I am only going to write this small editorial about our nation. It is like a burning ship and we have no life boats and no captain we are sinking. As we put you in charge you now are feeding us to the sharks. What the "hell" are you people in Washington thinking. Stop, the madness and CUT! CUT! CUT! CUT!, what part of that do you not understand. I want you guys & ladies to grab the bull by the horns and make the hard decision now or we all will drowned in your poor judgment and lack of leadership past and present decisions!
We are the Greatest country on this planet. Now the faster we all believe this again is when we as a nation will bounce back. As long as we have these anti-American crowds in our White House and in places of power we are doomed. They are killing all of us from with in. I had served this great nation in the Army Reserves before the first golf war. I was a combat engineer Delta Demons E4, in what we have lost is more than money we are now selling our souls as a nation. We the people need to keep shouting, keep sending email, Twitter, Facebook, let these Bastards know we mean business.
My family has history in the military in WWII all my uncles, Leo, Albert, Henry, Charles and my father,Frank E. Hessman were all in the armed forces now the story is they were all German Americans. My grandmother was Martha Hessman, she was brought here by her parents from Berlin Germany. My grandmother & grandfather Harry Hessman,were featured in the local paper because of the rounding up of Japanese people in camps. My grandparents were scared Martha my grandmother was due the same fate of being put into a camp. Of course this never happened to her.
We are the GREATEST NATION ON THIS PLANET, we all are only here for a while and in this time only GOD knows where we will go and what will happen to us. He is our creator we need him back in our schools, our nations anthem needs to be said also in schools. We have lost our glory because we allowed it to be taken, it is time WE THE PEOPLE stand for our GOD and our nation and take it back so we may be here to keep the peace around the world. Our weakness as a nation only makes the world a very dangerous place.
I know we are all looking for the next Reagan, we need his power in character and leadership. He made us all proud of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & our FLAG.
If we can not get this back we have lost something more dear to us than any other, faith in what GOD, gave us to make us free. So, I hope you will stand with me now in taking our nation back from these thugs in Washington in 2012. May we sweep the floors with the rest of them that do not hold our nation and our flag in the highest regard they will be out of a job. I will say this, in which probably will make a bunch of people mad. I really hope Sara Palin runs and wins. She has the courage and more back bone to get our nation back on both feet. She could do a better job than the person in which has the job now. In all he has done said, actions are loader than words. He is someone whom doesn't believe in America.
I pray for our Nation today and every day. God, watch over the weak minded in control and keep evil at bay until we the people wake up and see better days in the near future. Stop, printing money this will cause super deflation if not inflation and kill the dollar. All, you people in Washington are just killing our nation.
The new congress needs to do their Jobs CUT the F***en budget and kill ObamaCare. Mr speaker, I am not sure if you are confused or not up to the job. I hope all of you get it together our Nation is at state. Make the hard decision and tell us who, what, when and where & how. Let us not leave out why. Keep, reminding us we will understand but STAND FIRM IN YOUR FOCUS this will get our Nation Back on TOP and keep us all saver. Mr Boehner- Get the job done CUT,CUT,CUT stop any new spending, reverse all that has been done to our Country!!
**********************THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA**********************************
*****************THE LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE*************************
****************GOD HELP US ALL IF WE LOOSE FAITH IN YOU!***************************
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