Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Should of read it before you Passed it" Democrate Scam on Americans!

President Barack Obama's lan health care law would let several million middle-class people get nearly free insurance meant for the poor, a twist government number crunchers say they discovered only after the complex bill was signed.

The change would affect early retirees: A married couple could have an annual income of about $64,000 and still get Medicaid, said officials who make long-range cost estimates for the Health and Human Services department.

You have to ask yourself this question,"how was this missed"? this is all legislation someone new about this open money pit and said nothing. Or we could also say that the senior Democratic in house and senate were involved in this scam and we the people should trough them out for not reading the bill in the first place. This law should be repealed just because we do not know what is in it. Of course the White House will down play the issue all the way to the top President Obama should also be held to this miss use of taxpayer funds for this monstrosity of a law.

Up to 3 million more people could qualify for Medicaid in 2014 as a result of the anomaly. That's because, in a major change from today, most of their Social Security benefits would no longer be counted as income for determining eligibility. It might be compared to allowing middle-class people to qualify for food stamps.

Medicare chief actuary Richard Foster said the situation keeps him up at night.

"I don't generally comment on the pros or cons of policy, but that just doesn't make sense," Foster said during a question-and-answer session at a recent professional society meeting.

I am sure the policymakers are just going to hurry to get this corrected, it is election year they are not going to push this issue until after the elections. In the mean time we tax payers will foot this bill as well. This is why Democrat's need to be held accountable for this law. This is not how we need to move our country forward out of this fiscal mess Washington got us in and worse since the since Democrats took over house and senate and really pushed up the spending to crazy amounts.

I am sure we all will hear senior Democratic lawmaker advise this was a well-meaning effort to make thing easier to who will get help with their insurance costs under the new law. Now, what they did not say is the key thing here, how would they know it was meaningful effort when their House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Health Care: "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

Not a mistake that was meant to be missed by us lower class people. I can say this also on the other side of things we the middle class people need a break this President had just about bled us dry with his social policies and give a ways.

The Congress needs to repeal this Law and just remove the boarders of healthcare by state and let everyone shop around the country for the best prices for their insurance needs. The Democrat's will scream over that because, it will remove power and give it back to the people. So take the cheap seats, sit back & listen. I hope you open your eyes and listen carefully with your ears.

You can only now begin to see why this whole Law is unconstitutional in making the states bear the blunt end of cost while the Federal Government just sells off our nation to their own means to the end (CONTROL OVER US).

Medicaid is a safety net program that serves more than 50 million vulnerable Americans, from low-income children and pregnant women to Alzheimer's patients in nursing homes. It's designed as a federal-state partnership, with Washington paying close to 60 percent of the total cost.

Early retirees would be a new group for Medicaid. While retirees can now start collecting Social Security at age 62, they must wait another three years to get Medicare, unless they're disabled.

Some early retirees who worked all their lives may not want to be associated with a health care program for the poor, but others might see it as a relatively painless way to satisfy the new law's requirement that all Americans carry medical insurance starting in 2014.

The actuary's office said the 3 million early retirees who would become eligible for Medicaid are on top of an estimated 16 million to 20 million people that Obama's law already would bring into the program, by opening it to childless adults with incomes near the poverty level. Federal taxpayers will cover all of the initial cost of the expansion.

I see this nation under GOD, WE THE PEOPLE, must come together vote back into office those who will for us not for themselves! Take back our Nation!



Obama's LIES!

Chuck Norris

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