If you Americans believe our Global fascist would care that our military gets decapitated. This will take place in the years to come 15-20 years. The elite want a "New World Order". They know the only way we patriots will give in to what our founders placed in our care our "CONSTITUTION". The old phrase "take the head off the snake" is the only way we Americans will give up our Liberty is for safety after a great loss of life. Our Government will allow our military to get decapitated leaving subs and ships in port to be taken out by nukes from Russia or China. Than after the smoke clears they will say "We didn't know" and than advise what is left of America that we need to combine our forces with those around the globe and that will be the end of America as we know it. If you believe all is well, you are delusional and living with blinders on. When you wake up it will be to late, your fate is already in place. Here is another RED FLAG in the Global military build up as America dis-arms itself with all the new treaties know being signed and no one else is keeping up their end. Russia has already broken the Obama kill America tour. Our Government has taken our military from conventional war to gorilla war fair. Here is a RED FLAG China is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, in the new information in the intelligence world. This will deliver lethal effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons revealed that the arms are part of China's so-called “assassin’s mace” arsenal - weapons that allow a technologically inferior China to defeat U.S. military forces.
One has to really step back and look around the globe and wonder how Obama really is able to stay in office when it is out in the open that is Birth Certificate was a forgery. Now this was stated by his own defense attorney Alexandra M. Hill. Now also you have to be a "Natural Born Citizen" to be President so why is Obama in office when his father was said to be a native of Kenya. Let me say this again-in Obama's own book pages 214 and 215, "Dreams from My Father" which was entered into evidence. The years 1966 or 1967 that his father's history is mentioned. It states that his father's passport had been revoked and he was unable to leave Kenya. Now on June 27th, 1962, is that date on those documents. On his papers are shown as a "NON CITIZEN" of the United States. Now look this up if you do not believe me there was a court case back in 1875 Supreme Court opinion Minor Vs Happersett opinion.
To be a natural born citizen, one must have (2) parents who, at the time of the birth in question, be citizens of the United States. As Obama's father was not a citizen, the argument is that Obama, constitutionally, is INELIGIBLE to serve as President. The powers in the forth level of Government is covered up and shut down this issue, this cover up is a slap against our founders and what we Americans hold dear to our hearts which is our country and our RULES OF LAW!
Where is the district judges, Federal court Judges not even to say where is the Supreme Court I can say some or all of these Judges got the call in the middle of the night to kill it. Would this be CIA and the New World Order that has put these things in motion? Wake up America- VOTE FOR Republican our loose your LIBERTY'S!!!! Do a Google search on UN hand guns ban- Hilary Clinton and Obama are trying to disarm us the Patriots of our Founders-NEW WORLD ORDER is at Play.
Here is more did you know Obama is opening up Military contractors to China-
“We have tried to emphasize that because of China’s … extraordinary development over the last two decades, that with expanding power and prosperity also comes increased responsibilities,” Mr. Obama said as he sat side by side with Mr. Xi in the Oval Office. China now runs Obama, has he is only a puppet to the New World Order and powers at be. Wake UP PEOPLE!!
“We want to work with China to make sure that everybody is working by the same rules of the road when it comes to the world economic system, and that includes ensuring that there is a balanced trade flow between not only the United States and China but around the world,” he said.
Washington has long urged Beijing to do more to help reduce the U.S. trade deficit with China, which soared to a record US$295.5-billion in 2011, underscoring concerns in Congress about Chinese currency practices and other policies that put U.S. firms at a disadvantage.
But U.S. leverage over Beijing is limited, not least because China is America’s largest foreign creditor.
Mr. Xi, 58, in line to assume the presidency in March 2013, said he looked forward to building a “co-operative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual interests” but did not address Mr. Obama’s veiled criticism of Beijing’s policies.
Seeking to assuage China’s sensitivity to protocol, Mr. Xi was treated to an Oval Office encounter — an honor our usually reserved for closest allies — and was also visiting the State Department and Pentagon.
During a lunch at the State Department with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden, Mr. Xi said Beijing will take concrete steps to improve human rights as he admitted “there is always room for improvement.” The question should not be whether or not Xi Jinping is a good man or a
bad man, it should be , how bad is he. The Brutal Chinese Communist Party has murdered eighty million of its own people since 1949 and is now attempting the genocide of tens of millions of innocent Falun Gong
practitioners. Jinping did not get to where he is by bucking the system, he is just another gangster in a suit. Americans have forgotten the tens of thousands of their sons and fathers who died in places like
Korea and Vietnam fighting the filthy Chinese Communist
Pentagon poised to move more forces to the Pacific, including rotating units in and out of Australia. The U.S. has long provided training, equipment, assistance and a security umbrella for many of the region. With looming budget cuts that will reduce the size of the military, the U.S. is looking to South American countries to be more active global partners. This is way we should increase our defense budgets and start building new weapons. Look again at the whole picture this all makes real sense.
The three countries, said one official said, want help from the U.S. in hardening their computer networks against breaches and increasing their technological skills. The official said there is a recognition of how vulnerable they are, and they want to learn more about the nature of the threat and how to combat it.
That threat is likely to involve China, which is steadily gaining as a top trading partner and economic developer in South America. It's surpassing the U.S. in trade with Brazil, Chile and Peru, and is a close second in Argentina and Colombia.
For the first time, U.S. intelligence officials publicly called out China late last year as a significant cyber threat. While they did not directly tie attacks to the Beijing government, they said the Chinese are systematically stealing American high-tech data for their own economic gain. The unusually forceful public report seemed to signal a new, more vocal U.S. Government campaign against the cyber-attacks. Now
That China is rapidly modernizing its armed forces is not in doubt, though there is disagreement about what the true spending figure is. In the western Pacific, that would mean targeting or putting in jeopardy America’s aircraft-carrier groups and its air-force bases in Okinawa, South Korea and even Guam. The aim would be to render American power projection in Asia riskier and more costly, so that America’s allies would no longer be able to rely on it to deter aggression or to combat subtler forms of coercion. It would also enable China to carry out its repeated threat to take over Taiwan if the island were ever to declare formal independence. China’s military build-up is ringing alarm bells in Asia and has already caused a pivot in America’s defense policy. The new “strategic guidance” issued in January by Barack Obama and his defense secretary, Leon Panetta, confirmed what everyone in Washington already knew: that a switch in priorities towards Asia was overdue and under way. The document says that “While the US military will continue to contribute to security globally, we will of necessity rebalanced towards the Asia-Pacific region.” America is planning roughly $500 billion of cuts in planned defense spending over the next ten years. But, says the document, “to credibly deter potential adversaries and to prevent them from achieving their objectives, the United States must maintain its ability to project power in areas in which our access and freedom to operate are challenged.” budget has almost certainly experienced double digit growth for two decades. According to SIPRI, a research institute, annual defense spending rose from over $30 billion in 2000 to almost $120 billion in 2010. SIPRI usually adds about 50% to the official figure that China gives for its defense spending, because even basic military items such as research and development are kept off budget. Including those items would imply total military spending in 2012, based on the latest announcement from Beijing, will be around $160 billion. America still spends four-and-a-half times as much on defense, but on present trends China’s defense spending could overtake America’s after 2035. If you want to see why you should be worried look at this chart above.
Russia and China are on the move to take us out!!!!
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