Saturday, September 24, 2011

Obamacare New shock well they did say "pass it to find out what 's in it".

By Christopher Hessman

Well it should come to no new shock that the democrat's and the President lied through their teeth about this healthcare law.  They have so many hidden new poesy schemes in it they all should be arrested for crimes against America.  Here is the lasted out rage est thing now taking place against American's and their privacy with doctor and patient relationship.    America is learning about the federal government’s plan to collect and aggregate confidential patient records for every one of us.

In a proposed rule from Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the federal government is demanding insurance companies submit detailed health care information about their patients.

Here is the item from HHS, (See Proposed Rule:  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Standards Related to Reinsurance, Risk Corridors and Risk Adjustment, Volume 76, page 41930. Proposed rule docket ID is HHS-OS-2011-0022

The HHS has proposed the federal government pursue one of three paths to obtain this sensitive information: A “centralized approach” wherein insurers’ data go directly to Washington; an “intermediate state-level approach” in which insurers give the information to the 50 states; or a “distributed approach” in which health insurance companies crunch the numbers according to federal bureaucrat edict.

It’s par for the course with the federal government, but abstract terms are used to distract from the real objectives of this idea: no matter which “option” is chosen, government bureaucrats would have access to the health records of every American - including you.

There are major problems with any one of these three “options.” First is the obvious breach of patient confidentiality. The federal government does not exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to managing private information about its citizens.

They are being asked to provide proprietary information to governments for purposes that will undermine their competitiveness. Obama and Sebelius made such a big deal about Americans being able to keep the coverage they have under ObamaCare; with these provisions, such private insurance may cease to exist if insurers are required to divulge their business models.

Certainly businesses have lost confidential data like the federal government has, but the power of the market can punish the private sector. A victim can fire a health insurance company; he cannot fire a bureaucrat.
What happens to the federal government if it loses a laptop full of patient data or business information? What recourse do individual citizens have against an inept bureaucrat who leaves the computer unlocked? Imagine a Wikileaks-sized disclosure of every Americans’ health histories. The results could be devastating - embarrassing - even Orwellian.

With its extensive rule-making decrees, ObamaCare has been an exercise in creating authority out of thin air at the expense of individuals’ rights, freedoms, and liberties.

Why should we trust that the federal government would somehow keep all patient records confidential? In one case, a government employee’s laptop containing information about 26.5 million veterans and their spouses was stolen from the employee’s home.

There's also the HHS contractor who lost a laptop containing medical information about nearly 50,000 Medicare beneficiaries. And, we cannot forget when the USDA's computer system was compromised and information and photos of 26,000 employees, contractors, and retirees potentially accessed.

The second concern is the government compulsion to seize details about private business practices. Certainly many health insurance companies defended and advocated for the president’s health care law, but they likely did not know this was part of the bargain.

This should really wake up a lot of people to "REPEAL" this law that will kill everything we hold dear to our hearts as day by day we loose even more of the American dream democrate's can not be trusted to put America and her greatness first.  It will be with them always power and control of us and BIG GOVERNMENT.

So I say to you "We The People"  stand with me in 2012 and through all the bastards out off office just for their lye's and deceit about a few many things over the years.  The ability of the federal government to spy on, review, and approve individuals’ private patient-doctor interactions is an excessive power-grab.  We must reform Medicare/SS because if not our country will be doomed with all this spending that has gone on way to long and it is TIME TO STOP.

If you believe everything Obama and  Sebelius say about security of your private information just take a walk back in time when someone lost a government lap top, when private companies were hacked and lost private information.   Wake up people this was nothing more than big brother taking over your health and deciding who lives and dies. They can try to prevent an incident but they can not stop it.  Stand up today take back your country, take back your GOD given freedoms, take back our constitution and rule of law, we are the United States Of America.

Get a hold of your Representatives today tell them you want the Obama-care Repealed before it is to late and your dead.

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