Thursday, October 20, 2011

WARNING: GRAPHIC** Gaddafi 'Dead':

By Christopher Hessman

As we all were in the 19th-20th centuries when this man killed and tortured his own people, enemy's, or anyone who got in his way.   We all fill some relief that at least one of these mad men are gone.   Now his country and his people can start a new future in making a democracy of free trade and boost the status of its citizens and country.   The flip side of this is greed will another dictator just take over where he left off or will the people push for a better and different life for them and their children.  I read that he was only shot in the legs and died from that, I wonder how he got bloody on his upper torso, what to guess?  I pray now that his country does the right thing and find "PEACE" a better way.
                                   These men seem very angry now that they have killed what was in their eyes and hearts, what now will they look to kill or take over.  I truly understand what this man has done and got what was coming to him.  If this rage continues now it will through the country into civil war, because the next hearts and minds you will see will be greed and power.  Will it than start all over again?


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