Friday, March 2, 2012

Barack Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate Appears To Be A Forgery! The American People Demand A Congressional Investigation!

TO: The Members Of The Republican Leadership Of The United States Senate And The United States House Of Representatives: The Hon. Mitch McConnell, The Hon. John A. Boehner, The Hon. Eric Cantor, The Hon. Jon Kyl, The Hon. Kevin McCarthy, The Hon. Jeb Hensarling
Christopher Hessman/Indpls-IN
RE: Barack Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate Appears To Be A Forgery! The American People Demand A Congressional Investigation!

After accepting testimony from acknowledged and impartial computer graphics experts and law enforcement experts, a Cold Case Posse based out of Maricopa County, Arizona has come to the shocking conclusion that the Long Form Birth Certificate that Barack Obama released on the Internet is a computer-generated forgery.

The implications of these findings are obvious. Not only is there a distinct possibility that Barack Obama is not eligible, under the Constitution, to serve as President of the United States, but it is well within the realm of possibility that Barack Obama may have participated in a criminal conspiracy to fraudulently usurp the office of President of the United States and conceal his ineligibility from the American people.

In spite of the ridicule, in spite of the attempts to dismiss those who are not satisfied as "conspiracy theorists" and in spite of the deafening silence on the part of the media, polls continue to show that at least a large plurality of Americans (and a clear majority of Republicans) doubt that Mr. Obama is eligible, under the Constitution, to serve as President of the United States and want this issue resolved once and for all.

Too many questions remain unanswered. Why did Team Obama spend as much as two million dollars to thwart legal efforts to compel him to release his actual birth certificate? Why was the birth certificate he eventually released doctored? Who actually doctored this document and why? Is Barack Obama eligible to serve as President of the United States and is there, in fact, a criminal conspiracy to conceal his ineligibility from the American people?

The findings of the Cold Case Posse are a game changer. You can no longer stick your heads in the sand. Continuing to ignore this issue will not make it go away. No amount of ridicule is going to make this issue go go away. No amount of media silence is going to make this issue go away. The American people want the truth and are entitled to know whether the man occupying the Oval Office is a fraud and a usurper or if he is indeed eligible to occupy the office he now holds! If you continue to ignore this issue, don't be shocked if the American people ignore you at the polls in November!

Christopher Hessman/Inpls-IN

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