Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Obama annouced to soon killed intelligence gathering after Osama bin Laden was killed

By Christopher Hessman

While SEAL Team Six was moving in for the kill on Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama was golfing. The allegation is one of many startling revelations in a new book on the mission that killed the world’s most wanted terrorist.   Our commander and chief was playing golf to for cover if the op went bad, what a sad President.  These are some bullet points to the mission that took place.  Do you really believe the President and the news or do you believe the navy seals story in this new book “SEAL Target Geronimo: The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama bin Laden”
If you take the 911 attacks and all the things going on over history it was our government that put these people in place and than when done with them called them tyrants and they need to go.  You better wake up America because you are being conditioned to be taken over by your government and we are slowly becoming a police state (TSA) is federal police in your states today.  What will come tomorrow if you have figured it out yet it would be the "NEW WORLD ORDER".    Do your own research and put the dots together for yourselves.
  • Bin Laden was not referred to just as “Geronimo” in the raid but also “Bert” as in Bert and Ernie from the Muppets. Bin Laden deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri was Ernie.
  • When the SEALs burst into bin Laden’s room, his wife screamed, “No, no, don't do this . . . it’s not him!”
  • Bin Laden would have been captured if he had surrendered.
  • Bin Laden had a gun next to him when SEALs entered his room.
  • Four shots were fired as bin Laden shoved his wife at the raiders: One missed, one grazed his wife, one struck bin Laden in the chest, and the other hit him in the head.

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