The country will aim for 70 percent of its weaponry to be "modern" by 2020, Defense Minister Anatol y Sverdlovsk said, according to RIA-Novosti, the state-run news agency. Former President Boris Yeltsin announced in the early 1990s that Russia would replace its conscript army with a professional force by 2010, Langton said -- a target it has come nowhere close to meeting. Modernization foundered on Russia's need to bring in money by exporting arms, rather than using the products of its military-industrial complex itself; opposition from entrenched interests in the Ministry of Defense, which opposed downsizing; and in the face of a national security strategy that focused on conflicts like the two Chechen wars. Former President Vladimir Putin staked his popularity in the late 1990s on winning the second war with the restive Chechnya, Langton observed. Medvedev, too, wants to promote pride in the country's military, the analyst said, but has a "more nuanced approach" than his predecessor, who remains influential as prime minister. Russia expressed interest in using Cuban airfields during patrol missions of its strategic bombers, Russia's Interfax news agency reported.
"There are four or five airfields in Cuba with 4,000-meter-long runways, which absolutely suit us," Maj. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev told Interfax. Zhikharev, who is the chief of staff of the Russian Air Force's long-range aviation, said, "If the two chiefs of state display such a political will, we are ready to fly there."
Zhikharev also told Interfax that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has offered a military airfield on La Orchila island as a temporary base for Russian strategic bombers.
Russia maintains a stockpile of 18,000 to 20,000 tactical nuclear weapons -- that’s in addition to approximately 8,000 big, strategic nuclear weapons. Other estimates put the total number of nuclear weapons at between 30,000 and 50,000.
Russia has been deploying the ICBM Topol -M (SS-27), a missile that is both mobile (making it harder for us to hit) and orbital (goes into orbit) before hitting its target.”
[ EYE OPENER: The US has no strategic weapons that are either orbital or mobile.]
"Russia is the only power with the capacity to destroy the United States.
This latest development comes despite comments made last year by Abkhazia's leader that his territory would not be hosting Russian military bases. "There will be no new bases," Sergei Bagapsh told Russia's Novosti news agency, adding that Russia's Black Sea Fleet will not be based in the republic either.
"Only units of Russia's ground forces that have always been based here will continue to be stationed in Abkhazia," he said. Russia's Black Sea Fleet is currently based in the port of Sevastopol which belongs to Ukraine -- another former Soviet state which, like Georgia, aspires to NATO membership.
The fleet is due to leave Ukraine for good in 2017, in line with a 20-year lease deal signed in 1997. However, Russia's diplomats and military have said they want the fleet to stay at its traditional home base
If Japan sees the threat, why can not our own Government see this why are we disarming while they are putting defenses all around us to reach our country. TOKYO: Japan on Wednesday branded Russia's plans to deploy anti-ship cruise missiles on disputed islands off Tokyo's northern frontier "very deplorable".
Vice-foreign ministers from the two countries met in Tokyo for a regular "strategic dialogue" to discuss ties strained by the territorial row over the Kurils that has been unresolved since World War II.
The meeting came a day after Russia's Inter-fax news agency reported Moscow was planning to deploy additional weaponry including anti-ship cruise missiles and air defenses on the disputed islands.
"Russia's military build-up on the four northern islands is totally incompatible with our country's position and it is very deplorable," Japan's top government spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, told a regular news briefing.
At the half-day diplomatic meeting, the Russian side said that the military build-up was aimed at "reducing the military manpower through modernization of weaponry. "REALLY" they are in the next 15-20 years be reading to strike they would have had time to build up and build all new weapon systems.
If you think this is all CRAZY- do your own research see what the powers at be is doing to under mind the United States and its Republic. If you Americans do not wake up and take back our country when China and Russia launch on us Nukes it will be to late. The elites will already be in their bunkers and safe. Read, get the information. War is coming in the next 15-20 years. It is to take over the US as the New GLOBALIST. Russia will be sacrificed because China will betray them. If you do not believe this you only have to listen with both ears to ALL news sources and world news. Globalist-fascist- Liberty will be lost in this next War that the elite and our own leaders of our Country is sending us to Hell. The Left has put fascism-above everything under CONTROL and regulations will cripple this nation.
READ READ READ- America has a PROBLEM. Our own President now is signing Executive orders left and right be careful America Globalist are coming to a neighbor hood near you.
Here is the List of RUSSIA'S MILITARY Build up:
South Kurile visits by Medvedev and other top officials that have
provoked the present diplomatic spat with Tokyo may have been mainly
high-level inspections to see that vast federal infrastructural
expenditures have not been all stolen, as often happens in Russia. Japan
is not a first-class priority in Russian politics or strategic
planning. The strategic build up in the Kuriles and of the Pacific Fleet
capabilities may not be aimed at Japan or China per se, but the US –
Russia’s true present number one strategic concern.
New weapons systems include directed-energy weapons, new "smart” weapons, deep penetration munitions, and electronic warfare technologies. Funding also went for the Topol-M, new tactical nuclear weapons, miniaturized nuclear weapons and seven new ballistic missile submarines.

Now let us now look over at China- Now keep in mind that Australians have sold their souls to the Chinese over all their natural resources. If War does break out in these next 15-20 years Australia will become occupied by China. Is our little troop movement is nothing more than a stunt.
The troop announcement has been widely interpreted as a symbolic counter-balance to China’s fast-growing clout and aggression in the region.
Notably, the US troops would be placed out of Chinese missile range and away from America’s traditional military posts in the region.
Related: Australians divided over more US troops Down Under.
China has saved some of its strongest rebukes for Australia for its part in agreeing to the plan. The state-run People’s Daily newspaper lambasted the scheme, warning Australian leaders against getting in the middle of a conflict.
“Australia surely cannot play China for a fool. It is impossible for China to remain detached, no matter what Australia does to undermine its security,” the paper wrote in an editorial. “If Australia uses its military bases to help the US harm Chinese interests, then Australia itself will be caught in the crossfire.”
If you just take a minute to look over these maps of the Pacific- New Zealand and Australia will be taken over by China while Russia take its first steps to hit the United States with its NEW WEAPONS to take out our power grid and hit us with nukes in top military sites. Wake up America you are under Attack from the Globalist. The ELITES WANTS A HOLD AND COMPLETE CONTROL OVER US!
We need to verify who these elites are and get them outed.
AMERICANS Better Wake UP or you will be starving and being killed by the millions when they Take over our nation and rip up the constitution. Read what the powers at be are doing Search them out.
James Madison
4th President of the United States
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