President Barack Obama will urge his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas to drop a bid for UN recognition of statehood later on Wednesday. President in all his middle east policy has brought us as the United States and the world at a presser-pus in history and end of times. This President has not been a leader for us as a nation or a leader for the world. He is now only trying to clean up a mess he made last year, which his statements put this whole mess into motion. Again, President Obama is now in re-election mode for candidate Obama for 2012. Now President Obama is going only in these final hours before the UN meeting to rise to agree with Israel and their views to and now trying to direct talks that last year he failed to get done or accomplish. He now has stated he will move to veto if the Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas take this forward in trying to get a Palestinian state.
Of course President Obama would come under fire from the Republican candidates. Texas Governor Rick Perry said: "The Obama policy of moral equivalency, which gives equal standing to the grievances of Israelis and Palestinians, including the orchestra-tor's of terrorism, is a dangerous insult."
I hope Republicans keep up the pressure to bring out all this Presidents failures and damage he has done in the past three years to the United States Of America. They need to remind voters all the Democrats deals that were done in back rooms and closed doors. How the President has circumvented the congress to put things in place to hurt business and the middle class.
President Obama should be put in the "HOT SEAT", federal investigations on all dealings he has done and the Federal Reserve should be made to audit by private firm answer only to congress. President Obama is nothing more than a criminal and a crook. If any Republican President done what he has done would have already been impeached by the Democrat's. So you go Rick, I hope you will pick Sara Palin to run along with you if she doesn't get in against you for President. Maybe she will ask you to be her running mate.
Give the American People what he know and let us hear it over and over in all avenues of media to get the Republican platform out and understood.
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