Monday, March 19, 2012

End Targeted Energy Tax Credits

The government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers.  Selectively providing tax credits is a manipulation of the free market and a huge part of government corruption.  Selective energy tax credits have artificially propped up failed energy markets for decades, dis-incentive's exploration and investment in real solutions that are left at a competitive disadvantage because they lack the advantages of tax credits.  
The Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act of 2011 (HR 3308) eliminates the practice of targeted subsidies.  Creating an um-manipulated, competitive free market is the best way to encourage American ingenuity to solve our growing energy crisis.  The passage of the Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act of 2011 will create a market where failure and success of an energy company is based on merit instead of their ability to lobby for special subsidies in Congress. 

Besides other groups supporting the Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act include Heritage, Americans For Prosperity, Americans For Tax Reform, and many others!
If you believe in the power of a free market, help us level the energy playing field by demanding that your elected representatives support the Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act of 2011 (HR 3308).
 STOP-Going with the flow and do your JOBS! Serve and Protect.  Your first and for most duty is to this country and its future and our safety.  Not for your power over us and our economy.

To the United States Of America,

Christopher Hessman

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