Friday, October 7, 2011

Europe and their debt causing Euro crisis and fall of Banks

By Christopher Hessman

Greece should stay in the euro-zone is the easy part. The more important questions, however, are these: Does Germany believe a Greek default inevitable? And, is Germany preparing a plan to manage such a default in the weeks ahead?   No European leader has yet explained how Greece, with no growth, can escape a debt burden that is approaching 370bn euros (£320bn). Even 60% of Greeks believe a default is coming.  It really looks like Europe needs to put its feet down firmly and get ready for multiple countries heading for default. 

In these next few years Europe is going to collapse and go through total shutdown and civil unrest.  Germany is at this point holding up the euro at some point that support will fail and Germany will look to go back to its own currency dutch-mark.  As the stronger countries try to hold up Europe the weaker and larger economies and their debt are now making a bad situation worse, look back at Italy.   Italian government's credit rating has been slashed by Moody's from Aa2 to A2 with a negative outlook.  The ratings agency blamed a "material increase in long-term funding risks for the euro area", due to lost confidence in eurozone government debts.  Similar cuts in the credit rating of Italy's banks, which would put severe pressure on their ability to borrow.  

I am telling everyone in Europe your banks are in trouble and your heading into a total melt down.  The Eur ozone debt crisis is turning into a banking crisis as a large European bank, Dexia, is in talks with France and Belgium about a rescue, amid fears it will run out of cash.  Save want money you have and get back up food and water, the days of rescue are over you must save yourself and your family.

I will also both of the things will push a bigger dip and the repercussion will be deep recession in Europe and soon after hit the shores of the United States Of America in about 2 1/2 years after their collapse.

Once this debt problem hits the US it will slam us also into collapse and with in this 2 1/2 years will make most Americans outraged and civil unrest.  Our government is or has been looking at these things for years and are getting ready for "MARSHALL LAW" and killing millions of Americans in this transition of a new United States Of America and how we all will live or die.  There will be famine and those nations that are already in these stages will all Parrish because, of being total cut off from  water and food.  As the US and its citizens go through this transition will be hard and long change and great loss.  If you do not believe me look at the recipes of coffins, body bags and other government movements to this contingency and plan.

I will give you this;  Families need to have their own contingency plans and safe zones and mapping out a plan to keep them all alive.  Start now putting food and water back for at least three months or more.   Civil unrest will come fast along with the Government!  We will be lucky if the President elections even take place before all hell brakes loose.                  May God have mercy on us.

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