Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Obama's massive spending Now Republican problem Speaker advises Representives to "fall in Line"

By Christopher Hessman

If you really would like to see apples to apples to to see Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit or you can click on Link:

The House Representatives and Speaker Boehner's work to save our nation should ignore the fear mongering and lies coming out of Democrat's and President Obama with his veto threat. If these individuals had the best interest of our country first there would be no stalemate. If we all remember this quote from President Obama, "We won’t be able to bring down this deficit overnight, given that the recovery is still taking hold and families across the country still need help. … Just as it would be a terrible mistake to borrow against our children’s future to pay our way today, it would be equally wrong to neglect their future by failing to invest in areas that will determine our economic success in this new century".

The President’s budget deficit projections to the Congressional Budget Office’s budget deficit projections under current law. In other words, the policy changes embodied in President Obama’s 2011 Budget puts our country $2.5 trillion deeper in debt by 2020 than it other wise would be if current law were left unchanged.

President Obama is apparently arguing that his trillions of dollars in additional deficit spending are needed to “invest in areas that will determine our economic success in this new century.”

In the above statement goes to the core of the fundamental difference between leftists and conservatives in this country: liberals belief economic growth comes from wise investments by government experts; conservatives believe that economic growth stems from millions of Americans having the freedom to make their own economic decisions everyday.

The Democrats' plan would cut $2.2tn from deficits over the next decade, about $500bn less than had been claimed. This is the problem we need to cut 5-10 Trillions from our deficits over the next decade not Billions. I will add that if Democrats had such great plans of their own where were they when they were in power. They are the reason we are way out of sink with our debt by Trillions in 3 years of President Obama's term they spent.

It would raise the debt ceiling by $2.7tn.

Wall Street suffered its worst day in two months, as fears mounted the US would fail to authorize more borrowing.

The US risks default if the debt limit is not raised by 2 August. Will we really default or will the President decide who gets cut first than blame Republicans. We as a nation can not barrow any more money. NO NO NO CUT CUT CUT!

The federal government runs a budget deficit that topped $1.5tn (£920bn) earlier this year, and has amassed a national debt of $14.3tn.

If both houses of Government were serious they would cut taxes 5% across the board and the corporate tax down from currant rate by 5% things would get back on track with also again Trillions of dollars cut from across the whole Government budgets.

Mr Speaker keep up the faith!

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