Friday, January 6, 2012

Who on earth is the Mobile Money Bandit?

Dear [[firstname]],

Over $100 in just two minutes…

$124,xxx in  30 days…

And almost half a million dollars in a year…

These are the kinds of figures the Mobile
Money Bandit is pulling in left, right and center.

And when you watch the following video…
you’ll be able to access the exact step-by-step
secrets he used to do it.

Because in it… the Bandit’s holding nothing back…

He’s pretty much giving away his entire play-by-play
six-figure empire to anyone who wants it.

Check it out here:


So who exactly is the Mobile Money Bandit?

By day… he’s mild-mannered Justin Elenburg…
former U.S. Air Force mechanic and serial

But by night… he dons his mask and becomes the
Mobile Money Bandit… the citizen soldier
leading an uprising against the antiquated methods
of mobile marketing that simply don’t work anymore…

If they ever did in the first place.

Of course… every “super hero” has a remarkable
story about how they transformed from an “average
Joe” into someone with extraordinary abilities…

And the Mobile Money Bandit is no different.

But I won’t spoil it for you…

Instead, why not see it for yourself:


Thing is though… unlike your average super-hero…
the Mobile Money Bandit isn’t afraid to share his
real identity…

Nor is he hesitant about laying every single one
of his greenback-sucking tools squarely in your

In fact… if you watch the video… you’ll
see the stories of the other citizen soldiers who’ve
used his methods to pull in thousands of dollars
every month.

And talk about easy…

One of his “students” is an elderly lady who can
barely turn on a computer… yet even SHE is making
a lazy $1,500 per month (and growing).

But don’t take my word for it… see it for yourself.


If you’ve watched Justin’s previous videos… you
know he doesn’t pull any punches.

He tells it like it is… and while he’s got
countless people writing in to him to thank him for
his “missiles of truth”…

There are some wannabe super villains out there
who just don’t see it that way.

They don’t care that Justin’s new “Tap n Talk”
method is the biggest mobile marketing innovation
in the past year… or that his citizen soldiers
are already bringing in thousands of dollars each
and every month…

All they’re concerned about is that the Mobile Money
Bandit’s hard-hitting expose’ is siphoning away their
undeserved cash flow.

But you know what?

Screw them!

Because people are FINALLY starting to domobile
marketing the right way… and making some serious
cash from it.

And if you want to join their ranks… all you
have to do is watch this amazing video:


Frankly… this is by far the most informative video
presentation I’ve seen all year.

I’ve already had tons of people thank me for sharing
Justin’s first video with them… and tell me how
grateful they are for FINALLY finding a mobile income
method that actually WORKS.

As you know… it’s rare to get information in this
industry that you can apply and instantly profit from.

But that’s exactly what Justin’s delivered.

And if you don’t click on this link and check
it out right now, you’re pretty much saying
you WANT to keep struggling to make the lucrative
paydays you know you deserve…


One thing though…

If you’re planning to take a look at this video…
you’ve GOT to do it fast.

Because with the secrets the Bandit exposes in
this video… it won’t be long before he realizes
he’s giving away too much.

So if I were you… I’d head on over to the Bandit’s
website right now… and get a free look at the
life-changing strategies you can use to rake in
insane amounts of cash with a ridiculously small
amount of “work”.

See you there,

Christopher Hessman

P.S. This is not the same video you saw yesterday.
This is the continuation… It’s where Justin
(aka the Mobile Money Bandit) reveals his personal
step-by-step roadmap system that makes him
$124,xxx a month.


P.P.S. Traditional mobile marketing – hell, even
traditional AFFILIATE marketing – is a sucker’s game.
It was great a few years ago… but this is 2011…
and the things have changed completely. Yet
unscrupulous marketers are STILL pushing their
outdated methods as something new and different…
and laughing all the way to the bank while you
struggle with their “dinosaur” strategies.

Don’t let them get away with it… join forces
with the Mobile Money Bandit and fight back by
checking out his video here:


Don’t pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…

Watch the video right now by clicking on this link:


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