by Christopher Hessman
Author's program notes. One of the great things about people, all people, but especially important people, people who made a difference, changed the world and the world's future is their oddities, their quirks, idiosyncrasies, their improbable habits, likes and aversions. They humanize the great ones of this planet and make them approachable, likable, not just historic. Amongst Vaclav Havel's many endearing traits was riding a kid's scooter through the corridors of venerable Hradcany Castle while he was the final president of Czechoslovakia (1989-1992) and then first president of the Czech Republic (1993-2003) with a fondness approaching obsession with Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones.
Thus, for openers, I have selected as the theme music for today's article "Street Fighting Man'", released in 1968. And so I give you this image, to set the stage for what follows... His Excellency the President of the Republic toodling through what were literally the corridors of power singing at the top of his voice, "The time is right for palace revolution"... a man who not only thought so... but had already done it, liberating millions. You've gotta love this man... not to mention every aspect of his astonishing life. He was a man easy to love... as his nation and the world came to know so well.
Something hard for us to imagine, essential that we know, and must never forget.
Today, whatever day you read this, you will benefit from the freedoms of your nation. You will go where you want, join the friends of your choosing, take what satisfaction you can from the job you have chosen, at least the job you voluntarily selected. You will read the publications you like, even the most advanced and incendiary. You will argue politics with a will, standing up to all, second guessing all, criticizing whatever takes your fancy and promoting whatever cause, even the least popular, with whatever ardor and effort you choose to make. You will go to what schools and institutions of learning you desire... live wherever you can afford to... and worship God where and when you like... howsoever you like. And you will take each and every one of these freedoms, all these rights, for granted; indeed, most probably you will think of none of them, so certain are you in their existence, validity and surety, for such is the nature of the world's advanced nations...
... Vaclav Havel was born into another world altogether, a world where not one of the political rights and liberalities listed above existed in any way at all... they were merely notions and words found in books smuggled in from other nations, conditions ardently desired but unavailable to anyone. And millions in the so-called Eastern Block lived this way from 1945 or tried to, for this was no life... and hardly an existence.
Geography is destiny.
What caused so many to be so confined, spied on, limited, totally subject to people whose vision extended no farther than total control, total submission, total state intrusion into every affair... and where humanity and the rights of humans were not merely suppressed, but did not exist? What caused this situation to exist? Proximity. The convenient nearness of Prague to Moscow, just 1034 miles, only about 50 miles more than the distance between New York City and Omaha. And this distance contained no insuperable mountains, no impassable deserts, no natural fortifications and formidable limitations. And so, over the course of centuries, the history of the lands of what became the Czech Republic January 1, 1993 -- Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia -- was merely a part of the history of Russia... for the great fact of the Czech people was Russia... Into this inescapable and unchangeable fact, Vaclav Havel was born October 5, 1936 when the sovereign state of Czechoslovakia authorized by the victorious allies of World War I was already facing the crisis of World War II, a crisis that gave the Soviet Union the laissez passer they needed to destroy the great and historic lands bordering the USSR and fashioning what Winston Churchill called the Iron Curtain. These were the formative events of Havel's young life... that and his lifelong love affair with, reliance on, and ability to use words to influence, enthrall, motivate, change, and transmit to the people his vision of their collective future. And you will never understand Havel until you understand that words, never power, were the most important thing to him... and of these words he was master... thereby enabling him to rise above the outrages of his life... for the words were always there when he needed them... to do what he needed them to do... for himself and the people who came to depend on him... and on them. Havel gravitated to writing and no wonder; for in a world where he had no control over his life, he could control even the most intractable and frustrating of words. In a world where the present was grim and the future despaired of, he could dream and create means for escape. And where his every thought and composition was scrutinized by bureaucrats entirely unsympathetic to the creative mind and desirous of isolating each and every one who would not conform, words offered not merely solace... but vital connection to the people who, over time, thrilled to the words, the vista they opened, and to the man who mastered and put them at the service of the nation he loved... and so escape its despondent present. In his words there were possibilities, optimism, and the magic that raises a man from the people to lead them. How could a great people not gravitate to such a man with such powers of succor and uplift?
And this the entrenched Communists of Prague, and their masters in Moscow, could never allow, and so did everything conceivable short of executing him, to ensure his life was an unending misery for in this they were the past masters... and even that execution was narrowly avoided and always a possibility.
The pivot of his thoughts.
The corpus of Havel's work, over 20 plays, articles, declarations, and many non-fiction works, was always this: that the development of the individual was antithetical to the Communist state, whatever reforms were adopted. Communism, he argued so forcefully and so well, was incompatible with human rights, and that above all else, the existence, maintenance and development of those rights was always paramount. This message was heard by all, oppressors and oppressed, with very different reactions.
And so Havel was censored, imprisoned, put in a job in a brewery he knew nothing about, called a non-person, a menace, derided as an intellectual, bribed to leave, threatened if he stayed. It was constant, systematic, barbaric, dark days which might cause even the strongest to break under the strain. He dealt with it by unfailing, indeed exquisite courtesy to all, an unending chain of the cigarettes which ultimately killed him and, above all else, with the great words which no Communist manifesto could debase, eliminate, or answer. These words faced the last great empire on earth with bravery, courage, selflessness, and with honesty, the essential attributes necessary to the destruction of Communism and its systematic attack on the best of what makes us human.
And so as the Soviet Union reeled and stumbled, Havel, made stronger by decades of challenge and ordeal, soared... each Communist government of Eastern Europe fell, the Berlin Wall fell, the very Soviet Union itself fell and Havel was, reluctantly he always said and I believe him, elevated to the presidency of his newly packaged nation.
He still remained what he had always been, an advocate for the rights of humans, all humans, which made him a prickly presence in government circles, for his love affair with the truth and the words that disseminate it never waned, whatever his high, historic office and universal recognition, honors and prestige. He had the satisfaction he needed in the words, the tools he derived from them, and the victories for humanity and the human spirit they had helped him deliver.
But I shall end, not with Vaclav Havel's words, but with a couplet from Mick Jagger's "Street Fighting Man":
"Well, then what can a poor boy do Except to sing for a rock n roll band?"
I'll answer that: he can master the power of words and change the world for the better, without a single bullet being fired, not even one.
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