It could never happen right a President of the UNITED STATES under mind the office in which he holds, throw the bum out! Obama may be the President but he has not acted like he is in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!! WE THE PEOPLE RULE!
Amid questions about the authenticity of Obama’s posted birth records raised by the registration number, a researcher has discovered a possible explanation. The Post and Email blog, which has focused on the Obama eligibility controversy, features a report by an unnamed researcher who discovered the record of a girl born the same day as the president who died a day later that could have been the source of Obama’s birth certificate. How convenient, this President is not beyond lying or doing anything to keep his power.
The find is significant because of questions about the plausibility of the registration number indicated on the images of short-form and long-form birth certificates for the president posted on the Internet.
As WND reported, the numbers on the published Hawaii birth certificates of twins Susan and Gretchen Nordyke are lower than the number given Obama, even though the president’s birth certificate was accepted by the registrar general and stamped with a certificate number three days earlier. Further, as WND reported yesterday, an article by the man who was Hawaii’s registrar general at the time Obama was born confirmed birth certificates were numbered immediately upon acceptance by the registrar general.
GOP congressional leadership NOT approve the Obama Administration attempt to borrow even more money. $14.3 trillion in debt is far too much already, and more deficit spending to fund Barack Obama's radical agenda is totally unacceptable.
These reckless actions threaten the value of the U.S. dollar. Not only must we send a message to Congress to stop this insanity, but it's also vital we take personal steps to prepare.
That's why Independent Living recently published a special report called "The Final Days of the Dollar: 10 Last-Minute Preparations You Need to Make Now," and I have just emailed you a link so you can access this valuable information for FREE. It's my way of saying "thank you" for joining our cause. (If you do not wish to receive any additional alerts or free resources from us, you may easily unsubscribe at any time using the "unsubscribe" link located on ALL our emails.)
Early on, we were told that the full impact of Obama's bailout would come to oh, no more than $787 billion. Then the independent Congressional Budget Office checked the fuzzy math and found that just this first bit of "Obamanomics" will, in fact, bloat deficits by $862 billion. But even that is just the tip of the iceberg of what's already been spent or committed.
In recent weeks, the Federal Reserve vowed it will print up another $600 billion in new money between now and next July. They've even explicitly announced they are planning to increase inflation!
Major foreign investors such as China are quickly catching on to the hard reality of burgeoning U.S. debt and our impending insolvency. They see that we are out of moves, and are coming to the inescapable conclusion that the only way Washington can keep its Ponzi finances going is to run the monetary printing presses non-stop. More about what this means in a moment.
As I mentioned, the dollar has already surrendered fully a third of its value relative to other weakening world currencies in less than a decade. This and other facts lead inescapably to the conclusion that Western economies and markets will shrivel relative to those of ascendant countries in Asia.
A massive, catastrophic dumping of the devaluing U.S. dollar looms large like a dagger over our heads. The upshot is this – millions of Americans will be waiting for the new Congress to "fix" things, a fix which simply cannot and will not happen. If you don't immediately begin taking basic precautions with your own money as I'll outline right here, you stand a good chance of acting too late and getting caught with your britches down when things inevitably get much worse.
The good news is that you don't have to sit by passively and watch your fortunes erode along with those of your country. Not only can you protect yourself, but you can actually profit from the selected types of opportunities that my years of detailed research and analysis have developed.
Even mega-investor and high-profile Obama cheerleader Warren Buffett has caught wind of what's happening. The Oracle of Omaha has admitted publicly that the recent spate of frantic spending and money creation will soon trigger a currency-destroying inflation that will be much more severe than in the 1970s. Translation: get out of the dollar now!
Wake up and see your rights taken away every day this President keeps his (POWER) and is in office!
Mr OBAMA you are NO RONALD REGAN!!! He is way out of your league.
You suck as President we need to throw you out of office in or before 2012!
Nixon said is was "not a crook" You seem to yield in boldness openly that you are a liar and a crook! We in the Greatest Nation in the World are in sad times. We as a Nation will live past you MR LOOSER! We are GREAT WE WILL GET ARE SECOND WIND WITHOUT YOUR HELP!
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