Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hugo Chavez if Health declines had over power to whom?

By Christopher Hessman

Well it seems the doctors in Cuba have found no further malignant cells that we no of or they were allowed to release. I also say Happy Birthday to the dictator Chavez celebrating his 57th birthday on Thursday, first came to power in 1999. The people of Venezuela need to take back their country from this totalitarian dictator. When he does become to weak to serve he will only hand over power to his brother(Adam Chavez) or another family member to keep power and money with in the family its called control and greed. President Chavez has always been quick to point out that he represents the grassroots members of the PSUV he also has emphasized his poor upbringing in the hot and dusty plains of central Venezuela and his mixed ethnic background. Who, really cares about how he was raised as a young boy. It should be how is he treating his fellow man/women since his take over and his now Totalitarian of his nation of Venezuela

You the people of Venezuela just need to say NO get your freedom back, we here in the United States Of America are about to take our country back from our President and the leftist in our country in this election cycle. So as neighbors join us in our Freedom March 2012 to through the bums out. I still Pray for you and your Freedom change only comes with movement on your part.


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