Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Militia loyal to new President Alassane Ouattara continue intimidating supporters of Ex President

By Christopher Hessman

Ex-President Gbagbo is under house arrest still in the north of the country. Amnesty urged the new government to establish a clear chain of command among pro-Ouattara forces to ease tensions.

The Ex-President Gbagbo refused to accept defeat in last year's presidential elections, which were certified as legitimate by the UN. You have to stop and ask yourself why, is it the power and money he wanted or was if for the people. Come on it was the power and money is where his head is.

It is nearly three months since the end of major fighting and members of ethnic groups seen as supportive of the former president continue to report intimidation.
In reading over these stories of Africa and their many tribes does it not again come back to just being humane to your fellow man regardless of where they(he/She) came from. If the African nation could just be under one President and get local Representatives to each area to set up a government for and by the people of Africa. If the African people could elect in each area for mayors, Governors, Senators and move your country forward and just stop killing each other. Peace, Love and compassion is always the better of all evils, just stop doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result will not happen without change in your actions as a nation.

I wish GOD SPEED TO YOUR COUNTRY and Her people of Africa!

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