This ebook includes 101 backend marketing offers. It lists you all kinds of special backend offers you could create to increase your sales after your prospect takes a certain action. And you could also use them for front end sales too. Plus, it gives you many different ideas for free bonuses that will help influence people to buy instantly.
1) You could present a 'subscriber only' offer to people after they subscribe to your ezine. Research suggests, you might persuade them to buy faster by giving them a bonus info guide.
2) You might market a 'final cutback' deal to your prospects after they play your online game. In one respect, you could allure them to purchase easier by offering them free graphics.
3) You can advertise an 'upsell offer' to your visitors after they buy your ebook. Results show you can alter them to order quicker by awarding them a no cost report.
4) You should promote a 'price drop' sale to your leads after they enter in your sweepstakes. After further review, you can appeal to them to invest comfortably by granting them a bonus coupon.
5) You could endorse a 'downsell offer' to people after they sign up to your ecourse. As a general rule, you might arouse them to pay successfully by rewarding them a free checklist.
6) You might plug a 'inventory clearance' sale to your prospects after they learn your training. I has been said, you could assert them to spend money securely by furnishing them a no cost webinar.
7) You can launch a 'one-time' offer to your visitors after they order your report. Let it be said, you should assure them to shop confidently by providing them with a bonus ebook.
8) You should pitch a 'price reduction' sale to your leads after they study your resources. It's safe to say, you can attract them to buy effortlessly by citing them a free teleseminar.
9) You could release a 'limited time offer' to people after they register for your teleseminar. The research shows you might persuade them to purchase swiftly by issuing them a no cost consulting.
10) You might publicize a 'price hike warning' offer to your prospects after they volunteer for your expertise/service. From time to time, you could bend them to order rapidly by rendering them some bonus backlinks.
11) You can propose a 'gift wrapping/dropshipping 'special to your visitors after they purchase your software. As you will see, you can bribe them to invest now by supplying them with free training.
12) You should suggest a 'make your money back' affiliate deal to your leads after they donate you a gift. Surely, you can bring about them to pay in seconds by handing them no cost content.
13) You could introduce a 'special' deal to people after they enroll in your webinar. It seems likely you might bring them to spending money in minutes by serving them a bonus seminar ticket.
14) You might recommend a 'buy one get one free' deal to your prospects after they comment on your blog. Common sense tells us you could budge them to shop instantly by presenting them a free add on product.
15) You can present an 'add on' offer to your visitors after they spend money on your script. If memory serves, you should cajole them to buy immediately by extending them no cost resell rights.
16) You should market a 'multiple product pass' offer to your leads after they observe your webcam. What is significant is you can captivate them to purchase fast by advancing them bonus master rights.
17) You could advertise an 'affiliate product recommendation' to people after they pick up your graphics. In a similar manner, you might cause them to order speedily by tendering them a free article archive.
18) You might promote a 'buy through my affiliate link bonus' deal to your prospects after they research your offer. In simple terms, you could influence them to invest promptly by dispensing them no cost private label rights.
19) You can endorse a 'freebie' offer to your visitors after they get your web site templates. Generally speaking, you should charm them to pay soon by giving them bonus brandable rights.
20) You should plug an 'affiliate contest' promotional offer to your leads after they visit your blog. To be specific, you can coach them to spend money right now by offering them free e-class.
21) You could launch an 'upgrade' offer to people after they acquire your book. As things stand now, you might coax them to shop in a flash by awarding them a no cost membership.
22) You might pitch an 'affiliate product rebate' offer to your prospects after they explore your free excerpts. It is widely stated, you could command them to buy quick by granting them a bonus workshop.
23) You can release a 'deluxe offer' to your visitors after they pay for your e-report. What is striking, you should condition them to purchase pronto by rewarding them with free forum access.
24) You should publicize a 'all fees waived' offer to your leads after they preview my sales letter. Studies show you can convince to them to order right away by furnishing them with buyer only instant affiliate commissions.
25) You could propose an 'early bird' offer to people after they obtain your DVD. New findings suggest you might convert them to invest at once by providing them a bonus ecourse.
26) You might suggest a 'customer only sweepstakes/contest' to your prospects after they review your PLR products. I submit that you could convince them to pay momentary by citing them free surprise bonuses.
27) You can introduce an 'also try deal' to your visitors after they grab your CD. The proof suggests you should direct them to spend money on the double by issuing them a no cost video.
28) You should recommend a 'product updates' upgrade offer to your leads after they give you an opinion on your business. Supposedly you can draw them to shop today by rendering them mystery bonuses.
29) You could present a 'pre-order offer' to people after they join your membership site. The one thing for sure is you might drive them to buy at his moment by supplying them with a free audio.
30) You might market a 'hard copy' version upsell offer to your prospects after they check out your MLM program. It is no surprise that, you could cause them to purchase in a minute by handing them a no cost installation.
31) You can advertise a 'hot bargain' deal to your visitors after they spring for your guide. I suspect that you should enchant them to order now by serving them a bonus excerpt.
32) You should promote a 'resell rights upgrade' offer to your leads after they confirm your subscription. The best I can tell is you can encourage them to invest here and now by presenting them a free JV program.
33) You could endorse a 'percent off' discount sale to people after they deal for your checklist. A couple people state that you might energize them to pay on this day by extending them a no cost trial.
34) You might plug a 'private label rights backend' offer to your prospects after they opt in to your free trial. Some theorize you could enlist them to spend money at the present moment by advancing them a bonus 100% commissions.
35) You can launch a 'dollar amount discount' sale to your visitors after they bid on your antique. At this time, you should entice them to buy in a second by tendering them a free sample.
36) You should pitch a 'pay no sales tax' offer to your leads after they take your class. It is true that you can entrap them to buy shortly by dispensing them a no cost resource list.
37) You could release a 'dime sale' offer to people after they take your survey. Week to week, you might escort them to purchase in the future by giving them a bonus newsletter.
38) You might publicize a 'donate a percentage of profits to charity' sale to your prospects after they accept your present. In all truth, you could excite them to order ASAP by offering them a free stories.
39) You can propose a 'fire sale' offer to your visitors after they try your resell rights. As it turns out, you can attract them to invest timely by awarding them a no cost software.
40) You should suggest an 'accept the competition's price' sale to your leads after they sign up to my affiliate program. It is my understanding you can fascinate them to pay suddenly by granting them bonus transcripts.
41) You could introduce a 'take way bonuses' deal to people after they shop for your offline product. Usually, you might force them to spend money without thinking by rewarding them with free articles.
42) You might recommend a 'only (no.) left' sale to your prospects after they become your social friend/follower. The prevailing view is you could get them to shop acceptably by furnishing them a no cost product critic.
43) You can present a 'today-only' offer to your visitors after they promote your product. The way it stands, you should get them to buy objectively by providing them a bonus booklet.
44) You should market a 'product retiring forever' sale to your leads after they publish your article. Along the way, you can govern them to purchase without hesitation by citing them a free photo gallery.
45) You could advertise a '7 day trial offer' to people after they market your web site. By way of thinking you might guide them to order plentifully by issuing them a no cost classified ad.
46) You might promote a 'deferred billing sale' to your prospects after they beta test your program. Once in awhile, you could hearten them to invest accordingly by rendering them a bonus sneak preview.
47) You can endorse a 'holiday sale' to your visitors after they advertise your service. The plain truth is you should hook them hypnotically to pay by supplying them a free coaching.
48) You should plug a 'low beta test price' offer to your leads after they invest in your transcripts. As a whole, you can hound them to spend money without procrastination by handing them a no cost interview.
49) You could launch a 'birthday' sale to people after they link to your web site. Word has it that you might hypnotize them to shop simultaneously by serving them with bonus distribution rights.
50) You might pitch a 'volume pricing' sale to your prospects after they fetch your tutorial. Worthy of note is you could incite them to buy emotionally by presenting them a free future bonus.
51) You can release a 'warning ends soon' offer to your visitors after they participate in your forum. It is self evident that you can incline them to currently purchase by extending them no cost email consolidation.
52) You should publicize an 'anniversary' sale to your leads after they take your poll. An obvious fact is you can induce them to order on clue by advancing them a bonus MLM program.
53) You could propose an 'urgent product' will disappear offer to people after they become member of chat room. Occasionally, you might inflict them to invest progressively by tendering them free email support.
54) You might suggest a 'wholesale' price offer to your prospects after they back link to your site. On occasion, you could influence them to pay eventually by dispensing them no cost counseling.
55) You can introduce an 'auction running out of time' offer to your visitors after they download your app. Every so often, you should inspire them to spend money gladly by giving them a bonus ezine.
56) You should recommend a 'introductory' price sale to your leads after they look at your interview. Speaking objectively, you can inspirit them to shop faithfully by offering them free audio version.
57) You could present a 'software/script installation' upsell offer to people after they give away your demo. To make it simple you might interest them to buy at will by awarding them a no cost article submissions.
58) You might market a 'pre-release' offer to your prospects after they index your submission. In my opinion, you could justify them to purchase adoptively by granting them a bonus video version.
59) You can advertise a 'last chance markdown' sale to your visitors after they submit you an article. Make the point that you should launch them to order openly by rewarding them with a free gift.
60) You should promote a 'vip joint venture partner' offer to your leads after they post comment to your blog. All the factors being equal, you can lead them to invest faithfully by furnishing them a no cost pdf.
61) You could endorse a 'easy pay option' deal to people after they invest in your coaching. As it stands, you might lure them to pay subconsciously by providing them a bonus gift certificate.
62) You might plug a 'customer only' membership offer to your prospects after they read your press release. Others insist that you could magnetize them to spend money logically by citing them with a free web site critic.
63) You can launch a 'one click upsell' deal to your visitors after they access your sample. For the most part, you can manage them to shop instantly by issuing them a no cost web cam access.
64) You should pitch 'a technical support extension' offer to your leads after they refer friend. In particular you can maneuver them to buy encouragingly by rendering them with bonus 2 tier commissions.
65) You could release a 'name your own price sale' to people after they enlist in your newsletter. Past experience tells us you might motion them to purchase directly by supplying them a free lesson.
66) You might publicize a 'personal consulting' upgrade offer to your prospects after they tell their friends about your freebie. It can be reasonably stated you could motivate them to order rationally by handing them no cost affiliate forums.
67) You can propose a 'rollercoaster pricing' sale to your visitors after they list your advertisement. At this period in time, you should move them to invest inspiringly by serving them with a bonus DVD.
68) You should suggest a 'going out of business' sale to your leads after they publicize your news story. Given my perspective you can negotiate them to pay now by presenting them a free physical backup copy.
69) You could introduce a 'price cut' sale to people after they enter their email address. At some point, you might persuade them to spend money unthinkably by extending them no cost personal help.
70) You might recommend a 'continuity program' offer to your prospects after they open a support ticket. I'm quick to point out you could plead them to shop by on clue by advancing them bonus templates.
71) You can present a 'countdown counter' sale to your visitors after they answer your questionnaire. It is my position that you should pilot them to buy gratefully by tendering them some free publicity.
72) You should market a' limited time offer' to your leads after they install your toolbar. Practically thinking, you can produce them to purchase wholeheartedly by dispensing them with a no cost web site replica.
73) You could advertise a 'increasing price counter' sale to people after they fill in your contact information. To be precise, you might prompt them to order reassuringly by giving them a bonus reprint rights products.
74) You might promote a 'become my friend/follow' offer to your prospects after they copy and post your software code. The premise of the matter is you could propel them to invest justifiably by offering them with a free beta version.
75) You can endorse a 'quantity countdown counter' sale to your visitors after they enter your contest. Presently, you should provoke them to pay surely by awarding them a no cost tools.
76) You should plug a 'live event' upsell offer to your leads after they buy through your affiliate link. I presume that you can pull them to spend money optimistically by granting them a bonus app.
77) You could launch an 'extra bonuses added' offer to people after they apply for your job position. The principle view is you might push them to shop consciously by rewarding them a free text version of your product.
78) You might pitch a text to audio/video upgrade offer to your prospects after they give away your brandable report. In realistic terms, you could reassure them to buy impulsively by furnishing them with a no cost demo.
79) You can release a 'make a deal discount' sale to your visitors after they request your consulting. For clarification purposes, you should regulate them to purchase steadfastly by providing them a bonus subscription.
80) You should publicize a 'live affiliate party' invite offer to your leads after they fill in their profile. For purposes of analysis you can seduce them to order in the near future by citing them a free certification license.
81) You could propose a 'customer only' discount to people after they snatch up your booklet. Without question, you might shift them to invest outwardly by issuing them no cost tech support.
82) You might suggest 'a meet me in person' offer to your prospects after they distribute your video trailer. Not surprisingly, you could slide them to pay without thinking by rendering them a bonus mastermind session.
83) You can introduce a 'free trial offer' to your visitors after they view your demonstration. At any rate, you should spur them to spend money validly by supplying them with free telephone consulting.
84) You should recommend a 'get my personal cell number' offer to your leads after they forward you a testimonial/success story. The reality is you can steer them to shop instantaneously by handing them a no cost brainstorm session.
85) You could present a 'low cost trial' offer to people after they watch your video. Some people say, you might stimulate them to buy without fear by serving them with bonus advertising.
86) You might market a 'use my promotional material/site' upgrade offer to your prospects after they tell their list about your web site. A striking fact is you could stir them to purchase without pulling back by presenting them with a free business tour.
87) You can advertise a 'extended guarantee deal' to your visitors after they listen to your podcast. I have every reason to believe you can sway them to order persuasively by extending them a no cost contest entry.
88) You should promote a 'resell rights of live seminar video' offer to your leads after they trade banner ads. Reasonably thinking you can swing them to invest unwaveringly by advancing them a bonus swipe file.
89) You could endorse a 'double your money back guarantee' offer to people after they barter your product/service. For a variety of reasons you might tempt them to pay at the drop a hat by tendering them with a free sweepstakes entry.
90) You might plug a 'barter/trade/swap something' offer to your prospects after they hear your presentation. I venture to say, you could trigger them to spend money decisively by dispensing them a no cost podcast.
91) You can launch an 'extend warranty' deal to your visitors after they read your lesson. Recent findings indicate you should turn on them to shop indulgently by giving them bonus lifetime updates.
92) You should pitch a 'promote for free' product offer to your leads after they swap email ads. In recent years, you can twist them to buy without thinking twice by offering them a free prewritten information.
93) You could release an' affiliate program upgrade' offer to people after they see your picture or photo. A recent study found you might uplift them to purchase religiously by awarding them with a no cost affiliate program.
94) You might publicize a 'tour of my business upgrade' offer to your prospects after they joint venture with your. Most significantly, you could urge them to order unquestionably by granting them a bonus search engine submission.
95) You can propose a 'bill me later' offer to your visitors after they study your course. Upon reflection, you should usher them to invest sufficiently by rewarding them a free contact rolodex.
96) You should suggest a 'future upgrade' product version upsell to your leads after they pay for your workshop. As I recollect, you can warrant them to pay receptively by furnishing them with a no cost trial offer.
97) You could introduce a 'scratch and dent sale' to people after they reserve your seminar set. It is worth remarking you might wear on them to spend money painlessly by providing them with a bonus CD.
98) You might recommend a 'older product trade in' deal offer to your prospects after they receive your tools. Reviews suggest you could win over them to shop lightening fast by citing them with a free upgrade.
99) You can present a 'rebate' deal to your visitors after they sing up to your JV program. Always remember, you should wow them to buy without a doubt by issuing them a no cost video brochure.
100) You should market a 'uncut/uncensored version' upgrade to your leads after they pre-order your product package. A closer look reminds us you can yield them to purchase repeatedly by rendering them with a bonus service.
101) You could advertise a 'if you like this, try this too' offer to people after they listen to your audio. I can clearly state you might convince them to order without risk by supplying them with free case studies.
About the Author
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Services include home business training, affiliate marketing training, earn-at-home programs, traffic tools, advertising, webcasting, hosting, design, WordPress Blogs and more. Find out why Worldprofit is considered the # 1 online Home Business Training program by getting a free Associate Membership today. Republished with author's permission by Christopher Hessman is the Owner of <a href=""></a>. Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out Millionaire Society ->
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