Friday, July 22, 2011


July 22, 2011
Dear President Obama:
Dear Representative Carson:
Dear Senator Lugar:
Dear Senator Coats:
The upcoming battle over the debt ceiling is an important moment for future generations of Americans. Allowing our children to suffer the consequences of Washington’s reckless budgeting is unconscionable.

I understand that our nation cannot default on its obligations,but if the debt ceiling is raised without addressing the underlying spending problems, it will signal to me that you are incapable of the leadership our nation so desperately needs. I understand that making spending cuts can be difficult and painful, but pray that you have the courage to make the right call. I pledge to remember your courage, or lack thereof, when the time comes again that you ask me for my vote.CUT CUT CUT-Spending, TAXES! SHRINK GOVERNMENT! Take away the Zars!!!!

 Send your letter TODAY!  Just copy and past on your email to your Reps and President!

Christopher, your letters are on the way!

Your email to President Barack Obama sent!
Your email to Rep. Andre Carson (D IN-7) sent!
Your email to Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R IN) sent!
Your email to Sen. Dan Coats (R IN) sent!

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