Mobile marketing as we know it is dead
and gone.
Now, that may come as a shock to you…
After all, if you’ve been even slightly
interested in making money online…
you’ve probably noticed the recent plague
of offers promising you unlimited mobile
You’ve heard about the app creation game…
text marketing… and cash-sucking banner
But now… as the excitement’s dying down
and and the smoke’s starting to clear…
people are finally realizing they’ve been
Turns out this whole mobile marketing craze
isn’t as profitable as the pushers want you
to believe.
In fact, there are 5 Huge Reasons mobile
marketing may already be history.
Check out this link, where you’ll see
the undeniable evidence with your own eyes…
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On that page… there’s a shocking video
that exposes many mobile marketers for
promising a sustainable business that just
isn’t there. At least not if you do it the
way they tell you to.
The video is by a guy named Jusin Elenburg.
He’s also a mobile marketer… but it’s a
whole different mobile. Something he calls
Tap ‘N’ Talk.
And it’s where the REAL money is.
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Now… get this… he’s not even trying to
sell it to you. This video is 100% pitch-free.
Nothing to buy. No teasing… nothing.
He uses this short video to lay out the case
for this year’s flavor of mobile already
being last year’s fad. And he’s backed it up
with cold, hard, undeniable facts.
If you’ve ever wondered why the world’s
richest companies don’t bother with mobile
advertising, you’re about to discover the
But I won’t steal his thunder…
After all… he says it better than I ever
=====>>> > (to prelaunch video)
As I said… there’s absolutely nothing
for sale on that page.
All you’ll find is solid evidence and a ton
of brutally enlightening facts, such as…
*Why the average affiliate marketer is racing
toward a concrete wall of failure at 100 miles
per hour…
*Five undeniable reasons you’ll never make
another penny with old-school mobile…
*How Justin managed to “supercharge” the old
mobile marketing systems to rake in an amazing
six-figure income (and more than a $124,000
in a single month)…
…plus a hell of a lot more.
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One thing though…
You really have to check this out right away.
Because for reasons Justin reveals in the
video… this is definitely time-sensitive
But that shouldn’t matter to you… since
anyone truly serious about making a six-figure
online income will at least want to
hear what this guy has to say.
See you there,
Christopher Hessman
P.S. Remember… there’s absolutely nothing for
sale in this video. Take a look for yourself,
and tell me I’m wrong…
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