Monday, June 6, 2011


Help Us Get 1 Million Signatures to Congress!

(As part of this petition’s successfulness we ask that you forward it to at least 5 of your friends and family to get as many signatures as we can! )
Obama and Liberal Democrats in Congress have pushed mandatory, government-run healthcare on Americans, forcing us into a socialistic system like that of Canada or Europe. Most Americans will no longer be able to keep the insurance they have. Instead, Americans face the reality of impending transfer from private health care to a government-run health plan. The vast majority of Americans reject government-run health care because they know it will reduce the quality and increase the cost of health care, stifle innovation, force the rationing of health care, and deprive us of an important part of our freedom. Nor can our country afford to go deeper in debt to pay for this new program. Obamacare will help dig a deeper financial hole from which our children and grandchildren will never be able to climb out.
Thanks to the 2010 election we have a new Congress, but it is not nearly as conservative as it should be, nor as conservative as it needs to be to repeal Obamacare. Although the House of Representatives did vote for repeal, the Senate has effectively shelved the repeal. We want to collect 1 million signatures demanding that this Congress repeal the unconstitutional “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” signed by President Obama. We don’t want the conservatives to cave under intense pressure from the media, so let your voice be heard.
Petition to Take the Bill to Repeal Obamacare Off the Table and Vote to Repeal This Unconstitutional Monstrosity
We, the great majority of the American people, are deeply disappointed with, and offended by the decision of the majority of the U.S. Senate to table H.R. 2, “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”, the bill passed by the House of Representatives to repeal the unconstitutional “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” unpopularly known as “Obamacare.” Because Obamacare will reduce the quality and increase the cost of healthcare, stifle medical innovation, discourage people from going into the healthcare field, force the rationing of healthcare procedures, and increase our national deficit and debt, Obamacare is highly unwise and foolish policy. Because it is not based on any power delegated to Congress in the Constitution, violates the Constitution’s guarantee of the equal protection of the laws, and militates against the liberty which is the fundamental principle and purpose of our Constitution, Obamacare is unconstitutional.
The action of the Senate in protecting Obamacare by the device of tabling H.R. 2, “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act” is unconscionable.
We therefore urge you to take a stand for the American people against this outrageous and misnamed healthcare plan: vote to take “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act” off the table, and pass this crucial legislation to protect our healthcare and our freedom.
I, the undersigned citizen of the United States, do call upon all members of the United States Senate to take the House bill for the repeal of Obamacare, H.R. 2, “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act” off the table, and then vote to pass that bill and repeal the ruinous, unconstitutional “Obamacare” law.


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