including an embarrassing gaffe on American Bandstand in 1962.
None of this would have mattered had the girls had Talent, that elusive je ne sais quoi that no one can quite define... but which we all know when we see it.
A girl named Diana Ross had it... Gladys Horton didn't, quite. But without Gladys Horton and the 6 other girls who, at one time or another, were members of the Marvelettes, there might not have been a Diana Ross. Berry Gordy, after all, cut his teeth on them... Katherine Anderson, Wanda Rogers, Anne Bogan, Georgeanna Tillman, Juanita Cowart, Georgia Dobbins.... and Gladys Horton. They helped build a great empire that transformed American culture at a time of American greatness. Moreover, when all is said and done, they had a longer and more fruitful run than most of these fragile, evanescent girl groups and their boy group counterparts.
Now Gladys Horton is dead too soon of a stroke, January 26, 2011, aged just 66. But (some of) her music will live on. My favorite is "Too many fish in the sea." (Released 1962). It has legs... look it up... and dance! You won't be able to help yourself; your toes will tap...the true legacy of the Marvelettes... and Gladys Horton.
For more information, see Girl Groups, Girl Culture: Popular Music and Identity in the 1960s. Routledge; New Edition February 2007 by Jacqueline Warwick.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
Saturday, February 12, 2011
You can't please all the people, but you've pleased me. A bouquet to Google upon the inauguration of the splendid Google Art Project.
by Christopher Hessman
Something life enhancing happened just the other day, February 1, 2011 and, as so often, Google is the innovative source. That day Google launched Google Art Project, something so useful to this planet, it can only be called brilliant.
Google Art Project provides access to more than 385 rooms in 17 world-famous museums, including these gems: the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the National Gallery in London, the Frick Collection in New York, the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, and the Palace of Versailles in France.
The purpose of Google Art Project can be summarized in a single word: access. Access to some of the world's greatest achievements and the museums which house them for every electronically connected individual.
Google cannot be said to have invented the concept of online access to museums and their collections. The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts, for instance, offered such access to its world-class collection before Google, yet they applaud what Google has done, will be added to the mega-museum shortly.
But Google, being Google, had a grand vision that every art museum in the world and all their collections should be, in due course, included. They consider, and rightly so, the launch of Google Art Project as a down payment, an indication of what is to come, and of their commitment to this breathtaking notion.
Google uses the zoom feature to zero in on each aspect of a picture, just like Sothebys, Christies and other art auction houses have been using for some time. Again, Google is not the originator of this feature, which allows for microscopic high resolution viewing of featured paintings. They simply use it effectively. Selected works from each museum are given super-high resolution photographs. You can also see reproductions of more than 1,000 other works. You are also able to use Google technology to visit dozens of museum rooms in virtual tours.
Museum directors, art teachers, collectors such as myself, have greeted Google Art Project with pronounced enthusiasm. As well we might.
Few of even the most fervid art students and conoisseurs have been to all the museums in Google's first installment, much less had the leisure and the travel budget to peruse each work featured. Google Art Project, then, literally opens the world of art to everyone in a way that uses the best of the technology Google is famous for.
The time could hardly be better for this idea. Schools around the United States, around the world, are slashing art budgets and art teachers, too. Such ill-advised reductions open the very real possibility that fewer and fewer students (prospective museum goers all) would have even the basics of art education, yet another baleful consequence that comes as a result of the general assault on the humanities which is now such a feature of grammar and secondary schools curricula, and even at the proudest institutions of higher learning. For far too many, the arts and humanities are thought dispensable, unnecessary, elitist, and are therefore amongst the first casualties of budget cutting Neanderthals. These folks, devoted to restoring to themselves the pittance the humanities cost, are weakening not merely each student's individual education... but the very basis for a civilized life and all to save a few pennies.
Google Art Project is a welcome, and powerful, addition to the assailed humanities and its supporters, who need (as those of us fighting this struggle know) all the help we can get.
This being the case, you might suppose that everyone who believes in the crucial life enhancing features of the arts and humanities would welcome Google Art Project with hosannas and public thanks. But, of course, one aspect of those very arts and humanities is the occasional crankiness of certain of its members and their incomprehensible tendency to criticize, belittle, demean members of their own congregation, because that ally is not perfect in every way, as of course they are.
At the opening of Google Art Project the role of skunk at the picnic was performed by one Sebastian Smee, a member of the staff of the Boston Globe newspaper. "Call me a curmudgeon, but I remain underwhelmed", he wrote in his review of Google Art Project, published February 10, 2011. His reasons for attacking this major enhancement to existing arts education and for heartening the efforts of arts lovers worldwide?
Item: Google Art Project's interface is confusing.
Item: The choice of viewing possibilities is "arbitrary".
Item: Sure, Google allows you to zoom in and see every single brushstoke... but it's better if you see the works in person.
Item: Human vision is binocular, but digitized photography is not, hence available technology doesn't provide as good and complete a vision as the human eye.
The recherche Smee might be right on all these points (he isn't), but he seems to be a critic more interested in his elegant demolitions than praising Google and its Art Project, first for the idea itself, then for its useful implementation.
And here Smee goes seriously off the rails, a critic who misses the point.
First, Google has made clear that the Google Art Project is a work in progress. They have never said one should not strain every muscle and mortgage the homestead to go to Paris and dwell for a day or two in the Louvre (which by the way is not included in the first batch of museums.)
Google does not claim that its technologies supplant or obviate the work of museum curators, arts researchers, conservators or even collectors. They will still use X-radiography, infrared reflectography, ultraviolet illumination, laser scanning, and various examinations under raking, specular, and transmitted light. (With thanks to Smee for this list of technologies, techniques, and tools.) No,indeed.
For Google Art Project does not claim to be or even want to be the Most Important Thing in the arts. It is, instead, a useful tool, an intriging tool, and most important a developing tool with many changes and incarnations to come.
This means the most important thing about art remains what it has been since the concept of art was born: to see the work, to stand before an achievement in human history, and to think about what you are seeing and be glad such a glorious thing exists and is appreciated. The importance of this vital experience will never change and which Google Art Project augments so well.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
Something life enhancing happened just the other day, February 1, 2011 and, as so often, Google is the innovative source. That day Google launched Google Art Project, something so useful to this planet, it can only be called brilliant.
Google Art Project provides access to more than 385 rooms in 17 world-famous museums, including these gems: the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the National Gallery in London, the Frick Collection in New York, the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, and the Palace of Versailles in France.
The purpose of Google Art Project can be summarized in a single word: access. Access to some of the world's greatest achievements and the museums which house them for every electronically connected individual.
Google cannot be said to have invented the concept of online access to museums and their collections. The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts, for instance, offered such access to its world-class collection before Google, yet they applaud what Google has done, will be added to the mega-museum shortly.
But Google, being Google, had a grand vision that every art museum in the world and all their collections should be, in due course, included. They consider, and rightly so, the launch of Google Art Project as a down payment, an indication of what is to come, and of their commitment to this breathtaking notion.
Google uses the zoom feature to zero in on each aspect of a picture, just like Sothebys, Christies and other art auction houses have been using for some time. Again, Google is not the originator of this feature, which allows for microscopic high resolution viewing of featured paintings. They simply use it effectively. Selected works from each museum are given super-high resolution photographs. You can also see reproductions of more than 1,000 other works. You are also able to use Google technology to visit dozens of museum rooms in virtual tours.
Museum directors, art teachers, collectors such as myself, have greeted Google Art Project with pronounced enthusiasm. As well we might.
Few of even the most fervid art students and conoisseurs have been to all the museums in Google's first installment, much less had the leisure and the travel budget to peruse each work featured. Google Art Project, then, literally opens the world of art to everyone in a way that uses the best of the technology Google is famous for.
The time could hardly be better for this idea. Schools around the United States, around the world, are slashing art budgets and art teachers, too. Such ill-advised reductions open the very real possibility that fewer and fewer students (prospective museum goers all) would have even the basics of art education, yet another baleful consequence that comes as a result of the general assault on the humanities which is now such a feature of grammar and secondary schools curricula, and even at the proudest institutions of higher learning. For far too many, the arts and humanities are thought dispensable, unnecessary, elitist, and are therefore amongst the first casualties of budget cutting Neanderthals. These folks, devoted to restoring to themselves the pittance the humanities cost, are weakening not merely each student's individual education... but the very basis for a civilized life and all to save a few pennies.
Google Art Project is a welcome, and powerful, addition to the assailed humanities and its supporters, who need (as those of us fighting this struggle know) all the help we can get.
This being the case, you might suppose that everyone who believes in the crucial life enhancing features of the arts and humanities would welcome Google Art Project with hosannas and public thanks. But, of course, one aspect of those very arts and humanities is the occasional crankiness of certain of its members and their incomprehensible tendency to criticize, belittle, demean members of their own congregation, because that ally is not perfect in every way, as of course they are.
At the opening of Google Art Project the role of skunk at the picnic was performed by one Sebastian Smee, a member of the staff of the Boston Globe newspaper. "Call me a curmudgeon, but I remain underwhelmed", he wrote in his review of Google Art Project, published February 10, 2011. His reasons for attacking this major enhancement to existing arts education and for heartening the efforts of arts lovers worldwide?
Item: Google Art Project's interface is confusing.
Item: The choice of viewing possibilities is "arbitrary".
Item: Sure, Google allows you to zoom in and see every single brushstoke... but it's better if you see the works in person.
Item: Human vision is binocular, but digitized photography is not, hence available technology doesn't provide as good and complete a vision as the human eye.
The recherche Smee might be right on all these points (he isn't), but he seems to be a critic more interested in his elegant demolitions than praising Google and its Art Project, first for the idea itself, then for its useful implementation.
And here Smee goes seriously off the rails, a critic who misses the point.
First, Google has made clear that the Google Art Project is a work in progress. They have never said one should not strain every muscle and mortgage the homestead to go to Paris and dwell for a day or two in the Louvre (which by the way is not included in the first batch of museums.)
Google does not claim that its technologies supplant or obviate the work of museum curators, arts researchers, conservators or even collectors. They will still use X-radiography, infrared reflectography, ultraviolet illumination, laser scanning, and various examinations under raking, specular, and transmitted light. (With thanks to Smee for this list of technologies, techniques, and tools.) No,indeed.
For Google Art Project does not claim to be or even want to be the Most Important Thing in the arts. It is, instead, a useful tool, an intriging tool, and most important a developing tool with many changes and incarnations to come.
This means the most important thing about art remains what it has been since the concept of art was born: to see the work, to stand before an achievement in human history, and to think about what you are seeing and be glad such a glorious thing exists and is appreciated. The importance of this vital experience will never change and which Google Art Project augments so well.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books and an avid art collector. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
The most stupid man in Washington, D.C. learns the power of the 'net.. The abbreviated scandal and career of U.S. Representative Chris Lee, America's laughingstock.
by Christopher Hessman
What is it about the treacherous atmosphere of Washington, D.C. that causes our elected representatives and any number of senior officials to act as if they were invulnerable and to (mis) behave accordingly?
Inquiring minds want to know!
What happens in this atmosphere to once decent, law-abiding people who unhesitatingly trade in a lifetime's good character for a tawdry, usually career killing, walk on the wild side?
Inquiring minds want to know!
What happens in our nation's capital and its alluring flesh pots that makes the most highly placed in the country lose even the semblance of common sense, doing things they wouldn't dream of, much less do, anywhere else?
Oh, yes, we all want to know!
The latest victim of Washington's bloated ego syndrome, whereby persons of power and position are absolutely certain they can have their cake and eat it, too, is...
(once) U.S. Representative Chris Lee, now no more R-NY, instead the cause of uncontrollable merriment and the most racy language... the perfect symbol of arrogance and foolishness.
Here are t he facts:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Congressman Chris, at lunch time, was an obscure but quite definitely promising second-term Republican member from western New York.
Two hours later, at 2.33 p.m., posted an alleged e-mail exchange between a man who used Lee's name and photographs to respond to a personal ad posted at Craigslist and the woman who placed it. That was the moment you-know-what hit the fan.
Congressman Chris could hardly have been more accommodating to the prurient worldwide as he himself posted the dynamite that blew him, his career, and quite possibly his marriage and any future responsible posts under the Republic sky high.
The personal ad -- with picture -- did it...
At age 46, once buff Chris Lee's body is no longer the lithe and powerful sex machine of yore. Chris, in short, has succumbed to the marriage tax; he looks paunchy, under exercised, with hair no longer so lush and vibrant as before. In short, he looks his age.
Yet it is within the power of the Congress of these United States to bestow upon its Members the gift of self-delusion as well as franking... and Chris Lee called upon this gift liberally. The picture he posted of himself was an exercise in hope over experience. But Chris trusted his manly flesh, quite the focus of the ad, would do the trick. As a good conservative, however, he did not bare all... his pants remained on... as they would indeed throughout his entire, unconsummated affaire. Yes, a sex scandal without sex!
Where the bare chest photograph did nothing to help Representative Chris pick up chicks online, his ad response was worse, one lie after another.
He was not divorced (though that now may be coming).
He was not a Washington lobbyist (although this, too, may now ensue).
He wasn't 39 anymore, and even Congress might pause a moment before altering the birth certificates of its lubricious members to assist their extra marital capers.
He (as the picture made quite clear) is no means "very fit".
And, as all the world would soon know, he most assuredly is not a "classy guy."
In Chris' favor, he may be 6 feet, 190 pounds. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and full credit for this truth where so many others especially tweak the facts here, too.
In any event, Chris lied and lied and lied... just as we all do when venturing into the personals. It's the thing to do.
Ironically, it was the truth as much as the lies that polished off Chris Lee and his promising career.
You see, he responded with his real name and email address... which enabled the recipient, a black professional woman... and to search and find the hapless, Chris, about to abdicate his role as Gold Plated Boy in favor of "deer in the headlights".
What happened then is what gives this little, unnecessary tragedy its importance and insight into our electronically exposed culture.
What the soon-to-be-ex congressman failed to understand was that the Internet, with its unmatched power for prompt, universal information dissemination, was not merely a force to be reckoned with; it was the deciding force, the thing that would change his life forever -- and all in an instant.
Once released the congressman's dirty little secret, he lost control of the story. There was hardly time to say "not guilty, milord", because had the facts and was pumping them out andante to a world hungry for mud and scandal.
Chris, living in a fool's paradise where the babes in Congress are protected from all responsibilities until their infractions become too glaring to ignore, had no means to defend himself. What could he say? That he wasn't that Chris Lee? would have pulverized him by increasing the heat about a man of stupidity, carelessness, arrogance, and abysmally poor judgement, not precisely the leadership qualities western New York constituents hungered for.
And so, at unparalleled speed, came the decline and sure, swift fall of Congressman Chris, whose place in history will be confined to that bare-chested picture and the unfathomable stupidity which caused him to post it... leading within just 5 hours to the hackneyed words that end most Washington sex scandals:
Chris "regrets the harm that my actions have caused my family, my staff and my constituents. I deeply and sincerely apologize to them all." Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Thus resigning, only to go home to the woman he so publicly humiliated by chasing after others he deemed (as least fleetingly) more desirable, important than she. Dinner that night, chez la famille Lee, must have been frosty indeed.
Ironically, in earlier communications to his constituents, then ascending Congressman Chris pondered the role of the 'net in society commenting on...
"the dangers and unknowns associated with a medium that is growing by several billion web pages per day... Responding to what may seem like a friendly e-mail or an appealing marketing offer can have serious consequences. Private information and images can so easily be transmitted to friends and strangers alike".
And no knows it better than ex-Congressman Chris Lee. Who, for an instant, but only for an instant, was world news... and a living warning to his ex-colleagues who are just as uninformed as he about the Great Force in the land that so unforgivingly influences their lives and fortunes.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
What is it about the treacherous atmosphere of Washington, D.C. that causes our elected representatives and any number of senior officials to act as if they were invulnerable and to (mis) behave accordingly?
Inquiring minds want to know!
What happens in this atmosphere to once decent, law-abiding people who unhesitatingly trade in a lifetime's good character for a tawdry, usually career killing, walk on the wild side?
Inquiring minds want to know!
What happens in our nation's capital and its alluring flesh pots that makes the most highly placed in the country lose even the semblance of common sense, doing things they wouldn't dream of, much less do, anywhere else?
Oh, yes, we all want to know!
The latest victim of Washington's bloated ego syndrome, whereby persons of power and position are absolutely certain they can have their cake and eat it, too, is...
(once) U.S. Representative Chris Lee, now no more R-NY, instead the cause of uncontrollable merriment and the most racy language... the perfect symbol of arrogance and foolishness.
Here are t he facts:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Congressman Chris, at lunch time, was an obscure but quite definitely promising second-term Republican member from western New York.
Two hours later, at 2.33 p.m., posted an alleged e-mail exchange between a man who used Lee's name and photographs to respond to a personal ad posted at Craigslist and the woman who placed it. That was the moment you-know-what hit the fan.
Congressman Chris could hardly have been more accommodating to the prurient worldwide as he himself posted the dynamite that blew him, his career, and quite possibly his marriage and any future responsible posts under the Republic sky high.
The personal ad -- with picture -- did it...
At age 46, once buff Chris Lee's body is no longer the lithe and powerful sex machine of yore. Chris, in short, has succumbed to the marriage tax; he looks paunchy, under exercised, with hair no longer so lush and vibrant as before. In short, he looks his age.
Yet it is within the power of the Congress of these United States to bestow upon its Members the gift of self-delusion as well as franking... and Chris Lee called upon this gift liberally. The picture he posted of himself was an exercise in hope over experience. But Chris trusted his manly flesh, quite the focus of the ad, would do the trick. As a good conservative, however, he did not bare all... his pants remained on... as they would indeed throughout his entire, unconsummated affaire. Yes, a sex scandal without sex!
Where the bare chest photograph did nothing to help Representative Chris pick up chicks online, his ad response was worse, one lie after another.
He was not divorced (though that now may be coming).
He was not a Washington lobbyist (although this, too, may now ensue).
He wasn't 39 anymore, and even Congress might pause a moment before altering the birth certificates of its lubricious members to assist their extra marital capers.
He (as the picture made quite clear) is no means "very fit".
And, as all the world would soon know, he most assuredly is not a "classy guy."
In Chris' favor, he may be 6 feet, 190 pounds. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and full credit for this truth where so many others especially tweak the facts here, too.
In any event, Chris lied and lied and lied... just as we all do when venturing into the personals. It's the thing to do.
Ironically, it was the truth as much as the lies that polished off Chris Lee and his promising career.
You see, he responded with his real name and email address... which enabled the recipient, a black professional woman... and to search and find the hapless, Chris, about to abdicate his role as Gold Plated Boy in favor of "deer in the headlights".
What happened then is what gives this little, unnecessary tragedy its importance and insight into our electronically exposed culture.
What the soon-to-be-ex congressman failed to understand was that the Internet, with its unmatched power for prompt, universal information dissemination, was not merely a force to be reckoned with; it was the deciding force, the thing that would change his life forever -- and all in an instant.
Once released the congressman's dirty little secret, he lost control of the story. There was hardly time to say "not guilty, milord", because had the facts and was pumping them out andante to a world hungry for mud and scandal.
Chris, living in a fool's paradise where the babes in Congress are protected from all responsibilities until their infractions become too glaring to ignore, had no means to defend himself. What could he say? That he wasn't that Chris Lee? would have pulverized him by increasing the heat about a man of stupidity, carelessness, arrogance, and abysmally poor judgement, not precisely the leadership qualities western New York constituents hungered for.
And so, at unparalleled speed, came the decline and sure, swift fall of Congressman Chris, whose place in history will be confined to that bare-chested picture and the unfathomable stupidity which caused him to post it... leading within just 5 hours to the hackneyed words that end most Washington sex scandals:
Chris "regrets the harm that my actions have caused my family, my staff and my constituents. I deeply and sincerely apologize to them all." Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Thus resigning, only to go home to the woman he so publicly humiliated by chasing after others he deemed (as least fleetingly) more desirable, important than she. Dinner that night, chez la famille Lee, must have been frosty indeed.
Ironically, in earlier communications to his constituents, then ascending Congressman Chris pondered the role of the 'net in society commenting on...
"the dangers and unknowns associated with a medium that is growing by several billion web pages per day... Responding to what may seem like a friendly e-mail or an appealing marketing offer can have serious consequences. Private information and images can so easily be transmitted to friends and strangers alike".
And no knows it better than ex-Congressman Chris Lee. Who, for an instant, but only for an instant, was world news... and a living warning to his ex-colleagues who are just as uninformed as he about the Great Force in the land that so unforgivingly influences their lives and fortunes.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
New Tennessee state legislator credits Hooters with providing what she needed for victory. America take note!
by Christopher Hessman
It doesn't take a Harvard Ph.D. to figure out that we in America have a leadership void. We need real leaders and we need them -- yesterday.
After a long and thorough search I am ready to unveil to my readers, the most discerning folks in the universe, exactly where such leaders are being crafted, one tight t-shirt at a time.
The answer is Hooters... the restaurant noted for its mediocre burgers and chicken wings and, notoriously, for the comely waitresses whose manifest charms are designed to keep the customers' eyes on something other than what emerges from the kitchen.
As all restaurant owners know (particularly after the nation's business killing recession so recently over), you need a gimmick to expedite success and maintain your advantage in this ultra competitive industry.
Hooters, founded in 1983 in Clearwater, Florida, made the decision right from the get-go about how they'd get customers -- and keep them. Their candid motto is "delightfully tacky yet unrefined", and they live down to it every single day.
What they're really selling is not of the burger variety. The essence of their success goes back to Eve and her machinations in the Garden of Eden. A well-configured person of the female variety is what keeps customers (overwhelmingly male of course) happy from the first minute... and happy every single time they return. Their lubricious thoughts are not only tolerated.... but encouraged by the practised Hooters Girls who, with a wink and timely nudge, know how to keep the boys happy, even if they're 85.
Hooters Girls have unmistakable charms... and the ability, perfected by the restaurant, to package them to jaw-dropping perfection. Unlike more prosaic eateries, at Hooters, should the cuisine disappoint, one can always derive the benefits from oggling invited... and encouraged. Hooters is a very friendly place. And, as it turns out, very educational, too.
With the company's generous approval, ex-Hooters Girl Julia Hurley, reports in the February 2011 issue of the company's magazine, how what she learned at Hooters was vital to her election to the Tennessee General Assembly last November. There, at age 29, she now represents as a Republican a conservative district west of Knoxville.
Julia's constituents are of the America loving, gun toting, Bible quoting, gay baiting, tax-paying variety, the very core of the nation. As such they were enchanted (particularly the men folk) by what they saw in Julia... and were glad to learn how thoroughly she had taken the Hooters' curriculum to heart. Incumbent Democratic representative Dennis Ferguson never had a chance, although (it is thought) his worldly advisors (when things looked grim) suggested Chippendale attire and beef cake. Foolishly Ferguson declined.
We thought, but were obviously misinformed, the Hooters Girls were selected primarily for the physical qualities a beneficent God gave 'em... but we were wrong. Hooters Girls, says one who knows, are there to learn the essential skills of leadership, skills so desperately needed by the nation. Their bodies, young, firm, eye-catchingly displayed in the skin-tight Hooters apparel, are not, we are glad to learn, the focus of the establishment. No, we have come, red-blooded males all in a pother, to see America's finest young ladies learn the skills with which they will solve all of America's problems, one satisfied citizen at a time, without a penny of extra task.
Sadly, these skills were viciously attacked by ex-Representative Ferguson's supporters during Julia's successful campaign. That woman, they fulminated, had posed in provocative photographs, photographs designed to inflame the blood and seduce the innocent.
Not so, said Julia. Her experiences at Hooters taught her how to present products to best effect. She obviously did so; her modeling photographs, for instance, are stunning, artful, revealing Julia's true self. Why should the lady be penalized for perfection? Male constituents particularly nodded their heads in agreement, as she said so.
Well, then, said certain sanctimonious, censorious inhabitants of the Knoxville area, riddle me this: how can we elect as our bona fide representative a woman who, more outrageous than the wicked and seductive Biblical Jezebel herself (Kings 2, beginning verse 16), has flaunted, in a state of provocative undress?
Outrageous, untruthful charge, responded Julia. I was merely using my Hooters education to best advantage. The public demands in these skeptical days full disclosure... and I have given it to them, thank you very much Hooters and your wise teachings.
To be sure, Julia brought more than her Hooters experience to the voters. But even here she credits Hooters. They encouraged her, with her winning ways and proven abilities with people, to reach out to the community. So, she augmented her undeniable Hooters connections by joining the Southern Baptist congregation and the Gun Owners of America. Wise recommendations.
Dennis Ferguson never had a chance, which of course is the point of the "take no prisoner's" Hooters curriculum which stresses winning over everything. It is the Hooters way which is why the company has chosen the owl as its apt symbol. For the owl is the symbol of the Greek Goddess Athena, a deity of war and of wisdom. The Hooters Girls all wear it proudly and can, as yet another accomplishment, mimic the "hooting" sounds of their emblem. It is for these, and nothing else, that the company is named. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Representative Hurley is by no means the only ex-Hooters Girl who has made better. The company's magazine regularly features other such paragons, the bikinis and other skimpy attire being entirely incidental to their success.
Now that Hooters has this success formula down pat, it has gone worldwide with a will. There are fully 460 Hooters restaurants throughout the U.S. of A, in 44 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and even Guam. In addition, Hooters operate restaurants in 27 other companies, having gone international with Singapore.
This is welcome news to those of us who, despairing of the curriculum in the public schools and its manifest inadequacies, now see in Hooters the necessary regeneration. And not a moment too soon. What Hooters teaches, clearly works.
What's more the price is right. For a tiny fraction of what we burdened taxpayers have to cough up in support of local schools, Hooters can already do and better, achieving much simply by taking off more. I like it. It's simple and effective. Yes, indeed, it has legs, though I would hesitate to say so before these blushing, dainty little ladies, those Hooters Girls.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
It doesn't take a Harvard Ph.D. to figure out that we in America have a leadership void. We need real leaders and we need them -- yesterday.
After a long and thorough search I am ready to unveil to my readers, the most discerning folks in the universe, exactly where such leaders are being crafted, one tight t-shirt at a time.
The answer is Hooters... the restaurant noted for its mediocre burgers and chicken wings and, notoriously, for the comely waitresses whose manifest charms are designed to keep the customers' eyes on something other than what emerges from the kitchen.
As all restaurant owners know (particularly after the nation's business killing recession so recently over), you need a gimmick to expedite success and maintain your advantage in this ultra competitive industry.
Hooters, founded in 1983 in Clearwater, Florida, made the decision right from the get-go about how they'd get customers -- and keep them. Their candid motto is "delightfully tacky yet unrefined", and they live down to it every single day.
What they're really selling is not of the burger variety. The essence of their success goes back to Eve and her machinations in the Garden of Eden. A well-configured person of the female variety is what keeps customers (overwhelmingly male of course) happy from the first minute... and happy every single time they return. Their lubricious thoughts are not only tolerated.... but encouraged by the practised Hooters Girls who, with a wink and timely nudge, know how to keep the boys happy, even if they're 85.
Hooters Girls have unmistakable charms... and the ability, perfected by the restaurant, to package them to jaw-dropping perfection. Unlike more prosaic eateries, at Hooters, should the cuisine disappoint, one can always derive the benefits from oggling invited... and encouraged. Hooters is a very friendly place. And, as it turns out, very educational, too.
With the company's generous approval, ex-Hooters Girl Julia Hurley, reports in the February 2011 issue of the company's magazine, how what she learned at Hooters was vital to her election to the Tennessee General Assembly last November. There, at age 29, she now represents as a Republican a conservative district west of Knoxville.
Julia's constituents are of the America loving, gun toting, Bible quoting, gay baiting, tax-paying variety, the very core of the nation. As such they were enchanted (particularly the men folk) by what they saw in Julia... and were glad to learn how thoroughly she had taken the Hooters' curriculum to heart. Incumbent Democratic representative Dennis Ferguson never had a chance, although (it is thought) his worldly advisors (when things looked grim) suggested Chippendale attire and beef cake. Foolishly Ferguson declined.
We thought, but were obviously misinformed, the Hooters Girls were selected primarily for the physical qualities a beneficent God gave 'em... but we were wrong. Hooters Girls, says one who knows, are there to learn the essential skills of leadership, skills so desperately needed by the nation. Their bodies, young, firm, eye-catchingly displayed in the skin-tight Hooters apparel, are not, we are glad to learn, the focus of the establishment. No, we have come, red-blooded males all in a pother, to see America's finest young ladies learn the skills with which they will solve all of America's problems, one satisfied citizen at a time, without a penny of extra task.
Sadly, these skills were viciously attacked by ex-Representative Ferguson's supporters during Julia's successful campaign. That woman, they fulminated, had posed in provocative photographs, photographs designed to inflame the blood and seduce the innocent.
Not so, said Julia. Her experiences at Hooters taught her how to present products to best effect. She obviously did so; her modeling photographs, for instance, are stunning, artful, revealing Julia's true self. Why should the lady be penalized for perfection? Male constituents particularly nodded their heads in agreement, as she said so.
Well, then, said certain sanctimonious, censorious inhabitants of the Knoxville area, riddle me this: how can we elect as our bona fide representative a woman who, more outrageous than the wicked and seductive Biblical Jezebel herself (Kings 2, beginning verse 16), has flaunted, in a state of provocative undress?
Outrageous, untruthful charge, responded Julia. I was merely using my Hooters education to best advantage. The public demands in these skeptical days full disclosure... and I have given it to them, thank you very much Hooters and your wise teachings.
To be sure, Julia brought more than her Hooters experience to the voters. But even here she credits Hooters. They encouraged her, with her winning ways and proven abilities with people, to reach out to the community. So, she augmented her undeniable Hooters connections by joining the Southern Baptist congregation and the Gun Owners of America. Wise recommendations.
Dennis Ferguson never had a chance, which of course is the point of the "take no prisoner's" Hooters curriculum which stresses winning over everything. It is the Hooters way which is why the company has chosen the owl as its apt symbol. For the owl is the symbol of the Greek Goddess Athena, a deity of war and of wisdom. The Hooters Girls all wear it proudly and can, as yet another accomplishment, mimic the "hooting" sounds of their emblem. It is for these, and nothing else, that the company is named. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Representative Hurley is by no means the only ex-Hooters Girl who has made better. The company's magazine regularly features other such paragons, the bikinis and other skimpy attire being entirely incidental to their success.
Now that Hooters has this success formula down pat, it has gone worldwide with a will. There are fully 460 Hooters restaurants throughout the U.S. of A, in 44 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and even Guam. In addition, Hooters operate restaurants in 27 other companies, having gone international with Singapore.
This is welcome news to those of us who, despairing of the curriculum in the public schools and its manifest inadequacies, now see in Hooters the necessary regeneration. And not a moment too soon. What Hooters teaches, clearly works.
What's more the price is right. For a tiny fraction of what we burdened taxpayers have to cough up in support of local schools, Hooters can already do and better, achieving much simply by taking off more. I like it. It's simple and effective. Yes, indeed, it has legs, though I would hesitate to say so before these blushing, dainty little ladies, those Hooters Girls.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books.
Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out The List Edge ->
Thursday, February 10, 2011
These Landing Page Mistakes will cost you sales! Know them. Avoid them!
By Christopher Hessman
A landing pages is a powerful way to generate leads for a product, service or company. Landing pages are a far more effective way of getting leads than promoting your website.
To get those leads your Landing page must adhere to these sure-fire rules of marketing. Here's what you need to know to get the maximum results from your landing pages.
Most Common Mistakes
1. Boring headline.
Your headline must POP off the page with motivating words that will get the viewer's attention. You want to get their attention then draw them in to keep them reading. Headlines should be bold, easy to read, colorful and make an IMMEDIATE eye-grabbing impact.
2. Too fancy.
Fire your designer if they rely heavily on graphics and flash. Even video is sometimes not appropriate. You do not need your landing page to match your website. Landing pages do not need to be animated, blinking, jumping or annoying. Simple is best. Your Landing page has one purpose, and one purpose only - to generate a lead. It should be colorful, eye catching and use compelling rich copy.
3. No focus.
Effective landing pages are focused. Focused on purpose (lead generation) and focused on telling the reader exactly what they get and why they need to act now. Don't include any reason for distraction on your landing page. Make your marketing message ultra-clear.
4. No Offer.
If you want to generate a lead you MUST include an offer. People don't give away their contact information unless you give them VERY good reasons to do so. Make your pitch, and make it a great one - something for free, include a bonus, an incentive - something of value.
5. Forgetting about who the Landing Page is for!
Your Landing Page is for your Viewers. Yes, it's to market your company or product, but the page itself is about the viewer, Yes, your potential customer don't forget this. View your Landing pages from THEIR eyes. Is is obvious what you are offering? Is your offer enticing? Is your page focused or it is annoying to the point of distraction. Respect the experience and impression of your viewers. Make sure the page is not too long, the fonts are appropriate, the graphics not overdone and your optin form is quick and easy to complete.
To conclude, here is an Easy 1-2-3 Formula for creating effective Landing Pages.
1. Start with a powerful benefit-laden attention-grabbing headline.
2. Follow with compelling copy that motivates ACTION. Here is what you get, here is why you need it, here is how to get it RIGHT NOW!
3. Optin Form. Conclude with an easy to complete, simple form requesting contact details, being sure to list the bonuses/offer included. If you can add a value to these bonuses it makes your offer even more appealing.
Final words: Everything on your landing page should focus and complement these things; simple theme-related graphics, well-written punchy copy, an irresistible offer, and an opt-in form. Your goal on a Landing page is get the lead!
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About the Author:
Sandi Hunter, is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., a Canadian company specializing in resources for small and home based business. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Auto Click Profits ->
A landing pages is a powerful way to generate leads for a product, service or company. Landing pages are a far more effective way of getting leads than promoting your website.
To get those leads your Landing page must adhere to these sure-fire rules of marketing. Here's what you need to know to get the maximum results from your landing pages.
Most Common Mistakes
1. Boring headline.
Your headline must POP off the page with motivating words that will get the viewer's attention. You want to get their attention then draw them in to keep them reading. Headlines should be bold, easy to read, colorful and make an IMMEDIATE eye-grabbing impact.
2. Too fancy.
Fire your designer if they rely heavily on graphics and flash. Even video is sometimes not appropriate. You do not need your landing page to match your website. Landing pages do not need to be animated, blinking, jumping or annoying. Simple is best. Your Landing page has one purpose, and one purpose only - to generate a lead. It should be colorful, eye catching and use compelling rich copy.
3. No focus.
Effective landing pages are focused. Focused on purpose (lead generation) and focused on telling the reader exactly what they get and why they need to act now. Don't include any reason for distraction on your landing page. Make your marketing message ultra-clear.
4. No Offer.
If you want to generate a lead you MUST include an offer. People don't give away their contact information unless you give them VERY good reasons to do so. Make your pitch, and make it a great one - something for free, include a bonus, an incentive - something of value.
5. Forgetting about who the Landing Page is for!
Your Landing Page is for your Viewers. Yes, it's to market your company or product, but the page itself is about the viewer, Yes, your potential customer don't forget this. View your Landing pages from THEIR eyes. Is is obvious what you are offering? Is your offer enticing? Is your page focused or it is annoying to the point of distraction. Respect the experience and impression of your viewers. Make sure the page is not too long, the fonts are appropriate, the graphics not overdone and your optin form is quick and easy to complete.
To conclude, here is an Easy 1-2-3 Formula for creating effective Landing Pages.
1. Start with a powerful benefit-laden attention-grabbing headline.
2. Follow with compelling copy that motivates ACTION. Here is what you get, here is why you need it, here is how to get it RIGHT NOW!
3. Optin Form. Conclude with an easy to complete, simple form requesting contact details, being sure to list the bonuses/offer included. If you can add a value to these bonuses it makes your offer even more appealing.
Final words: Everything on your landing page should focus and complement these things; simple theme-related graphics, well-written punchy copy, an irresistible offer, and an opt-in form. Your goal on a Landing page is get the lead!
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About the Author:
Sandi Hunter, is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., a Canadian company specializing in resources for small and home based business. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Auto Click Profits ->
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Canadian sled dog massacre sparks international outrage as people ask how could man's best friend be treated so.
by Christopher Hessman
This article will horrify, anger, and enrage you. And rightly so, for something terrible has happened, something that should never have been thought... much less done.
100 sled dogs were slaughtered by a Canadian touri company... because bookings were down and expenses had to be cut.... to the point of organizing a grisly massacre of canines guilty of nothing more than doing their job and helping to keep humans employed. They were now older, some worn out, others sick. And so with excruciating nonchalance and little thought beforehand, they were butchered.
Here are the facts now just emerging:
April 21 and 23, 2010 100 sled dogs owned by Howling Dog Tours Whistler, Inc. of Whistler, British Columbia, a subsidiary of Outdoors Adventures at Whistler, Ltd. were slaughtered. The executioner was Robert Fawcett, Howling Dog Tours' operations manager.
Fawcett used a shotgun and a knife for his work. It was bloody, prolonged, botched. Injured dogs tried to escape. One animal, failing to die with the one shot allotted limped away "with a face blown off and an eye hanging out." Yet another was buried as dead, only to emerge the next day... to be finally, painfully finished off.
The terror of the animals, their yelps, the fear, the blood, the carnage must have been horrifying... although Fawcett requested no help. He should have. The vivid remembrance of what he had done and how he had done it seems to have haunted this man, who was not thought to be a cruel person. Just how much we may never know since Fawcett has been under wraps, no commenting, since the incidents, not least because he has been the subject of numerous death threats, their number increasing as the story becomes known.
Fawcett's condition became known January 25, 2011 when he filed a WorkSafeBC claim review. Fawcett was compensated for post-traumatic stress disorder. And all hell broke loose as people learned about what Fawcett had done to the huskies we all love so much.
How could this have happened... mass denial all round.
Fact: the 2010 Winter Olympics were not as lucrative as projected and on the principle of "something's got to give" the company in the person of Joey Houssian, owner, authorized Fawcett to euthanize "sick and old" dogs. Houssian apparently didn't enquire how Fawcett would do his work.
Now, think for a minute. If you were the owner of a tour company in a competitive industry where image is everything; would you inquire how the dogs your customers love so much were to be done away with? Houssian seems not to have cared; he took the standard line that expenses had to be brought into line... damn the dogs.They had done their work; they were expendable. Nothing strange about that at all.
No attempt seems to have been made, or even considered, to help these huskies live out the remainder of their lives in comfort and security. No attempt was made to find a good place, a good home. These were tools of the business, and they were getting the standard (brutal) treatment, the way things were always done on the icy frontier.
Manager Fawcett's claim review said he approached a veterinarian about the planned executions but that (unnamed) individual refused to euthanize healthy dogs... something which should have given Fawcett pause... but didn't. The company's owner wanted cuts... and cuts he would get on the killings fields where these beautiful animals ended their useful lives in terror.
Fawcett proceeded with his task... clueless on what he was doing, how he was doing it, and what would happen if the world should learn what he did and not regard it as acceptable practice.
The world did learn. And its response was swift and sure: how could this have happened? Had no stopped to consider the slaughter of huskies was now unacceptable, not withstanding that such slaughter was immemorial, a tried and true custom reaching back to pioneer days, and before.
The utility and romance of the huskies.
It is hard to imagine a single individual who, upon becoming acquainted with huskies and other sled dogs, does not establish an instant friendship. These dogs are expert at this and know how to make themselves irresistible.
They know, too, just how invaluable they have been to the growth and development of Western Canada... and Alaska. For 15,000 years, researchers say, the pace of business, commerce and travel in those remote areas moved upon the tender pads of huskies and their ancestors, the Eskimo or Inuit dog of coastal cultures and the Interior Village dogs of Athabascan Indians.
As airplanes and highways made their way through the areas where for generations huskies had sported as lords of these far distant places the importance of these dogs diminished. Then, recreational "mushing" and the advent of sled dog races came... and as the tourists came in their tens of thousands the sled dogs regained their pride of place. People rejoiced.... because these lands without huskies lack the lapping face of these exuberant, always cheerful and welcoming friends.
Now 100 of these creatures who harmed no one and benefited many were so many mained and rotting carcasses, terrible reminders that old-time traditions are not always good; that no one thought twice about what Manager Fawcett would do or how he would do it.
No one asked, as they should have, whether there wasn't some better alternative than premature extinction. Surely someone might have so considered.
But no one did and so Marcie Moriarty, general manager of cruelty investigations for British Columbia's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, entered the picture, saying the case was the worst she ever had to investigate. Prime ministers, provincial and national, legislators of all parties, corporate executives in the tour industry... they have all jumped up and promised reforms... as people worldwide insist upon better treatment for the huskies and long overdue scrutiny and reforms in the businesses using these animals.
Thus, even in death, the huskies worked for the good of their kind... and for the benefit of humans too. For it cannot be good for us to be so unconcerned and unobservant about the well being of creatures helpful to us, deserving good treatment, not worn out "traditions."
You see, we failed these dogs... though these dogs have never failed us. This is why the genus caninus remains man's best friend, the very essence of loyalty, even when we mistreat and harm them; for such is the depth of their loyalty to us... though God knows what we have done to deserve it.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Auto Click Profits ->
This article will horrify, anger, and enrage you. And rightly so, for something terrible has happened, something that should never have been thought... much less done.
100 sled dogs were slaughtered by a Canadian touri company... because bookings were down and expenses had to be cut.... to the point of organizing a grisly massacre of canines guilty of nothing more than doing their job and helping to keep humans employed. They were now older, some worn out, others sick. And so with excruciating nonchalance and little thought beforehand, they were butchered.
Here are the facts now just emerging:
April 21 and 23, 2010 100 sled dogs owned by Howling Dog Tours Whistler, Inc. of Whistler, British Columbia, a subsidiary of Outdoors Adventures at Whistler, Ltd. were slaughtered. The executioner was Robert Fawcett, Howling Dog Tours' operations manager.
Fawcett used a shotgun and a knife for his work. It was bloody, prolonged, botched. Injured dogs tried to escape. One animal, failing to die with the one shot allotted limped away "with a face blown off and an eye hanging out." Yet another was buried as dead, only to emerge the next day... to be finally, painfully finished off.
The terror of the animals, their yelps, the fear, the blood, the carnage must have been horrifying... although Fawcett requested no help. He should have. The vivid remembrance of what he had done and how he had done it seems to have haunted this man, who was not thought to be a cruel person. Just how much we may never know since Fawcett has been under wraps, no commenting, since the incidents, not least because he has been the subject of numerous death threats, their number increasing as the story becomes known.
Fawcett's condition became known January 25, 2011 when he filed a WorkSafeBC claim review. Fawcett was compensated for post-traumatic stress disorder. And all hell broke loose as people learned about what Fawcett had done to the huskies we all love so much.
How could this have happened... mass denial all round.
Fact: the 2010 Winter Olympics were not as lucrative as projected and on the principle of "something's got to give" the company in the person of Joey Houssian, owner, authorized Fawcett to euthanize "sick and old" dogs. Houssian apparently didn't enquire how Fawcett would do his work.
Now, think for a minute. If you were the owner of a tour company in a competitive industry where image is everything; would you inquire how the dogs your customers love so much were to be done away with? Houssian seems not to have cared; he took the standard line that expenses had to be brought into line... damn the dogs.They had done their work; they were expendable. Nothing strange about that at all.
No attempt seems to have been made, or even considered, to help these huskies live out the remainder of their lives in comfort and security. No attempt was made to find a good place, a good home. These were tools of the business, and they were getting the standard (brutal) treatment, the way things were always done on the icy frontier.
Manager Fawcett's claim review said he approached a veterinarian about the planned executions but that (unnamed) individual refused to euthanize healthy dogs... something which should have given Fawcett pause... but didn't. The company's owner wanted cuts... and cuts he would get on the killings fields where these beautiful animals ended their useful lives in terror.
Fawcett proceeded with his task... clueless on what he was doing, how he was doing it, and what would happen if the world should learn what he did and not regard it as acceptable practice.
The world did learn. And its response was swift and sure: how could this have happened? Had no stopped to consider the slaughter of huskies was now unacceptable, not withstanding that such slaughter was immemorial, a tried and true custom reaching back to pioneer days, and before.
The utility and romance of the huskies.
It is hard to imagine a single individual who, upon becoming acquainted with huskies and other sled dogs, does not establish an instant friendship. These dogs are expert at this and know how to make themselves irresistible.
They know, too, just how invaluable they have been to the growth and development of Western Canada... and Alaska. For 15,000 years, researchers say, the pace of business, commerce and travel in those remote areas moved upon the tender pads of huskies and their ancestors, the Eskimo or Inuit dog of coastal cultures and the Interior Village dogs of Athabascan Indians.
As airplanes and highways made their way through the areas where for generations huskies had sported as lords of these far distant places the importance of these dogs diminished. Then, recreational "mushing" and the advent of sled dog races came... and as the tourists came in their tens of thousands the sled dogs regained their pride of place. People rejoiced.... because these lands without huskies lack the lapping face of these exuberant, always cheerful and welcoming friends.
Now 100 of these creatures who harmed no one and benefited many were so many mained and rotting carcasses, terrible reminders that old-time traditions are not always good; that no one thought twice about what Manager Fawcett would do or how he would do it.
No one asked, as they should have, whether there wasn't some better alternative than premature extinction. Surely someone might have so considered.
But no one did and so Marcie Moriarty, general manager of cruelty investigations for British Columbia's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, entered the picture, saying the case was the worst she ever had to investigate. Prime ministers, provincial and national, legislators of all parties, corporate executives in the tour industry... they have all jumped up and promised reforms... as people worldwide insist upon better treatment for the huskies and long overdue scrutiny and reforms in the businesses using these animals.
Thus, even in death, the huskies worked for the good of their kind... and for the benefit of humans too. For it cannot be good for us to be so unconcerned and unobservant about the well being of creatures helpful to us, deserving good treatment, not worn out "traditions."
You see, we failed these dogs... though these dogs have never failed us. This is why the genus caninus remains man's best friend, the very essence of loyalty, even when we mistreat and harm them; for such is the depth of their loyalty to us... though God knows what we have done to deserve it.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Auto Click Profits ->
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
An open letter to President Obama, Vice President Biden and every U.S. state and federal legislator. Make gay marriage legal now.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now that "Don't ask, don't tell" has been consigned to the scrap heap of bad ideas and ludicrous policies, it's time to give the whole apparatus of sexual oppression one final push and remove this issue from the national agenda.
It's time to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act of September, 21, 1996 and all the invidious vestiges of legalized oppression, in which one group of people tells another group of people what they can do with their bodies and with whom they can do it. And, most daft of all, that sexually oppressive majority tells the despised minority whom it may marry and under what circumstances. Here is (misused) power indeed.
Last time I checked America was the land of the brave and the home of the free. Somewhere along the line, however, we let our core values be turned on their heads. What was brave, after all, about subjecting the sexual minority to needlessly repressive legislation and allowing generations of abuse? What was free about parsing liberty so that it was available to some, but not to all? It was unnecessary! It was cruel! It was unAmerican... and it is the policy the overwhelming majority of you "leaders" have pursued... depriving thousands of our best citizens of their rights while triumphing the rights of other people. In the process you created a culture sanctifying by law the superiority of some, at the expense of others. And you dared call this the American way? It is the way of tyrants throughout the ages for whom divide and conquer was the best way to govern.
Think for a moment about "Don't ask, don't tell." Now that it's gone and we can review it through the rear view mirror of history, we can see it for what it was: a downright silly attempt to oppress, control, demean. Of course, it didn't work, although it was the law far too long. Who, after all, wants to devote their life to the business of sexual snoopery? Have we not better things to do with our time and resources than turning people into legalized Peeping Toms?
Who thinks up this stuff, anyway? It's no wonder your vocation -- politics -- is the subject of near universal contempt. Your business is to empower people, improve their lives rather than pander to the basest instincts of humanity.
Do you need more reasons that this for legalizing gay marriage? Take these for openers:
* Legalizing gay marriage nationwide delivers long-delayed rights to many without costing the rest anything except their arrogance and condescension. In short, it delivers equity and the full protection of the law without detriment of any kind to anyone.
* Legitimizing gay marriage strengthens the institution of marriage while providing those marrying the security and comfort of the law.
* Legalizing gay marriage, making it a civil right, removes often muddled clerics from the debate and puts them firmly in their place. Has anyone read the Constitution lately about the separation of church and state/ This is not a theocracy like Iran where mullahs set policy, disastrously so.
The debate on gay marriage has brought out the worst (and also occasionally the best) in today's theological discussions and sermonizing. Let's be very clear on this point: gay marriage is too important to be left to clergymen. Making gay marriage legal marginalizes these thought-challenged theologians without diminishing their rights.
Such people, once gay marriage is legal, will still have the right to thoughtless fulmination... but what they say will be viewed correctly as insignificant, quaint, outmoded, trivial thought from the ill-educated and mean spirited, not the Word of God.
* Legalizing gay marriage promotes marriage. It enables people who have yearned for lawful protection of their relationships the security they have asked for. Really, what sensible person could regard this as anything other than good? Legal marriage between two consenting adults is good, whoever those two people are. And that's a fact.
Want more?
Legalizing gay marriage removes an issue from the national agenda that should never have distracted us in the first place. It has never created a new job, never uplifted anyone's standard of living, never increased the rights and welfare of anyone at any time. In short it's been a foolish waste of time all round, perpetrated by those who claim to have a direct line, always accessible to the divinity, who gives them their hate lines direct. This sounds like Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition... the stuff of fear and loathing, not enlightenment. And, remember, this country was created by men of the Enlightenment who understood what repression was and crafted a society that above all let freedom ring.
Be ye unafraid our leaders. Little enough is required of you, including you, Mr. President Obama.
The glory days of the gay rights revolution are history. The heroes of the Stonewall riots of June 28, 1969 and the brave lads of the Mattachine Society (founded 1965) cry for a Vietnam-style Memorial all their own. Now you need only copy what legislators in a handful of progressive states (mostly in the Northeast and in Iowa) have already done. Pettifogging legal expertise is needed, no real courage at all. You legislators are surely up to this. It's what you do: "talk leadership while following... way far behind."
This goes for you, too, Mr. President. You went to the gay community cap in hand and made promises that gained you its adherence, its money, its votes. And here, as elsewhere, you have failed to deliver. If you have a liberal bone in you (which many now doubt) use it to solve this problem... or at the very least hoist your colors to the masthead, showing gumption for a change, not just the ability to read poll numbers.
It's clear which way history is moving.
Christmas Eve, 2010, on ABC's "Good Morning,America" Vice President Biden opined that gay marriage was on its way in as points of view "evolved" on this non-issue.
More telling 29-year-old Barbara Bush, the daughter of President George W. Bush, has released through the Human Rights Campaign, a video that takes her own father and his intolerance to task. Speaking as a New Yorker she says, "New York is about fairness and equality and everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love." In this, Ms. Bush joins her mother and grand mother, First Ladies both, who have always seen this issue clearly and in human terms. Why can't the ex-President? We forgave him many things including his alcoholism. Where is a drop of humanity in return?
It doesn't much matter, for the solution to the problem is at hand. People Barbara Bush's age regard the matter as settled; the grim reaper daily removes more obstructionists and haters. Demographics, not courage, will settle the issue.
Still, Mr. President and honored legislators all, it would have been nice if, even as this issue is settled, you would demonstrate some little leadership. It is little enough to ask, given how little you have all done to help the afflicted people, rather than add to their burdens.for so very, very long.
Take the step, the right step, the necessary step. Claim all the glory and the kudos. You have not earned them, but it's the way you do business, leaders in name, seldom in fact. So, then, do your business without further ado. We have waited enough.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Now that "Don't ask, don't tell" has been consigned to the scrap heap of bad ideas and ludicrous policies, it's time to give the whole apparatus of sexual oppression one final push and remove this issue from the national agenda.
It's time to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act of September, 21, 1996 and all the invidious vestiges of legalized oppression, in which one group of people tells another group of people what they can do with their bodies and with whom they can do it. And, most daft of all, that sexually oppressive majority tells the despised minority whom it may marry and under what circumstances. Here is (misused) power indeed.
Last time I checked America was the land of the brave and the home of the free. Somewhere along the line, however, we let our core values be turned on their heads. What was brave, after all, about subjecting the sexual minority to needlessly repressive legislation and allowing generations of abuse? What was free about parsing liberty so that it was available to some, but not to all? It was unnecessary! It was cruel! It was unAmerican... and it is the policy the overwhelming majority of you "leaders" have pursued... depriving thousands of our best citizens of their rights while triumphing the rights of other people. In the process you created a culture sanctifying by law the superiority of some, at the expense of others. And you dared call this the American way? It is the way of tyrants throughout the ages for whom divide and conquer was the best way to govern.
Think for a moment about "Don't ask, don't tell." Now that it's gone and we can review it through the rear view mirror of history, we can see it for what it was: a downright silly attempt to oppress, control, demean. Of course, it didn't work, although it was the law far too long. Who, after all, wants to devote their life to the business of sexual snoopery? Have we not better things to do with our time and resources than turning people into legalized Peeping Toms?
Who thinks up this stuff, anyway? It's no wonder your vocation -- politics -- is the subject of near universal contempt. Your business is to empower people, improve their lives rather than pander to the basest instincts of humanity.
Do you need more reasons that this for legalizing gay marriage? Take these for openers:
* Legalizing gay marriage nationwide delivers long-delayed rights to many without costing the rest anything except their arrogance and condescension. In short, it delivers equity and the full protection of the law without detriment of any kind to anyone.
* Legitimizing gay marriage strengthens the institution of marriage while providing those marrying the security and comfort of the law.
* Legalizing gay marriage, making it a civil right, removes often muddled clerics from the debate and puts them firmly in their place. Has anyone read the Constitution lately about the separation of church and state/ This is not a theocracy like Iran where mullahs set policy, disastrously so.
The debate on gay marriage has brought out the worst (and also occasionally the best) in today's theological discussions and sermonizing. Let's be very clear on this point: gay marriage is too important to be left to clergymen. Making gay marriage legal marginalizes these thought-challenged theologians without diminishing their rights.
Such people, once gay marriage is legal, will still have the right to thoughtless fulmination... but what they say will be viewed correctly as insignificant, quaint, outmoded, trivial thought from the ill-educated and mean spirited, not the Word of God.
* Legalizing gay marriage promotes marriage. It enables people who have yearned for lawful protection of their relationships the security they have asked for. Really, what sensible person could regard this as anything other than good? Legal marriage between two consenting adults is good, whoever those two people are. And that's a fact.
Want more?
Legalizing gay marriage removes an issue from the national agenda that should never have distracted us in the first place. It has never created a new job, never uplifted anyone's standard of living, never increased the rights and welfare of anyone at any time. In short it's been a foolish waste of time all round, perpetrated by those who claim to have a direct line, always accessible to the divinity, who gives them their hate lines direct. This sounds like Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition... the stuff of fear and loathing, not enlightenment. And, remember, this country was created by men of the Enlightenment who understood what repression was and crafted a society that above all let freedom ring.
Be ye unafraid our leaders. Little enough is required of you, including you, Mr. President Obama.
The glory days of the gay rights revolution are history. The heroes of the Stonewall riots of June 28, 1969 and the brave lads of the Mattachine Society (founded 1965) cry for a Vietnam-style Memorial all their own. Now you need only copy what legislators in a handful of progressive states (mostly in the Northeast and in Iowa) have already done. Pettifogging legal expertise is needed, no real courage at all. You legislators are surely up to this. It's what you do: "talk leadership while following... way far behind."
This goes for you, too, Mr. President. You went to the gay community cap in hand and made promises that gained you its adherence, its money, its votes. And here, as elsewhere, you have failed to deliver. If you have a liberal bone in you (which many now doubt) use it to solve this problem... or at the very least hoist your colors to the masthead, showing gumption for a change, not just the ability to read poll numbers.
It's clear which way history is moving.
Christmas Eve, 2010, on ABC's "Good Morning,America" Vice President Biden opined that gay marriage was on its way in as points of view "evolved" on this non-issue.
More telling 29-year-old Barbara Bush, the daughter of President George W. Bush, has released through the Human Rights Campaign, a video that takes her own father and his intolerance to task. Speaking as a New Yorker she says, "New York is about fairness and equality and everyone should have the right to marry the person that they love." In this, Ms. Bush joins her mother and grand mother, First Ladies both, who have always seen this issue clearly and in human terms. Why can't the ex-President? We forgave him many things including his alcoholism. Where is a drop of humanity in return?
It doesn't much matter, for the solution to the problem is at hand. People Barbara Bush's age regard the matter as settled; the grim reaper daily removes more obstructionists and haters. Demographics, not courage, will settle the issue.
Still, Mr. President and honored legislators all, it would have been nice if, even as this issue is settled, you would demonstrate some little leadership. It is little enough to ask, given how little you have all done to help the afflicted people, rather than add to their burdens.for so very, very long.
Take the step, the right step, the necessary step. Claim all the glory and the kudos. You have not earned them, but it's the way you do business, leaders in name, seldom in fact. So, then, do your business without further ado. We have waited enough.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Monday, February 7, 2011
Despairing feds say 50 percent of the U.S. population at risk unless salt intake is drastically reduced. This means YOU!
by Christopher Hessman
I'm from one of those boisterous, far extended midwestern families... one that likes to eat, drink, and be merry... and has decades of experience perfecting these skills.
I can see them all now, in the kitchen, at the cooler, at picnics, and most of all at Grannie Vic's sumptuous, over abundant meals, in the pigs feet tradition... every item luscious, every item over salted.
Today the feds tell me they have put sweet Grannie Vic's picture on the post office wall as Public Enemy Number One.
It's because of the salt, the whole salt, and nothing but the salt and Grannie's known proclivities for salting heavy, thereby producing the taste we craved. Apparently there is a salt toting, law breaking Grannie Vic at your house, too.
Why the feds despair so...
Here are the facts. Every five years, the U.S. Agriculture and Health and Human Services departments issue updated dietary guidelines to consumers -- and the all-important food industry. These recommendations become the basis for the popular food pyramid which can be found in virtually every school and other life changing, educational organizations. It also constitutes the curriculum for all nutritionists and dietary professionals. In short, It Matters.
The new guidelines were released January 31, 2011. What you notice right away is that the language this time round is stark, sobering, less advice than warning... and that even the authors of the report are in despair... because the problem is getting worse and worse. The plain fact is that the people at risk are just not paying attention, preferring to "hold the health" and pour, pour, pour the salt.
Moving from "should" to "must".
Government agencies shutter at the use of imperative verbs. Bureaucrats live in a world where deniability is crucial, CYA being the job-ensuring policy of every civil servant, bar none. Such people cringe when their recommendations go unread and ignored, and it becomes necessary to escalate the language.
But these departments have escalated the language... because The Problem is demonstrably worse this time round than it was five years ago, when the last such report was released... into oblivion and ho-hum... Miss Peggy Lee's classic "Is That All There Is?" (released 1969) playing in the background. "Then let's keep dancing." Pass the salt, please.
Who's particularly at risk.
The guidelines, in the most stark language on this subject to date, make it absolutely clear who's at risk... and the chances are very good indeed that that's you... and/or someone near and dear to you, including
* people 51 and older * all African Americans * anyone already suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease.
These folks must cut the amount of sodium they eat and cut it NOW, the desired objective reducing intake to just a little more than half a tea-spoon -- or 1,500 milligrams.
Now here's the kicker. The Pollyannas who produced the diet guidelines 5 years ago made it clear that the problem was solvable. The report positively radiated Optimism! Good Cheer! "God rest ye, merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay!"
But the reality, then as now, was dramatically different... and the petty bureaucrats of these departments, more caring for self rather than national preservation, diluted, diminished and minimized the problem. For shame! If Senator Sam Ervin were alive today, he might well ask as he did of President Nixon, "What did he know? When did he know it?" The Senator got results with these questions then... and they need to be resurrected now for immediate use.
Half the population of these United States now at risk and clearly so.
The groups mentioned above are the at risk populations. They are the ones, and remember this means you and yours, with higher blood pressure due to the amount of salt they eat.
For the rest of the population (many of them trending to the at risk category), the government continues to recommend about a teaspoon a day -- 2,300 miligrams, or about one-third less than the average person consumes.
Salt, a tasty killer.
Here the results are arresting, sobering, even frightening. Too much sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and other problems. All this is known, clear... and largely ignored.
What you can do.
Still, we must do what we can. We are, after all, Americans, the original "can-do" nation and somewhere in our bag of angst, we still have (I hope) the necessary resolve and tenacity to confront the crisis of a great people (mis)eating themselves to death. The solution? Keep your mouth shut and think before you salt, every single time. And follow these government guidelines:
* Read nutrition labels. Buy low sodium products.
* Consume more fresh or home-prepared foods and fewer processed foods.
* Ask that salt not be added to your restaurant meals.
* Decrease sodium over time so that you're not jolted and put off by the different taste of your foods.
The tragedy, however, is that even if these constructive acts became the custom of the land today at the wave of a wand, they would still be insufficient to solve the problem. The reason? We are at the mercy of a food industry which must be a crucial player in the solution of a problem they helped to both create and exacerbate. And these folks are not yet sufficiently involved. Eldridge Cleaver was right: "You're either part of the problem... or you're part of the solution."
These companies, including many of the largest and best known, have another culprit in mind: our craving for foods with salt (and sugar). In short, the food industry is at the mercy of our (jaded) taste buds. And that industry is clear: we cannot afford to produce what people will not buy... and eat.
This being the problem, it is little wonder that the dietary professionals despair. This is not a problem effortless to solve. Thus, while glacial progress is being made, we as a nation and people eat ourselves into hazard.
My suggestion: En boca cerrada no entran moscas. Or salt either. Try it. It works.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
I'm from one of those boisterous, far extended midwestern families... one that likes to eat, drink, and be merry... and has decades of experience perfecting these skills.
I can see them all now, in the kitchen, at the cooler, at picnics, and most of all at Grannie Vic's sumptuous, over abundant meals, in the pigs feet tradition... every item luscious, every item over salted.
Today the feds tell me they have put sweet Grannie Vic's picture on the post office wall as Public Enemy Number One.
It's because of the salt, the whole salt, and nothing but the salt and Grannie's known proclivities for salting heavy, thereby producing the taste we craved. Apparently there is a salt toting, law breaking Grannie Vic at your house, too.
Why the feds despair so...
Here are the facts. Every five years, the U.S. Agriculture and Health and Human Services departments issue updated dietary guidelines to consumers -- and the all-important food industry. These recommendations become the basis for the popular food pyramid which can be found in virtually every school and other life changing, educational organizations. It also constitutes the curriculum for all nutritionists and dietary professionals. In short, It Matters.
The new guidelines were released January 31, 2011. What you notice right away is that the language this time round is stark, sobering, less advice than warning... and that even the authors of the report are in despair... because the problem is getting worse and worse. The plain fact is that the people at risk are just not paying attention, preferring to "hold the health" and pour, pour, pour the salt.
Moving from "should" to "must".
Government agencies shutter at the use of imperative verbs. Bureaucrats live in a world where deniability is crucial, CYA being the job-ensuring policy of every civil servant, bar none. Such people cringe when their recommendations go unread and ignored, and it becomes necessary to escalate the language.
But these departments have escalated the language... because The Problem is demonstrably worse this time round than it was five years ago, when the last such report was released... into oblivion and ho-hum... Miss Peggy Lee's classic "Is That All There Is?" (released 1969) playing in the background. "Then let's keep dancing." Pass the salt, please.
Who's particularly at risk.
The guidelines, in the most stark language on this subject to date, make it absolutely clear who's at risk... and the chances are very good indeed that that's you... and/or someone near and dear to you, including
* people 51 and older * all African Americans * anyone already suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease.
These folks must cut the amount of sodium they eat and cut it NOW, the desired objective reducing intake to just a little more than half a tea-spoon -- or 1,500 milligrams.
Now here's the kicker. The Pollyannas who produced the diet guidelines 5 years ago made it clear that the problem was solvable. The report positively radiated Optimism! Good Cheer! "God rest ye, merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay!"
But the reality, then as now, was dramatically different... and the petty bureaucrats of these departments, more caring for self rather than national preservation, diluted, diminished and minimized the problem. For shame! If Senator Sam Ervin were alive today, he might well ask as he did of President Nixon, "What did he know? When did he know it?" The Senator got results with these questions then... and they need to be resurrected now for immediate use.
Half the population of these United States now at risk and clearly so.
The groups mentioned above are the at risk populations. They are the ones, and remember this means you and yours, with higher blood pressure due to the amount of salt they eat.
For the rest of the population (many of them trending to the at risk category), the government continues to recommend about a teaspoon a day -- 2,300 miligrams, or about one-third less than the average person consumes.
Salt, a tasty killer.
Here the results are arresting, sobering, even frightening. Too much sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and other problems. All this is known, clear... and largely ignored.
What you can do.
Still, we must do what we can. We are, after all, Americans, the original "can-do" nation and somewhere in our bag of angst, we still have (I hope) the necessary resolve and tenacity to confront the crisis of a great people (mis)eating themselves to death. The solution? Keep your mouth shut and think before you salt, every single time. And follow these government guidelines:
* Read nutrition labels. Buy low sodium products.
* Consume more fresh or home-prepared foods and fewer processed foods.
* Ask that salt not be added to your restaurant meals.
* Decrease sodium over time so that you're not jolted and put off by the different taste of your foods.
The tragedy, however, is that even if these constructive acts became the custom of the land today at the wave of a wand, they would still be insufficient to solve the problem. The reason? We are at the mercy of a food industry which must be a crucial player in the solution of a problem they helped to both create and exacerbate. And these folks are not yet sufficiently involved. Eldridge Cleaver was right: "You're either part of the problem... or you're part of the solution."
These companies, including many of the largest and best known, have another culprit in mind: our craving for foods with salt (and sugar). In short, the food industry is at the mercy of our (jaded) taste buds. And that industry is clear: we cannot afford to produce what people will not buy... and eat.
This being the problem, it is little wonder that the dietary professionals despair. This is not a problem effortless to solve. Thus, while glacial progress is being made, we as a nation and people eat ourselves into hazard.
My suggestion: En boca cerrada no entran moscas. Or salt either. Try it. It works.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Four things successful business people will do today... that you won't!
by Christopher Hessman
Friend, let's get one thing straight from the get-go. Successful people are going to do things today that you won't. Read this, and you'll discover what they are.
1) Successful people don't just let today happen.... they plan for today... yesterday!
What did you do before you left your office yesterday? If you're successful, you planned your success for today, determining your clear objectives and laying out the documents, materials, and other things you need.
In other words, you knew what you'd need, and you had it readily at hand so you could, without special effort, pick up first thing today what you so carefully planned.... yesterday.
Organization, a constant focus on time management and efficiency, not caffeine , are what the successful bring to the table. They cannot and do not consider yesterday concluded... until it is organized as the spring board to a successful today.
2) Email a stupendous offer just before you leave your work.
Want to walk in tomorrow to sales? To lots of great prospect leads?
Then email a terrific offer BEFORE you leave.
Most people, bushed, fatigued, tired, upon leaving their offices are contemplating the pleasures of the rest of today. But not the successful.
Successful people are mad keen on organization and efficiency... and constant bank account pleasing cash flow. They know that today's dollars are the result of yesterday's offers. Successful business people force themselves to stay, no matter how tired they are, no matter how pleasurable the day's forthcoming events, until they have crafted the stunning offer that ensures cash flow throughout the hours they are not present.
This offer must be a lollapalooza... the best yet.
As I write, much of the United States, much of the rest of the world is mired in an anaemic economic recovery that is, at best, just limping along.
Yet, by staying focused at all times on the main event, successful business people will flourish and achieve even the most ambitious of business and financial goals.
The key is having cash readily at hand.... and the means to generate more.... at will.
This means offers, better offers, the best offers, never-ending offers.
Because you will be tired at the end of the day, craft your end-of-day offers earlier. To ensure that it delivers the big success you insist upon, shape that offer when your mind is fresh and your abilities keen. Aim to make your offer better than you have ever made before; aim to make it a stunner, head turning, a cash gusher.
What the most successful business people know is that cash is king, especially when other people, people who do not have and do not use such offers, don't have it. If you focus as on your #1 Priority the shaping and constant sending of eye-popping offers you will have the cash, and thus the freedom, your less focused and clever colleagues lack and will always lack.
3) Call three prospects who have been hanging on the fence, uncertain about buying, and tell them you have the talking turkey offer of all times... if they will act now.
Offers come in many shapes and sizes... but one thing they all have in common is the "act now" factor. Offers to work must have deadlines... and the very best offers mean prompt, immediate response... no dithering allowed.
Most people, you see, even most business people, dither, offering excuses when decisive action is called for. In fact most people are not decision makers; rather, they are decision avoiders. The offer is made for such people, for only a truly superior offer will get these torpid ones to act at all, much less act on your speedy schedule.
Now, be honest. Did you, before leaving your office yesterday, call at least three people with a special, once-in-a-lifetime, knock 'em, sock 'em offer?
Or did you just turn off the lights and lock the door?
Want money?Then outline a "for my best customers" offer... and call them to discuss it. (You may also use email to send the offer... but never expect such an email to close the deal. For that the phone is the key).
Pick up the phone, I say, and, upon reaching these prime (if delaying) prospects, verbally embrace them, "Mary, you and I have been in contact for many years. I was thinking of you and wanted to make you a spectacular offer. Have you got a minute?" Then deliver the offer of offers, tellingly delivered, resoundingly delivered, convincingly delivered. This is a Special Offer.... for a Special Person. Deliver it accordingly.
4) Select 5 customers and give them a special unexpected gift.
People have always liked and will always like to get presents. It makes us feel wanted, warm inside. The most important people in your business are your customers; we all know that. However, what have you done lately to warm the cockles of their hearts? Not much, right? Change that today.
Pick a few customers, 5 is a good number, and give them a special gift, report, some free product, any kind of emolument... something that says simply, honestly, "I value you!" Then send it out.
Your customers will be pleased, gratified, impressed. No wonder. In our busy world, too few take even a little time to do the right thing; that thing that identifies you as a quality individual, well deserving of such customers. Out of the enhanced good will such valued offerings engender will come business, lots of business. You deserve it.
Are you going to be the business success you say you want?
You now know what to do. The question, therefore, is whether you will do it,and when.
24 hours from now, as you reflect upon this day, you will know just how successful you will be, based on what you have (or have not) done. It won't take any longer than that to see how well you're going to do. You see, now as always, the success you get (or forego) will be upon the actions you take and how well you do them. In short, it's all about you.
Bon voyage.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant's is also the author of best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Friend, let's get one thing straight from the get-go. Successful people are going to do things today that you won't. Read this, and you'll discover what they are.
1) Successful people don't just let today happen.... they plan for today... yesterday!
What did you do before you left your office yesterday? If you're successful, you planned your success for today, determining your clear objectives and laying out the documents, materials, and other things you need.
In other words, you knew what you'd need, and you had it readily at hand so you could, without special effort, pick up first thing today what you so carefully planned.... yesterday.
Organization, a constant focus on time management and efficiency, not caffeine , are what the successful bring to the table. They cannot and do not consider yesterday concluded... until it is organized as the spring board to a successful today.
2) Email a stupendous offer just before you leave your work.
Want to walk in tomorrow to sales? To lots of great prospect leads?
Then email a terrific offer BEFORE you leave.
Most people, bushed, fatigued, tired, upon leaving their offices are contemplating the pleasures of the rest of today. But not the successful.
Successful people are mad keen on organization and efficiency... and constant bank account pleasing cash flow. They know that today's dollars are the result of yesterday's offers. Successful business people force themselves to stay, no matter how tired they are, no matter how pleasurable the day's forthcoming events, until they have crafted the stunning offer that ensures cash flow throughout the hours they are not present.
This offer must be a lollapalooza... the best yet.
As I write, much of the United States, much of the rest of the world is mired in an anaemic economic recovery that is, at best, just limping along.
Yet, by staying focused at all times on the main event, successful business people will flourish and achieve even the most ambitious of business and financial goals.
The key is having cash readily at hand.... and the means to generate more.... at will.
This means offers, better offers, the best offers, never-ending offers.
Because you will be tired at the end of the day, craft your end-of-day offers earlier. To ensure that it delivers the big success you insist upon, shape that offer when your mind is fresh and your abilities keen. Aim to make your offer better than you have ever made before; aim to make it a stunner, head turning, a cash gusher.
What the most successful business people know is that cash is king, especially when other people, people who do not have and do not use such offers, don't have it. If you focus as on your #1 Priority the shaping and constant sending of eye-popping offers you will have the cash, and thus the freedom, your less focused and clever colleagues lack and will always lack.
3) Call three prospects who have been hanging on the fence, uncertain about buying, and tell them you have the talking turkey offer of all times... if they will act now.
Offers come in many shapes and sizes... but one thing they all have in common is the "act now" factor. Offers to work must have deadlines... and the very best offers mean prompt, immediate response... no dithering allowed.
Most people, you see, even most business people, dither, offering excuses when decisive action is called for. In fact most people are not decision makers; rather, they are decision avoiders. The offer is made for such people, for only a truly superior offer will get these torpid ones to act at all, much less act on your speedy schedule.
Now, be honest. Did you, before leaving your office yesterday, call at least three people with a special, once-in-a-lifetime, knock 'em, sock 'em offer?
Or did you just turn off the lights and lock the door?
Want money?Then outline a "for my best customers" offer... and call them to discuss it. (You may also use email to send the offer... but never expect such an email to close the deal. For that the phone is the key).
Pick up the phone, I say, and, upon reaching these prime (if delaying) prospects, verbally embrace them, "Mary, you and I have been in contact for many years. I was thinking of you and wanted to make you a spectacular offer. Have you got a minute?" Then deliver the offer of offers, tellingly delivered, resoundingly delivered, convincingly delivered. This is a Special Offer.... for a Special Person. Deliver it accordingly.
4) Select 5 customers and give them a special unexpected gift.
People have always liked and will always like to get presents. It makes us feel wanted, warm inside. The most important people in your business are your customers; we all know that. However, what have you done lately to warm the cockles of their hearts? Not much, right? Change that today.
Pick a few customers, 5 is a good number, and give them a special gift, report, some free product, any kind of emolument... something that says simply, honestly, "I value you!" Then send it out.
Your customers will be pleased, gratified, impressed. No wonder. In our busy world, too few take even a little time to do the right thing; that thing that identifies you as a quality individual, well deserving of such customers. Out of the enhanced good will such valued offerings engender will come business, lots of business. You deserve it.
Are you going to be the business success you say you want?
You now know what to do. The question, therefore, is whether you will do it,and when.
24 hours from now, as you reflect upon this day, you will know just how successful you will be, based on what you have (or have not) done. It won't take any longer than that to see how well you're going to do. You see, now as always, the success you get (or forego) will be upon the actions you take and how well you do them. In short, it's all about you.
Bon voyage.
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About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant's is also the author of best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Sunday, February 6, 2011
5:19 a.m., 40 degrees Farenheit, warming winds.
By Christopher Hessman
A thing of some significance happened overnight: the warming winds came well accompanied by great thundered mayhem and its chorus of audacious, startling colors. Cacophonous, they woke me up, fast, disorienting.
Yes, the winds came, and the snow which this year of grace hit monumental, head-scratching proportions was gone as if so many geese worried by a dog, now present, now gone.
The countryside rejoiced for it has yearned so for the warming winds and their promise of better days to come.
Because these winds so cause the people to rejoice, what with present benefits and happy contemplations of the warm pleasure days, now no longer merely rumored but en route... the very gods have decreed an entry more than suitable, monumental, the stuff of awe and nature's gaudy touch. . And so these winds never sojourn alone but always with those lavish supporters, stentorian thunder paired with the wild magnificence of swift lighting.
It was a thrill to lay in bed, alert and warm, to hear thunder and lighting and to know bone deep that with them came the real harbinger of spring, the warming winds. It was a release from brutal winter and its frigid regime... and lights went on in most every house as the denizens more than heard the news felt the warming winds... intelligence which made desponding nervous folk take heart, shake each other's hands, and kiss a passer by... and not regretting, proper like... the gesture as perfectly appropriate and rightly given.
Ah, yes, these winds, surprising joy their felicitous legacy.
6:04 a.m.
It is still quite dark this February day... but it is worth standing silent at the window, being forthrightly told... "Stand, reverencing mortal being, for we are the eternalities gracing you. If you value the warming winds, honor us as well as they do."
What is wind anyway?
All people worldwide live surrounded by, threatened by, helped by things they know little or even absolutely nothing about.
Wind is such a subject. We all know about wind, and we have felt, rather than thought about, its nature and substance. Wind is wind. It was here before I was and will be here long after I have gone, a symbol of the transience of all, particularly me. What is wind anyway?...
Wind is 1) moving air across the surface of the planet or through the atmosphere at a speed fast enough to be noticed; 2) moving air, especially a natural and perceptible movement of air parallel to or along the ground.
This serviceable definition instructs but does not satisfy. For that we must go to writers, for it is their task to describe feelingly an invisible movement, sometimes beneficial, sometimes destructive, always changing. Writers, driven to accepting challenges, took up this one con brio.
Christina Rossetti (d. 1894) , a "stunner" of the Pre-Raphaelites, scrutinized winds well, warming and otherwise.
Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I: But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by.
Here are words more descriptive of this ever moving presence now here, now there, now seeming gone, mischievous recurring. No dictionary can compete with words so evocative and complete.
H.R.R. Tolkien (d. 1973) in his "Lament for Boromir" wrote this:
Ask of the North Wind news of them the North Wind sends to me!' 'O Boromir! Beyond the gate the seaward road runs south, But you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey sea's mouth.
Tolkien, with his fixation on the obsequies and ceremonies surrounding dead heroes of youth and stalwart demeanor too early curtailed, turns one of the winds into a messenger, an unmistakable lament, with overtones of Rams horns and Gotterdammerumg, very much in the Master's archaic lexicon.
I'd best return to the Pre-Raphaelites. They, in their amplitude, are as fantastical as Tolkien. However, while death stalks them, too, their obsequies are of beauty lost forever soon and ruby lips now still, unkissed into the eternal. Morbid, these are yet more blissful and festive than Tolkien's hauntings.
Here are more windy words, a poem by William Morris (d. 1896), the British writer beloved by Pre-Raphaelites:
Ah! no, no, it is nothing, surely nothing at all, Only the wild-going wind round by the garden-wall, For the dawn just now is breaking, the wind beginning to fall.
_Wind, wind! thou art sad, art thou kind? Wind, wind, unhappy! thou art blind, Yet still thou wanderest the lily-seed to find._
So I will sit, and think and think of the days gone by, Never moving my chair for fear the dogs should cry, Making no noise at all while the flambeau burns awry.
Morris' effusion, like Morris himself, is overdone, overwrought, always, unhappily a woman in the case. Indeed, many have compared the wind to la donna mobile... Morris knew. He had waited while she eluded him; her capers for others, not for him.
7:38 a.m. I wish to see the land different today, and so go out.
The sun is up, the snow is gone, the warming winds, too, all gone, merely leaving muds of every kind, the apt symbol of every day reality. Untouched by magic, the housewife's busy broom sweeps out the bits of land moving too, but only on the feet of men. "Henry," she says, "wipe your feet before you come in!" Women know this, early, and many other prosy things with which they maintain this orb. Not men. They overlook.
Yes, the romance of the warming winds is gone, but they have surely kissed this earth and from it now waking spring arises. Thus, winds frequent but so little known: We thank you for your good service... your exuberant, ostentatious rites. Good voyage to you... as millions worldwide wait for you, impatient, restive, expectant, as they have always been.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
A thing of some significance happened overnight: the warming winds came well accompanied by great thundered mayhem and its chorus of audacious, startling colors. Cacophonous, they woke me up, fast, disorienting.
Yes, the winds came, and the snow which this year of grace hit monumental, head-scratching proportions was gone as if so many geese worried by a dog, now present, now gone.
The countryside rejoiced for it has yearned so for the warming winds and their promise of better days to come.
Because these winds so cause the people to rejoice, what with present benefits and happy contemplations of the warm pleasure days, now no longer merely rumored but en route... the very gods have decreed an entry more than suitable, monumental, the stuff of awe and nature's gaudy touch. . And so these winds never sojourn alone but always with those lavish supporters, stentorian thunder paired with the wild magnificence of swift lighting.
It was a thrill to lay in bed, alert and warm, to hear thunder and lighting and to know bone deep that with them came the real harbinger of spring, the warming winds. It was a release from brutal winter and its frigid regime... and lights went on in most every house as the denizens more than heard the news felt the warming winds... intelligence which made desponding nervous folk take heart, shake each other's hands, and kiss a passer by... and not regretting, proper like... the gesture as perfectly appropriate and rightly given.
Ah, yes, these winds, surprising joy their felicitous legacy.
6:04 a.m.
It is still quite dark this February day... but it is worth standing silent at the window, being forthrightly told... "Stand, reverencing mortal being, for we are the eternalities gracing you. If you value the warming winds, honor us as well as they do."
What is wind anyway?
All people worldwide live surrounded by, threatened by, helped by things they know little or even absolutely nothing about.
Wind is such a subject. We all know about wind, and we have felt, rather than thought about, its nature and substance. Wind is wind. It was here before I was and will be here long after I have gone, a symbol of the transience of all, particularly me. What is wind anyway?...
Wind is 1) moving air across the surface of the planet or through the atmosphere at a speed fast enough to be noticed; 2) moving air, especially a natural and perceptible movement of air parallel to or along the ground.
This serviceable definition instructs but does not satisfy. For that we must go to writers, for it is their task to describe feelingly an invisible movement, sometimes beneficial, sometimes destructive, always changing. Writers, driven to accepting challenges, took up this one con brio.
Christina Rossetti (d. 1894) , a "stunner" of the Pre-Raphaelites, scrutinized winds well, warming and otherwise.
Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you: But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I: But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by.
Here are words more descriptive of this ever moving presence now here, now there, now seeming gone, mischievous recurring. No dictionary can compete with words so evocative and complete.
H.R.R. Tolkien (d. 1973) in his "Lament for Boromir" wrote this:
Ask of the North Wind news of them the North Wind sends to me!' 'O Boromir! Beyond the gate the seaward road runs south, But you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey sea's mouth.
Tolkien, with his fixation on the obsequies and ceremonies surrounding dead heroes of youth and stalwart demeanor too early curtailed, turns one of the winds into a messenger, an unmistakable lament, with overtones of Rams horns and Gotterdammerumg, very much in the Master's archaic lexicon.
I'd best return to the Pre-Raphaelites. They, in their amplitude, are as fantastical as Tolkien. However, while death stalks them, too, their obsequies are of beauty lost forever soon and ruby lips now still, unkissed into the eternal. Morbid, these are yet more blissful and festive than Tolkien's hauntings.
Here are more windy words, a poem by William Morris (d. 1896), the British writer beloved by Pre-Raphaelites:
Ah! no, no, it is nothing, surely nothing at all, Only the wild-going wind round by the garden-wall, For the dawn just now is breaking, the wind beginning to fall.
_Wind, wind! thou art sad, art thou kind? Wind, wind, unhappy! thou art blind, Yet still thou wanderest the lily-seed to find._
So I will sit, and think and think of the days gone by, Never moving my chair for fear the dogs should cry, Making no noise at all while the flambeau burns awry.
Morris' effusion, like Morris himself, is overdone, overwrought, always, unhappily a woman in the case. Indeed, many have compared the wind to la donna mobile... Morris knew. He had waited while she eluded him; her capers for others, not for him.
7:38 a.m. I wish to see the land different today, and so go out.
The sun is up, the snow is gone, the warming winds, too, all gone, merely leaving muds of every kind, the apt symbol of every day reality. Untouched by magic, the housewife's busy broom sweeps out the bits of land moving too, but only on the feet of men. "Henry," she says, "wipe your feet before you come in!" Women know this, early, and many other prosy things with which they maintain this orb. Not men. They overlook.
Yes, the romance of the warming winds is gone, but they have surely kissed this earth and from it now waking spring arises. Thus, winds frequent but so little known: We thank you for your good service... your exuberant, ostentatious rites. Good voyage to you... as millions worldwide wait for you, impatient, restive, expectant, as they have always been.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Four things successful business people will do today... that you won't!
by Christopher Hessman
Friend, let's get one thing straight from the get-go. Successful people are going to do things today that you won't. Read this, and you'll discover what they are.
1) Successful people don't just let today happen.... they plan for today... yesterday!
What did you do before you left your office yesterday? If you're successful, you planned your success for today, determining your clear objectives and laying out the documents, materials, and other things you need.
In other words, you knew what you'd need, and you had it readily at hand so you could, without special effort, pick up first thing today what you so carefully planned.... yesterday.
Organization, a constant focus on time management and efficiency, not caffeine , are what the successful bring to the table. They cannot and do not consider yesterday concluded... until it is organized as the spring board to a successful today.
2) Email a stupendous offer just before you leave your work.
Want to walk in tomorrow to sales? To lots of great prospect leads?
Then email a terrific offer BEFORE you leave.
Most people, bushed, fatigued, tired, upon leaving their offices are contemplating the pleasures of the rest of today. But not the successful.
Successful people are mad keen on organization and efficiency... and constant bank account pleasing cash flow. They know that today's dollars are the result of yesterday's offers. Successful business people force themselves to stay, no matter how tired they are, no matter how pleasurable the day's forthcoming events, until they have crafted the stunning offer that ensures cash flow throughout the hours they are not present.
This offer must be a lollapalooza... the best yet.
As I write, much of the United States, much of the rest of the world is mired in an anaemic economic recovery that is, at best, just limping along.
Yet, by staying focused at all times on the main event, successful business people will flourish and achieve even the most ambitious of business and financial goals.
The key is having cash readily at hand.... and the means to generate more.... at will.
This means offers, better offers, the best offers, never-ending offers.
Because you will be tired at the end of the day, craft your end-of-day offers earlier. To ensure that it delivers the big success you insist upon, shape that offer when your mind is fresh and your abilities keen. Aim to make your offer better than you have ever made before; aim to make it a stunner, head turning, a cash gusher.
What the most successful business people know is that cash is king, especially when other people, people who do not have and do not use such offers, don't have it. If you focus as on your #1 Priority the shaping and constant sending of eye-popping offers you will have the cash, and thus the freedom, your less focused and clever colleagues lack and will always lack.
3) Call three prospects who have been hanging on the fence, uncertain about buying, and tell them you have the talking turkey offer of all times... if they will act now.
Offers come in many shapes and sizes... but one thing they all have in common is the "act now" factor. Offers to work must have deadlines... and the very best offers mean prompt, immediate response... no dithering allowed.
Most people, you see, even most business people, dither, offering excuses when decisive action is called for. In fact most people are not decision makers; rather, they are decision avoiders. The offer is made for such people, for only a truly superior offer will get these torpid ones to act at all, much less act on your speedy schedule.
Now, be honest. Did you, before leaving your office yesterday, call at least three people with a special, once-in-a-lifetime, knock 'em, sock 'em offer?
Or did you just turn off the lights and lock the door?
Want money?Then outline a "for my best customers" offer... and call them to discuss it. (You may also use email to send the offer... but never expect such an email to close the deal. For that the phone is the key).
Pick up the phone, I say, and, upon reaching these prime (if delaying) prospects, verbally embrace them, "Mary, you and I have been in contact for many years. I was thinking of you and wanted to make you a spectacular offer. Have you got a minute?" Then deliver the offer of offers, tellingly delivered, resoundingly delivered, convincingly delivered. This is a Special Offer.... for a Special Person. Deliver it accordingly.
4) Select 5 customers and give them a special unexpected gift.
People have always liked and will always like to get presents. It makes us feel wanted, warm inside. The most important people in your business are your customers; we all know that. However, what have you done lately to warm the cockles of their hearts? Not much, right? Change that today.
Pick a few customers, 5 is a good number, and give them a special gift, report, some free product, any kind of emolument... something that says simply, honestly, "I value you!" Then send it out.
Your customers will be pleased, gratified, impressed. No wonder. In our busy world, too few take even a little time to do the right thing; that thing that identifies you as a quality individual, well deserving of such customers. Out of the enhanced good will such valued offerings engender will come business, lots of business. You deserve it.
Are you going to be the business success you say you want?
You now know what to do. The question, therefore, is whether you will do it,and when.
24 hours from now, as you reflect upon this day, you will know just how successful you will be, based on what you have (or have not) done. It won't take any longer than that to see how well you're going to do. You see, now as always, the success you get (or forego) will be upon the actions you take and how well you do them. In short, it's all about you.
Bon voyage.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant's is also the author of best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Friend, let's get one thing straight from the get-go. Successful people are going to do things today that you won't. Read this, and you'll discover what they are.
1) Successful people don't just let today happen.... they plan for today... yesterday!
What did you do before you left your office yesterday? If you're successful, you planned your success for today, determining your clear objectives and laying out the documents, materials, and other things you need.
In other words, you knew what you'd need, and you had it readily at hand so you could, without special effort, pick up first thing today what you so carefully planned.... yesterday.
Organization, a constant focus on time management and efficiency, not caffeine , are what the successful bring to the table. They cannot and do not consider yesterday concluded... until it is organized as the spring board to a successful today.
2) Email a stupendous offer just before you leave your work.
Want to walk in tomorrow to sales? To lots of great prospect leads?
Then email a terrific offer BEFORE you leave.
Most people, bushed, fatigued, tired, upon leaving their offices are contemplating the pleasures of the rest of today. But not the successful.
Successful people are mad keen on organization and efficiency... and constant bank account pleasing cash flow. They know that today's dollars are the result of yesterday's offers. Successful business people force themselves to stay, no matter how tired they are, no matter how pleasurable the day's forthcoming events, until they have crafted the stunning offer that ensures cash flow throughout the hours they are not present.
This offer must be a lollapalooza... the best yet.
As I write, much of the United States, much of the rest of the world is mired in an anaemic economic recovery that is, at best, just limping along.
Yet, by staying focused at all times on the main event, successful business people will flourish and achieve even the most ambitious of business and financial goals.
The key is having cash readily at hand.... and the means to generate more.... at will.
This means offers, better offers, the best offers, never-ending offers.
Because you will be tired at the end of the day, craft your end-of-day offers earlier. To ensure that it delivers the big success you insist upon, shape that offer when your mind is fresh and your abilities keen. Aim to make your offer better than you have ever made before; aim to make it a stunner, head turning, a cash gusher.
What the most successful business people know is that cash is king, especially when other people, people who do not have and do not use such offers, don't have it. If you focus as on your #1 Priority the shaping and constant sending of eye-popping offers you will have the cash, and thus the freedom, your less focused and clever colleagues lack and will always lack.
3) Call three prospects who have been hanging on the fence, uncertain about buying, and tell them you have the talking turkey offer of all times... if they will act now.
Offers come in many shapes and sizes... but one thing they all have in common is the "act now" factor. Offers to work must have deadlines... and the very best offers mean prompt, immediate response... no dithering allowed.
Most people, you see, even most business people, dither, offering excuses when decisive action is called for. In fact most people are not decision makers; rather, they are decision avoiders. The offer is made for such people, for only a truly superior offer will get these torpid ones to act at all, much less act on your speedy schedule.
Now, be honest. Did you, before leaving your office yesterday, call at least three people with a special, once-in-a-lifetime, knock 'em, sock 'em offer?
Or did you just turn off the lights and lock the door?
Want money?Then outline a "for my best customers" offer... and call them to discuss it. (You may also use email to send the offer... but never expect such an email to close the deal. For that the phone is the key).
Pick up the phone, I say, and, upon reaching these prime (if delaying) prospects, verbally embrace them, "Mary, you and I have been in contact for many years. I was thinking of you and wanted to make you a spectacular offer. Have you got a minute?" Then deliver the offer of offers, tellingly delivered, resoundingly delivered, convincingly delivered. This is a Special Offer.... for a Special Person. Deliver it accordingly.
4) Select 5 customers and give them a special unexpected gift.
People have always liked and will always like to get presents. It makes us feel wanted, warm inside. The most important people in your business are your customers; we all know that. However, what have you done lately to warm the cockles of their hearts? Not much, right? Change that today.
Pick a few customers, 5 is a good number, and give them a special gift, report, some free product, any kind of emolument... something that says simply, honestly, "I value you!" Then send it out.
Your customers will be pleased, gratified, impressed. No wonder. In our busy world, too few take even a little time to do the right thing; that thing that identifies you as a quality individual, well deserving of such customers. Out of the enhanced good will such valued offerings engender will come business, lots of business. You deserve it.
Are you going to be the business success you say you want?
You now know what to do. The question, therefore, is whether you will do it,and when.
24 hours from now, as you reflect upon this day, you will know just how successful you will be, based on what you have (or have not) done. It won't take any longer than that to see how well you're going to do. You see, now as always, the success you get (or forego) will be upon the actions you take and how well you do them. In short, it's all about you.
Bon voyage.
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Dr. Lant's is also the author of best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out AutoBlog Syndicate ->
Saturday, February 5, 2011
We must remember... because to forget would obliterate the crimes and suffering. The pressing need to restore and preserve Auschwitz.
by Christopher Hessman
You think, before you go, that you are prepared.
But you are not prepared.
You think you understand what happened at this place and why it happened.
But you do not understand.
You think you can visit the museum and its artifacts as you would visit any other museum.
But you cannot so visit.
This is Auschwitz and it changes your life, starkly, profoundly, forever.
It forces you to think... to dig deep in your soul... it demands your attention... your reverence...
You came to see for yourself... and it demands that you see it all and clearly. It is almost unbearably painful... and the tears come involuntarily, providing release. You begin to fathom the unfathomable.
This is Auschwitz and it compels, as if by right, your complete concentration, that you see it all, confront it all, avoiding nothing.
Here a great evil was perpetrated.
Here people just like you and me, people who once laughed, studied, married, worshipped found an untimely end they could not comprehend even at the moment of death.
What had they done to bring them to this place of dedicated evil and inexplicable horrors?
This is Auschwitz where human minds were put to the business of destroying humans, systematically, categorically, efficiently, proudly.
From the moment you arrive at the entrance dubbed the "Gate of Hell", you sense an atmosphere compounded of fear, terror, anger, confusion. Upon arrival, people just like you walked through this gate, little comprehending that their fate was about to be sealed at the hands of guards who, with a nod or flick of a swagger stick, directed you to immediate perdition... or to a more lingering death as a laboring slave. "The angel of death" himself, Josef Mengele, immaculate in shiny boots, gloves, and a whip was often seen... evaluating,calculating, deciding fates without compunction, a man of destiny, ensuring the desirable exterminations demanded from Berlin.
The world, burdened with many problems in May, 1940 when Auschwitz was created, took little note of this one... until Soviet troops liberated it January 27, 1945, exposing step by horrifying step the true dimensions of human cruelty one object, one item, one artifact at a time.
155 buildings 300 ruins 4 gas chambers and crematoria 27 guard towers 460 artificial limbs 80,000 pairs of shoes 40,000 pairs of spectacles 260 prayer garments 3,800 suitcases.
Now these and all the other remnants of systematic horror are threatened by aging, the elements, neglect, lack of funds, and by the steady increase in visitors who come to learn... and to ponder. In 2010, 1.4 million of these pilgrims came... and thought deeply of what they saw. Each was touched in his own way, and so remembers.
To preserve all this so we never forget what is so painful to remember, $200 million is now required. Germany, to date, has pledged $60 million; the USA $15 million, other governments, like Austria, less.
But what of the British government...and the French, two of the great allies of the World War that gave the Nazis their cover for the "Final Solution"? Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown, having visited Auschwitz, pledged funds, but no amount. And, so far, the succeeding Cameron government has been silent on the matter, facing as it does riots for budget cuts that touch his fellow citizens more urgently. The French are even less committed than the British... the needs of their own war memorials and the crosses of Flanders fields call for upkeep and restoration, too.
And yet this matter presses... as the artifacts of horror crumble, disintegrate, decay. Each one gone aids oblivion, out of sight, out of mind, which after all would suit some people who deny the importance or even the existence of the Holocaust.
The job that has to be done is immense... and time is pressing as the last of the Holocaust survivors passes into eternity, anxious that the unspeakable reality they knew remain vivid, a necessary reminder to generations yet to come of what we humans are capable of doing to each other. The people of Armenia, Cambodia, and Rwanda , to name but a few, already know. Holocaust, you see, is not merely history; it is present day reality, lethal, savage, always near at hand.
This is why Auschwitz must continue to exist, not merely as a museum but as a living example of the dark side of our species. For we are now what the masters of Auschwitz were then... beings capable of the unspeakable, not just in those damp and pestilential Polish fields and forests where the death camp grew... but everywhere on this seething planet that knows all the varieties of hatred so well.
To find out how you can help preserve and restore Auschwitz and related projects, contact:
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
126 High St.
Boston, MA 02110
At: 617.457.8600 | f: 617.988.6255
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a historian and author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Auto Coupon Cash ->
You think, before you go, that you are prepared.
But you are not prepared.
You think you understand what happened at this place and why it happened.
But you do not understand.
You think you can visit the museum and its artifacts as you would visit any other museum.
But you cannot so visit.
This is Auschwitz and it changes your life, starkly, profoundly, forever.
It forces you to think... to dig deep in your soul... it demands your attention... your reverence...
You came to see for yourself... and it demands that you see it all and clearly. It is almost unbearably painful... and the tears come involuntarily, providing release. You begin to fathom the unfathomable.
This is Auschwitz and it compels, as if by right, your complete concentration, that you see it all, confront it all, avoiding nothing.
Here a great evil was perpetrated.
Here people just like you and me, people who once laughed, studied, married, worshipped found an untimely end they could not comprehend even at the moment of death.
What had they done to bring them to this place of dedicated evil and inexplicable horrors?
This is Auschwitz where human minds were put to the business of destroying humans, systematically, categorically, efficiently, proudly.
From the moment you arrive at the entrance dubbed the "Gate of Hell", you sense an atmosphere compounded of fear, terror, anger, confusion. Upon arrival, people just like you walked through this gate, little comprehending that their fate was about to be sealed at the hands of guards who, with a nod or flick of a swagger stick, directed you to immediate perdition... or to a more lingering death as a laboring slave. "The angel of death" himself, Josef Mengele, immaculate in shiny boots, gloves, and a whip was often seen... evaluating,calculating, deciding fates without compunction, a man of destiny, ensuring the desirable exterminations demanded from Berlin.
The world, burdened with many problems in May, 1940 when Auschwitz was created, took little note of this one... until Soviet troops liberated it January 27, 1945, exposing step by horrifying step the true dimensions of human cruelty one object, one item, one artifact at a time.
155 buildings 300 ruins 4 gas chambers and crematoria 27 guard towers 460 artificial limbs 80,000 pairs of shoes 40,000 pairs of spectacles 260 prayer garments 3,800 suitcases.
Now these and all the other remnants of systematic horror are threatened by aging, the elements, neglect, lack of funds, and by the steady increase in visitors who come to learn... and to ponder. In 2010, 1.4 million of these pilgrims came... and thought deeply of what they saw. Each was touched in his own way, and so remembers.
To preserve all this so we never forget what is so painful to remember, $200 million is now required. Germany, to date, has pledged $60 million; the USA $15 million, other governments, like Austria, less.
But what of the British government...and the French, two of the great allies of the World War that gave the Nazis their cover for the "Final Solution"? Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown, having visited Auschwitz, pledged funds, but no amount. And, so far, the succeeding Cameron government has been silent on the matter, facing as it does riots for budget cuts that touch his fellow citizens more urgently. The French are even less committed than the British... the needs of their own war memorials and the crosses of Flanders fields call for upkeep and restoration, too.
And yet this matter presses... as the artifacts of horror crumble, disintegrate, decay. Each one gone aids oblivion, out of sight, out of mind, which after all would suit some people who deny the importance or even the existence of the Holocaust.
The job that has to be done is immense... and time is pressing as the last of the Holocaust survivors passes into eternity, anxious that the unspeakable reality they knew remain vivid, a necessary reminder to generations yet to come of what we humans are capable of doing to each other. The people of Armenia, Cambodia, and Rwanda , to name but a few, already know. Holocaust, you see, is not merely history; it is present day reality, lethal, savage, always near at hand.
This is why Auschwitz must continue to exist, not merely as a museum but as a living example of the dark side of our species. For we are now what the masters of Auschwitz were then... beings capable of the unspeakable, not just in those damp and pestilential Polish fields and forests where the death camp grew... but everywhere on this seething planet that knows all the varieties of hatred so well.
To find out how you can help preserve and restore Auschwitz and related projects, contact:
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
126 High St.
Boston, MA 02110
At: 617.457.8600 | f: 617.988.6255
About The Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Dr. Lant is also a historian and author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman Check out Auto Coupon Cash ->
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