Friday, July 22, 2011

Democrats do not get it " NO NEW SPENDING AND CUT TAXES" Or you are out

By Christopher Hessman

If the Republicans fall for the bait and switch game again we need to clean out Washington with Tea Party candidates.  Democrats reacted angrily to reports that the White House is cutting a deal with House Republicans to boost the U.S. debt ceiling and reduce deficits by about $3 trillion over 10 years without immediate revenue increases.  See this is the problem with Liberals they always want tax increases to fix their spending of our money.  We are and have suffered enough, it is time to make no deal Republicans need to send the bill again back to the Senate and make them vote it down again.  Let the American people see who is really worried about our country's future.  President Barack Obama’s team has told congressional leaders it is pursuing such a deal, according to two officials familiar with the talks, as the White House and House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio denied one was at hand, congressional leaders were told it would enact spending reductions while calling for a future tax overhaul that could raise $1 trillion in additional revenue.

The Republicans only need to keep pushing their bills and let the Democrat's keep killing them the light will soon be on them of not putting America's best interest at heart and should be removed on re-election.
Speaker John Boehner send over a tougher tax cuts bill and cap also budget plan for faster time.  The President and the Democrat's done nothing when they had control of the House, Senate, and White House in 2 1/2 years why did they not pass a budget than?  Oh, do you remember they spent all the money we had and only now saying we need to live with in our means.  Republicans need to remember to watch the other hand of Democrats because they will change it to benefit them and blame Republicans.

                                               CUT SPENDING ACROSS THE BOARD AND

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