Dear Mr. Speaker and Congress Members,
" We The People", will not stand for this continued assault on us. You all have taken an oath of office to serve and protect from our enemies foreign and domestic now GET ON YOUR FEET AND STAND YOUR POST!!!!! You must act and we mean now, STOP STOP STOP!!!!!! this President from attacking our freedoms!
The time is short. We have possibly less than 60 days for you, Congress, to act.
It is your constitutionally-mandated job to oversee the Federal Communications Commission.
Yet, they are providing new rules and regulations to Internet service providers, as well as me, the Internet user. This is an invasion of my privacy.
My Internet freedoms are guaranteed under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Yet, the FCC sees it much differently.
PLEASE, use your oversight powers to stop the federal government expansion and advance over my freedoms. NO federal bureaucrat can intrude upon my right to the Internet.
Three federal government judges have already ruled that Internet freedoms should be treated the same as "Freedom of the press."
Not only am I against "government over-reach," but my constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms must be upheld. Please look into this very important matter that every American is genuinely concerned about, while there is still time.
Thank you,
Christopher Hessman
Tax Payer!
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