Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Communist Passing itself as free Markets- They Steal your company!

By Christopher Hessman

Communists steal companies. In the new USSR, Lenin created the New Economic Policy (NEP) to allow free enterprise to get things started, then years later those companies were stolen. In the new communist China they violently stole private businesses. Now Chavez is stealing companies. In the USA, the bogus government regulations are used to shutdown private business and to drive business out of the country. The federal government creates an unfair advantage for businesses to move to foreign countries where they don’t have minimum wages and bogus environmental regulations. With this the communists will be able to prevent the US military from getting weapons and other equipment. With this the federal government can create more dependency of the people who are unemployed. Business and free enterprise is the engine for liberty. Without it, the soft tyranny of the federal government can turn to hard tyranny of future elected officials and bureaucrats. This is a multi political party problem.

There is also Glass company in China that employes 5000,00 people that has gotten in trouble financially in these past few years. The China government went in and took over this company and basically told the stock holders to pound sand. Does any of this sound familiar Obama done this to the GM stock holders.

The environmentalists have shutdown Coal plants and other company's and our oil exploration as they are saying we need to use other energy sources but yet they will not let any come about. We need our elected officials to change our policies on imports and exports and our regulations to allow more business to search for oil and other fuels.

Our own President Obama acted tyrannically by preventing US companies from drilling in the Gulf, yet gave $ 1 billion dollars to the Mexican oil company which drills in the Gulf. Now if you do not now believe this man is a lyre and thief of our tax money.

What WE THE PEOPLE need to do is stop purchases China's goods and other foreign countries. You Americans need to contact your elected officials to re-look at our importing from enemies or communist. This nation needs to rewind the its memory and get back to making things for yourself or MANUFACTURING WITH OUT UNIONS!

Also we have, Chavez was somewhat vague as to the reason for the expropriation, saying that Owens-Illinois, which has operated in Venezuela for over fifty years, accusing it of environmental damage and exploiting its workers, but really, any good socialist will say that about basically any company – they are inherently against symbols of capitalism like foreign-owned corporations.

This guy Chavez has seized assets of a steel maker Sidor, cement company(CEMEX) and Exxon-Mobil. There has been 195 companies seized by this communist this year. This is in the making of him hating capitalism. He may boast on taking these companies today or this year but in the near future they will be only an empty broke down plants. So you keep going Chavez you are only helping yourself not your country or your people. This is the way of the global socialist – death to any and all business above the level of corner store, and even they must have the proper permits. The Western investors better watch where they put their money.

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