Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Michelle Bachmann Health issues and serving as President WHAT?

 By Christopher Hessman

I have to again remind American's that we had another great President Ronald Reagan, 93, died at his home in California on Saturday.  Ron Reagan, who became a liberal and atheist, disappointing his dad, suggests he saw hints of confusion and "an out-of-touch president" during the 1984 campaign and again in 1986, when his father couldn't recall the names of California canyons he was flying over. Arguing his case in the book, Ron adds that doctors today know that the disease can be in evidence before being recognized. "The question, then, of whether my father suffered from the beginning stages of Alzheimer's while in office more or less answers itself,"   After leaving office, he announced his condition of Alzheimer's disease in a letter expressing his gratitude of service to the American people. About five million Americans are afflicted with the disease and there is no known cure.  There was also this information Reagan, after leaving the presidency, was bucked from a horse on July 4, 1989, while in Mexico. Ron tells of how his dad, after initially refusing medical help, was transported to a San Diego hospital. "Surgeons opening his skull to relieve pressure on the brain emerged from the operating room with the news that they had detected what they took to be probable signs of Alzheimer's disease.  How many other Presidents had health conditions while in office and we never new.

Now if you are going to say the Michelle Bachmann suffers from debilitating migraine headaches that can last for days, and some are calling for her to throw open her medical history to the public.  Are you kidding what health history is there you need to know, NONE!  If we can have a great President Like Ronald Reagan in office with Alzheimer's than I am sure the nation could live through any  of Michelle Bachmanns headaches.   Hell she probibly having them over the Obama Presidency or lack of.  You Liberals really need to focus on your LYING PRESIDENT OBAMA!  He has with the help of  Democrat leaders to push this country over the edge in just 2 1/2 years WOW, is this a record.


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