Saturday, July 30, 2011

House Approves Debt Bill; Democrat's in the Senate Reject the plan Two Hours Later

By Christopher Hessman

The Republicans are trying to do what is best for the country not just put a patch on it or push out past elections to save the Presidents Ass. In a display of partisanship the Republican-controlled House approved emergency legislation Friday night to avoid an unprecedented government default and Senate Democrats scuttled it less than two hours later in hopes of a better deal.

The House vote was 218-210, almost entirely along party lines, on a Republican-drafted bill to provide a quick $900 billion increase in U.S. borrowing authority — essential to allow the government to continue paying all its bills — along with $917 billion in cuts from federal spending.

President Obama with no plan of his own still sits on the side line giving LIP service to the cause to again save his ass and campaign in 2012 he stated
"We are almost out of time" for a compromise, warned President Barack Obama as U.S. financial markets trembled at the prospect of economic chaos next week. The Dow Jones average fell for a sixth straight session.

The American People want our Government to live with it means and the only way to this is with a balanced budget-amendment. Democrat's want to boost the debt limit until 2013 because election time. The debt crises was and is Presidents Problem he needs to deal with it. WE THE PEOPLE WILL BE HEARD: The Congress is doing what we want them to and so should the Senate. They have rewritten hastily overnight to say that before any additional increase in the debt limit could take place, Congress must approve a balanced budget-amendment to the Constitution and send it to the states for ratification. That marked a concession to tea party-backed conservatives and others in the rank and file who had thwarted House Speaker John Boehner's attempt to pass the bill Thursday night.

Nobody wants to see our country default but it was all the Democratic politicians in Washington in these past 3 years that put us on this downward path. I do believe President Obama whole plan is to destroy our way of living to make us all dependent on his Government. He needs to be BEATEN IN 2012 GET THE BUM OUT!

It seems the Senate Democrats rejected the measure without so much as a debate. The vote was 59-41, with all Democrats, two independents and six Republicans joining in opposition.

The People need to stand with the Republicans this is their hour of need and may GOD give them the strength to with stand the pressures and do what is best for the United States Of America. You all do your best and to what your heart tells you is true God will see the rest done.


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