Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama in 1998 saying it would be good "TRICK" to redistribution

by Christopher Hessman

If this Presidents words are true about "Redistribution" why not give every American 150,000 to pay off their debts and get ahead.  This would fair in his own terms...see how fast he redefines what he means.    Listen to this speech from Obama in 1998.   Here is the video of Barack Obama advocating for more “redistribution” at a Loyola University conference in 1998 this is the same conference in which Obama told the audience he would have voted against welfare reform.  Perhaps these days it matter less — or not at all — but anyone using the word “redistribution” in 1998 knew exactly what it meant to most people. Redistribution of wealth is not about improving public services but rather transferring wealth from one class to another. The flaw in Obama’s talk, one that is at the core of Obama’s rhetoric and thinking, is that our society needs to redistribute wealth to make life more fair, rather than grow wealth to make more of us prosperous.  There can not be a double standard with our candidates for President of these United States.  They all should be vetted and all information should be shown if there is nothing to hid.  Clinton was President when this speech was made.  Now I want to make one thing clear...Democrat's have mad this situation to were American's have had to become dependent on the Government.  Republican's (Conservatives) want to put American's back to work and put our home "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" back on TOP!!!  

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Our country will not survive another four years of this Presidents rage against what America is and what she stands for.  This President must not be re-elected...if you were doing his job in the real world you would be FIRED.    So Mr President in 2012 "WE THE PEOPLE" say your FIRED!

Here is a video that will BLOW your mind:

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